Bill Hicks is AJ people, he’s said so before and it’s fairly obvious
Take note of all the supposed Trump/Awakening supporters who are spreading FUD and whining all over this board/the net at this very moment. At this critical, unprecedented juncture in our country and the obvious end-stage of the worldwide op, only the strongest and purest Souls will have the courage to trudge onwards and show persistence and faith to our goal—liberation & disclosure.
In other words, nut up or shut up.
Well put, ‘pede
pharma CEOs’ bank accounts need to be boosted, think of the childrens!!
Yeah my family’s stupid and useless atm too. Welcome to the club! 👊🏻
Cable TV nooz is hazardous to human brain cells.
(trump voice) some very low IQ individuals… s’true!
Switching word meanings around works very well for t h em
At this point it seems that Q is realer than my own being
That’d be swell.
Many multi-dimensional chessmasters in our midst rn, even a few celebs that aren’t total pieces of dogshit.
must be a pretty committed larp huh
Evvverything is being suppressed rn, so absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
Grimly, I must say a few months time will probably do the trick.
My uncle is one too, pretty smart ordinary guy. He’s presumably just at the lower ‘fraternity club’ level and doesn’t know the occultish esoteric stuff
Buy silver peeps
Very much so
Should’ve given them all the D
And once upon a time, ‘vaccines’ actually contained a sample of the virus in question and weren’t failed gene therapy pseudoscience science projects