Can you post the letters so that hispital employees nation-wide can use them?
What is a “subhuman southern American?”
It goes a little something like this: My country, Tis of Thee Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my Fathers died, Land of the Pilgrim's pride, From every mountain side Let Freedom ring!
That synthesized pipe organ droning in the background was truly annoying.
I believe this is a training simulation at Stockton University in NJ.
That lightning strike that almost hit the White House was a good warning, too!
Really hard to read.
Ramen hair, good one!
I believe so, yes
You are absolutely right...Rush always said, "Words mean things." Using the left's language is a form of capitulation. Great post, fren.
I saw that. The skater’s shirt had a “crown of thorns” on it.
Like the pigs in Animal Farm.
that shows he has a backbone!
John Kennedy (R-LA) is a BEAST!!!!!
"Message received. As J & J take a knee to the miniscule mayhem of the past who are now seated beneath them, they declare symbolically that giant pain is on our way. Yet behold their smiles are devious and for many they adequately mask their plan to kill America." Hey ElCharPea: That is some mighty good writing! Terrifying and poetic. Megaditto's!
I just tweeted it, and replaced my profile picture with the one President Trump used on his account. Hashtagged greennewdeal and earthday2021.
Shoney's headquarters are in Nashville.
where is the store?
He is John the Baptist
Lordy, Lordy I was thinking the same thing. Snarky, snarky. Thought I was on Reddit for a minute.
Excuse me, I need to go bleach my computer. And eyes.
Thank you so much. I hope I don’t have to use it.