EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

sounds like a tranny - typical male voice with half-assed female falsetto. Who put perverts and crazies in positions of power lol

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

None of those countries will attack China, as they're not retarded and it's not in the interest of their people.

Also, it would still take every single one of them and a declaration of war+major asset relocation by US to stop China taking Taiwan.

+There's a difference between the Chinese Communist Party and the CCP

Read this (and OP, kek) : https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/russia-supports-the-prc-and-reveals,

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two can, but good luck to the outnumbered foe whose only powerful allies (that haven't been defanged) are thousands of miles away somehow still running things in Israel.

What are they going to do, promise the Israeli elites computer chips for 1000 years if they nuke China?


If you are surrounded by a superior force on all sides and lack the ability to demoralize, destroy or convince them to cease their attack, and they have the ability to demoralize, destroy and convince you to surrender, then defeat is inevitable, unless you can persuade another party to intervene on your behalf and help your morale and defence.

No help is coming, Taiwan will be annexed or Taiwan will surrender.

Btw, did you know 2/3 of Taiwan's food (for it's 23 million people) is imported? Are you aware Taiwan is an island? All China has to do is destroy its navy, air bases and rocket-launching capability, stay out of range of artillery and embargo until they surrender or the people Make their 'leaders' surrender.

EinrePede22 2 points ago +2 / -0

They don't recognise the CCP as the legal rulers of the PRC. That's about as offensive a political statement Russia can make just shy of denouncing - it's maybe worse, since the Russian's perspective is that the CCP are illegitimate and therefore unworthy of being denounced.

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

All you need is an equal or great number of destroyers to screen for the subs and use the spacey-enough 130km to protec your capital ships, which will be comfy as hec and well protected near your fortified mainland coast which'll have more sonars, radars, Lidars, sats, scopes, ships, planes, subs, destroyers protectin and scanning - then a good admiral would be lambasted if even 1 capital ship sinks.

The above scenario uses conventional naval tactics with existing and Known resources, and doesn't consider the cutting edge cyber attacks that China can field, nor the fact they likely have spies in the Taiwanese military who can forward intel and possibly disable ships.

Have you ever played a strategy game where you were a large empire next to a city state and got to both dictate the unfolding of war, but do so without another country declaring war on you in turn?

A good general could win with a tiny amount of casualties.

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's very close in naval terms. Literally their front yard, not even their backyard. Nobody has better force projection there than China, not Japan, not the US and certainly not Taiwan, which lacks capital ships, modern missiles, advanced cyber offensive/defensive capabilities, satellite destroying capabilities, etc...

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Russia is marking the CCP as bad, Pompeo (sec of state for legal pres of USA) is doing the same.

They don't need the Exact same message to be on the same side, or to share a common enemy. The exact same message is something we see from the fake news and from shills, not from real people and patriots, freedom fighters.

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Post in 2019, but the speech is from 2016. 'last 2 years'=2014-2016, 'next 6 years'=2017-2023

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

and it won't. that retard disobeyed direct instructions from a police officer and was acting suspiciously and threateningly, and police are allowed and even advised to make iron-grip arrests for people like that.

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Usually when there's a lawsuit involved the cops that are involved in it are given their walking papers." - Link.

That nothingburger link literally just describes what happened and says that he tried to sue them, not that he succeeded or that they were fired.

"Of note, Agent Burk ran afoul of the law once before. In 2015, Ohio’s Warren County Sheriff’s Office charged Burk for stealing more than $200 in wine from a local Kroger."


EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

because we're different to animals

EinrePede22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just buy chicken instead of "beef". Duh. And buy and DRS 1 GME quick, then wait for MOASS and sell for 10 million or something, lol. Not financial advice, kek.

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

link to speech with timestamp, let's unpack that sentence and see if he meant what you're saying he meant. It doesn't look like an exact quote, despite quotation marks.

EinrePede22 1 point ago +1 / -0

SERIOUS FACE during the Air Q, but a smile & a nod just after.

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