Dues_Vult_1492 -1 points ago +2 / -3

I think that passage is talking about moloch worshippers who seduced the Israelites...

unless you were somehow trying to imply that the Eucharist is literal cannibalism? We know that isn't the case.

Dues_Vult_1492 -2 points ago +3 / -5

Prots are clueless, bless your soul.

Martin Luther, a founder of Protestantism, added the word "alone" (allein in German) to Romans 3:28 in his translation of the Bible, making the verse read, "So now we hold, that man is justified without the help of the works of the law, alone through faith". The word "alone" does not appear in the Greek text, and some say that a literal translation of the verse would be, "For we consider that a person is justified by faith without the works of law".

Dues_Vult_1492 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Get it through your thick head, Freemasons infiltrated the Church. The Vatican II removed 20 child saints from the Liturgical calender.

Saint Simon of Trent, look him up & report back.

Dues_Vult_1492 0 points ago +2 / -2

Okay... so you Jehovah Witness or something? You don't celebrate Easter?

Do you not celebrate Christmas? because you've been convinced that it's also the birth of nimrod's or something? Have you ever stop to think that the devil imitates the real thing? And nothing would make him happier than for you to renounce all of Christianity's traditions.

Dues_Vult_1492 -1 points ago +4 / -5

I stand by the teachings of the Original Church that gave us that bible you quoted from.

Jesus did say that the road to salvation are narrow & few that enter through the gates. You can take your chances, but I will not.

Dues_Vult_1492 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Pentecost is a significant feast in the Catholic Church, celebrated 50 days after Easter. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1-31).

Again, who assembled the bible you claim to follow? That's right, Catholics. Thanks for playing!

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +4 / -3

As long as there is a traditional Latin Mass & validly ordained Priests, yes the Church continues.

Question; why is the Vatican banning the traditional Latin Mass & the FBI targetting traditional Catholics. Its because we hold on to the fullness of the Faith.

Why did Q & Trump highlight Vigano's letter to Trump, were he mentions Freemasons & Templars?

Im sorry, you have NO idea how long Catholics have been at war with the illuminati, but let me assure you it's a lot longer than your man made church.

Dues_Vult_1492 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yes, as taught practiced by the Holy Catholic Church. Glad we agree.

Dues_Vult_1492 0 points ago +4 / -4

You're a filthy person & you call yourself "Christian"? What a joke.

Your "bible" has words added to it & is missing seven books.

Which one of the 45,000 prot churches do you belong to? When was your church established?

Dues_Vult_1492 0 points ago +3 / -3

I think its a start. Prots & Faithful Catholics should unite (its happened before, Battle of Vienna, 1638).

Catholics & Protestants are on the same team ultimately, I think we need to callout FREEMASON's who have infiltrated everything or in some cases, began their own Prot denominations (Mormans).

We need to also call out the Jews that control the Masons & use them as proxies. We should be encouraging our friends & family involved in Masonry to come out of Babylon... but yeah, Christians need to unite against secret socieities.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +5 / -4

So you are one of those that believe "true" Christianity began in 1517, when a Catholic Monk rebelled, edited the bible, married a Nun & practiced the Kabbalah? Yeah, the Devil already at play, dividing Jesus's ORIGINAL Church.

Burgolio is attacking the Latin Mass, the FBI is targetting traditional Catholics... Q talks about Vigano but no Protestant pastors... yup, I think I am on the right side of things. Again, I don't believe Jesus wanted to be worshipped 45,000 different Protestant ways. Catholics have been the ONLY Church to hold the Synagogue of Satan accountable.

Look up Saint William of Norwich & then you will realize why Prots aren't allowed to venerate Saints.

Dues_Vult_1492 -1 points ago +5 / -6

It is the ORIGINAL Church founded by Jesus & the Apostles. It is being held Hostage by Satanic Freemasons & Communist. Jesus did not eatablish 45,000 protestant man-made churches, he established ONE.

The devil doesn't care about Prots because you guys already deny yourself the Sacraments, willingly! he concerns himself with those that want to remain faithful to Jesus & his Church.

Simple enough for you?

Dues_Vult_1492 0 points ago +5 / -5

The Church was been infiltrated by Masons... you know, that same Satanic group that Americans founding fathers were involved in. The man that protestants make false idols out of.

Yeah, the Catholic Church has band freemasons from joining the church ever since 1738, there has been 50 people bulls warning against the secret society.

What most protestants fail to understand is that the six societies have been at war with Jesus Christ original church, who was founded by him and his apostles. If you are looking at the church through the eyes of the past 60 years, ever since the Vatican to read Masonic coup, you are feeling to see the bigger picture.

Look up Saint Simon of Trent, saint william of norwich, holy child of lagardia... then you will realize why there are so many protestant churches & the ORIGINAL church had to be created.,

Dues_Vult_1492 3 points ago +6 / -3

The True Church infiltrated by the Synagogue of Satan. Things are always this way, Look up Saint Simon of Trent and we will see what a true church is.

Dues_Vult_1492 0 points ago +5 / -5

Galeio was a Gnostic who came from the mystery school of Pythagoras. Martin Luther was a heretic who broke his vows, married a Num, edited the bible & was influenced by Rosecrutianism, Joan of Arc was burned by English Heretics that were fighting the French Catholics & she was later sanctified by the Church.

Dues_Vult_1492 -2 points ago +5 / -7

Protestants remain so ignorant. How can you dismiss the 2,000 year old Church that was established by Jesus & his apostles? The church that GAVE you that bible, you claim to follow?

There's a reason why Freemasons have been at war with the Catholic church for 300 years. There's a reason why Freemasons aren't worried about the Pro Zionist Protestants that are patiently waiting just to be rapture to out of this place... the devil isn't worried about Protestants, he's already got you guys Fighting on his side against the TRUE church.

Dues_Vult_1492 -2 points ago +5 / -7

You're ignorance is on full display & you know nothing about Christian History.

Research Saint Simon of Trent, Saint William of Norwich, Holy Child of Lagardia... you will then realize why the Jews were behind the Protestant Revolution.

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