Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

Won't these psychos just send mothers home with an urn of dog ashes? Carry on with the actual innocent life sale of parts since the whole crematory operation would be behind a closed door that the "mother" would never want to be witness to anyway.

It is good brainstorming, but the emeny we face lacks the slightest bit of morals.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you referring to I-295 in Ancostia? I thought the beltway was I495 all around the city, hence the post. Not a local, but I-495 seems like the beltway all around the city: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_Beltway What I am talking about the beltway not actually being in DC.

Handle isn't a bar reference. A denmark bar?

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nancy can only monitor, because if the truckers stay on the beltway, they don't enter the district of columbia (not the USA) thus not entering the area of her control of the district.

Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

I.E. Ivy League parents fearful to speak out because on one hand they don't beleive this non-sense. But on the other hand, they still want their child to finish with an ivy league diploma. (although an Ivy League that believes everything other than biological science).

Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

So the only "speaker" to emerge as a face of all the US trucker convoys heading east said they would occupy the DC beltway and constrict DC like a Boa Constrictor: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/595277-truck-convoy-organizer-eyes-dc-beltway-shutdown

Ole Nancy says she is monitoring, she may not have any options?: https://greatawakening.win/p/141roAMmGa/nancy-pelosis-office-closely-mon/c/

I thoughts were curious with the first voice about any US convoy talking about only the DC beltway occupation, cut-off. Not going into downtown DC and making a proper protest like Ottawaw? Then I thought, I remember the DC beltway being huge. DC as a territory is limited and might not actually be a part of the US as we have heard. A foriegn occupied territory? A reason to not enter and "occupy" it?

If that is a possibility, then we should look where the DC beltway resides. The DC beltway, 99.99% lays in lands of Maryland and Virginia, USA states, not the disrict of columbia, part of USA or not. The slightest of a sliver of the DC beltway might exist on a bridge in the middle of the Potolmic River (just East of Alexandria): https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9316119,-77.0891344,11z?hl=en

Kind of interesting given the only US trucker voice so far has said a beltway constriction not entering the distirict..

Duck_N_Cover 7 points ago +7 / -0

So, it is on file (draft) that an option to manage this was by seizing machines and halting election "results"?

We would have all cheered that at the time. Given press coverage of 2016-2020 what do you think that would result in? Would it be hot civil war?

I was waiting with anticipation on 1/20/21 for mass arrest at inauguration. I now realize what a domestic and international mess that would have been. "See, Trump was the dictator we said he was all along" and UN and every international cabal force would be inbound to address the live insurrection..

It had to be this way. It is on record what he was considering this (machine confiscation) as an option. Seems like the best and quickest solution to us at the time. But truly think what that would have meant at the time.

Unfortunately, way too many people need to be slowly thawed out from deep slumber for a true, long lasting, fix to all of this to work. Its not ideal for those that have been waiting a long time. But it is obvious now, why certain things had to be this way.

Duck_N_Cover 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same with SDNY trying to get tax info on Trump. Years and years of haping. they have had them for months now... crickets...

Duck_N_Cover 15 points ago +15 / -0

Think of the glory if Trump's UFL replaces the knelling NFL? That would be awesome.

Duck_N_Cover 1 point ago +1 / -0

So W men preceive bullshit more than others, and then they act accordingly by cutting off the source. Sounds like a win.

Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very cool Aaron Lewis song for these times, "If I were the devil": (skip to 1:46 for song start): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vexgMOqBC_M

The Paul Harvey mololouge that the song is based on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9NoQHgjM_0

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still on the table. Just have to deal with public brainwashing before you ever address that.

Duck_N_Cover 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope and take it as: their "public" health is declining as revealed to the people now.

In reality: those jokers have been long gone. If they were ' publically' gone during the last administration, guess what would be the outrage?

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't been faced with this level of 'questionnaire ' yet. But if/when I did, I would be tempted to answer nothing. Then use any comments section to inform that I might answer if they ever sent out equal questionares that gauged how many in the company have had hiv, stds, skin rashes, tuberculosis, etc..

Duck_N_Cover 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is very interesting. We'll see how this goes as far as rapid decline. 'Public' in quotes leads to believe what comes of this hospitalization is all for show, that actions have long been dealt.

Duck_N_Cover 8 points ago +8 / -0

Come on now, this is an obvious movie moment for emphasis. The greatest seaport crisis in anyone's life time. And the federal dot secretary.. the most lgbq secretary of our time is....

