To me this means that any student can attend any district or private school of the parents' choosing, while seats last, and may qualify for transportation. Parents have been cheating around this for decades. THEY'RE BLOWIN' SMOKE IN YER ASSES!!!
Does your mom know you're on her computer?
Copypasta lol. A great way to quickly muster an army of ridicule.
For Military and Federal employees. Remember your Oath.
I already get the "clean and swift" thing. First, 2A. Second, R vs W. Third, the weekend. BOOM BOOM BOOM
Let it be their "dirty little secret". In the End, God will sort it all out.
Evidence of mass poisoning by GMO's? Shelves baron of GMO foods? Countless shipping containers with GMO food not offloaded? Remember Dick Cheney? Haliburton? Liz is running for cover.
Their timing is retarded. Time to advance it.
Hmm... Dead people never lie to answer for anything.
All fine and well 'cause the ham-ers are all uptight policing themselves. Citizen's band is alive and kicking just fine with no repeaters.
The Simpsons warned us of "The Dumbening". It's almost fun to now see who and where it took effect. And, it's nowhere near as prevalent as "they" would like us to believe...
He WILL Pay It Forward...
"MASS SHOOTING AT PHOENIX STRIP MALL" is the screen headline. At around 1 in the morning. It's just like regular life, only blown out of proportion. They could report this same activity EVERY NIGHT in places like NYC, Chicago, LA, Phoenix, etc. Only when THEY NEED to push their little games is when it comes out like this. HEY FOX! DO YOU TRIGGER MOTHER FUCKERS MUCH?
Globalists ran the media back then, too. I don't think Gen. George S. Patton was referring to communism when he spoke of "fighting the wrong enemy"...
It couldn't have anything to do with twitter stopping in their tracks, getting ready to walk on broken glass, losing advertisers due to the huge decrease in fake support, and then finally eating their own asses when the "trouble maker" just walks away shaking his head.
NOT A WIN!!! They just think they're playing into our hands If they EVER intended to silence us or really dig in, this would've happened a year ago...
We've held the line. We've been rigged for red for nearly 2 years now. Does this not MAKE US that well-regulated militia, ready on a moment's notice?
Naw, they just pulled the plug on another common ailment
My God, I can still feel the relieving SHOCK when she lost.
The cactus people lolz!