Dukearchus 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's what it seemed like to me but couldn't find the creator. Does any one know?

Dukearchus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did Ye bend the knee with the whole milo thing? Wtf

Dukearchus -3 points ago +1 / -4

The left is know for using tolerance tactics along with de-escalating their perceived target.

Dont be a leftist, fren

Dukearchus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not trying to argue. You asked my opinion. I think your statement that Alex hasn't done anything good in his career is laughable. All the people you listed aren't themselves whistleblowers right? Just people other whistleblowers approached for dissemination purposes. I do like Alex Jones if that is what you are asking. I am not sure he is totally on the up and up and as a result I haven't listened to him in a while + limited hangout and all that.

Dukearchus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Like I said that's just my best guess. Ultimately I dont know i started looking into Q in 2021. I think part of driving this wedge between Q and Alex as well as him potentially being asked to stand down is because Alex could have had the whole truther movement behind him alone which might have hindered our progress to colonize new/citizen news and media. Or you know disinformation is necessary and all that crap, most Q that still rings true was cryptic at the time and a lot of things Q said plainly turned out to be totally wrong later

Dukearchus 6 points ago +7 / -1

Personally I think he was told at some point to stand down. I think by the time Trump got in the Alex Jones mission has been completed and now he is basically running dry just for the culture. I've got opinions, and it is true they are unsubstantiated, but these are my best guesses. Only sharing cause you asked. Alex's fight has been going a long time and is one of the reasons the silent majority was there for Trump. It's not like Trump himself woke everyone up all at once.

Dukearchus 1 point ago +4 / -3

That you know of. People "die" all the time

Dukearchus 3 points ago +6 / -3

You're right. He should have flown in with his heat vision and taken them all out, or turned into the hulk and saved the day. I'm not saying Alex is clean or for sure a good guy but your argument is a fucking joke.

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