(Checks notes) is on maternity leave for two months with adopted children. Not chastin, but one of our cabinet members.

These things keep popping up and I can't help to think it is white hats exposing how extremely aweful woke clown world can be if this were to go on. Hopefully this is just another awakening point.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

She should get Project Veritas to send someone out for motivation on all her future jogs.

I guarantee that was the fastest she has ran since age 14.

Duck_N_Cover 4 points ago +4 / -0

Red Pills is the common term. But if ivermectin rebranded by merck, into an actually red pill to counteract all those zombies that shot up the "vax', that would be something. True irony that a red pill worked to counteract all this shit.

Just sharing what the article provided. By accounts of the article, it might actually be a red pill. I don't know, though. I think that would be poetic in all we have dealt with. That is all.

Duck_N_Cover 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm still not taking this. Just figure this Merck thing is there for those that realize what they did in taking the clot shot.

I feel, Trump was instructed to be so cavalier about talking about HCQ, Ivermectin, whatever sunlight in veins is that he was just laying ground works. It all got quickly squashed by media. He just laughed it off as he knew it would "circle back".

All these solutions will come back to light, how redicuous the clot shots were.

I just find it funny if this is, rebranded ivermectin and the evential covid saviour = iver/horse paste = an actual red pill. That would be peak comedy.

Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting, based on this DailyMail article and their provided photo of the new Merck covid pill (Ivermectin rebranded for greater profits), it appears many in this world will be getting the red pill.

Take it for what you will, but the article (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10049119/Merck-says-experimental-pill-cuts-worst-effects-COVID-19.html) leads to believe the picture is the actual sourced med.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

You bring smooth brain talk from 4chan and P_W when you obviously came to GAW after the election steal (like I did) looking for answers. But you throw around smooth brain insults here. That isn't how this place works.

You doom and gloom that there is no hope if we keep trying to do our nightly crunches, join sober october and contine to amass brass. It is hopeless because of the robot dogs. So we don't have that option then...

So the only last option is this plan. You proceed to tell them they are moving too slow. As if they are wating for username "KimJung-Un" to give them the green ligth from one of the many communities. Thats the ticket, aknowledge that you think a country of people that have come closest, as any, to the true meaning of freedom, with the greatest stockpile of usable resources ever known to man is not capable of this fight. So if they are screwed, the only thing left is this mysterious plan that may have been in the works for a long time, with a systematic method to dismantle it all.

Yes, lets throw rocks at that last bastion of hope and tell it you know how to run it better than what ever they have going. Its moving too slow, as if it is not obvious how bad this is.

Either you trust a) that you see the wheels and cogs starting to move in our favor at this point and/or b) you put your full faith in God and his plan through all of this ,no matter what. B is the only way but it is a bit more entertaining if you can let yourself see both b and a.

In hindsight, we are told a precipice needed to be reached. Sure feels like one now. But who knows, maybe the precipice is needs to be a lot hotter. I mean, I look around and still there are true smooth brains just looking forward to the next episode of "masked singer" or wondering how the can internet sluthe to help find that brian laundrie.

Duck_N_Cover 6 points ago +6 / -0

To add is the recent cnn article I remember as a hit job on the top six countries not to visit because of their freedom from covid communism. Haven't taken time to figure out archiving but I won't link anyway as their list of six is:

Bahamas, Haiti, Kosovo, Lebanon, Morocco, Sint Maarten.

The cnn articile draws straight from the cdc list, so that could be your total compiled list you are looking for:


Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

So I watched the whole 5pm address live. And there was one specific sentence that stood out instantly. It was the cadence and punctuation that made me think it was deliberate.

Go to the one sentence that starts at 25:25. https://youtu.be/IA2SCoYl8_U?t=1524 Listen to that and the one sentence that follows. The question is the words, "next month." It would be assumed that the "next month" was to start the second sentence. But the punctuation seems like it could end the first sentence.

That would make it: "As I recently released the key parts of my pandemic preparedness plan, so that America isn't caught flat-footed when a new pandemic comes again, AS IT WILL, Next month."

I've listened a few times and it is just odd. It can fit just as much on the tail end of the first sentence as it can the start of the next. May be nothing but a mumbling fool too. Just made me think of the satanic cabal needing to release their plans in advance as some sort of sick way of justifying what will come.

** Also the official wh video cut of this has a wierd nbs alert tone and bar display for the last minute and 1/2 of the video. Not sure why that wouldn't be edited out of youtube posting?

Sorry for the official wh link but you can also downvote while there.

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