You aren’t wrong.
Exactly, The common cold is a “Corona-Virus” but since normies don’t know anything and it sounds scary just lol at this clown world.
No idea what you’re on about mate?
Considering coronavirus is influenza type-b if I am not mistaken it is virtually one in the same as the common cold I can’t fathom how people have not grasped this yet.
Love Lao tzu and The Tao te Ching much better then meditations in my opinion.
Big oof.
That is the problem I experience most I am unwittingly exposed to an unnecessary amount of arguments and Differing opinions which is very seldom beneficial. I believe it is why losers will always loose and to some degree keeping to yourself provides such a fantastic peace of mind as it removes a target created by oneself for enemies to aim at wasting your time as well as energy defending foolishly.
Interesting take
I think so tbh.
Needs high energy flair.
I don’t understand how when these smaller courts could only block it in certain states how do these smaller courts appeal it over the senate...etc
I’m confused here, If the senate blocked this and osha suspended it?
It’ll go back to the Donald.
Inb4 deep state hired Baldwin to send a message
Beat me to it.
Oh, Wow. From what I can tell, Not terribly expensive.
Aussies, Absolute mad lads.
Not sure if you’re the one posting them but is very wholesome to see all the arrests that have been posted lately.
I liked the one were it talked about the phone logs being leaked before the the story came out with Kim foxx the July 14th is a good proof too. Cool to experience it happening since I missed a lot of the early ones.
I feel like I recall that user dropping a lot of bombs and I do recall him getting a lot of hate if my memory suits me.
Gotcha, That is mostly what I have been doing every once in awhile a certain headline or event will come out and I will do some digging but never in a very organized or Professional fashion and ultimately won’t really get to far sometimes the rabbit holes yield very great and Other times it doesn’t but I wanna try to take it more seriously because I am seeing more and more connections and things playing out that to me at least are far to great of a coincidence all things considered it would almost be impossible without it being true.
Hopefully, I do I am more then happy doing it for myself but would like to have some help maybe presenting it at some point since I am not good with infographics and That type of stuff.
This has to be a really low energy and Low effort troll. Just pathetic.