But... will the pillow be MyPillow?
Unfortunately not for some. I think it's powerful, but I've shown it to people who say the channels are all saying the same thing because it's the "obvious truth anyone would know"
I read this article yesterday. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2021-08-20/san-diego-officially-launching-pure-water-largest-infrastructure-project-in-city-history
Interesting parts:
San Diego formally launched Friday the largest infrastructure project in city history, a sewage recycling system that will boost local water independence in the face of more severe droughts caused by climate change.
“The magnitude of today’s announcement simply cannot be overstated,” “Pure Water is the largest, most ambitious infrastructure project in our city’s entire history. This is a big deal, everybody.”
Because Pure Water solves so many problems, the city has received many millions in grants and low-interest loans for the project from the state and federal government.
This came out later after his tweet, with the FAA setting flight restrictions in Wilmington, DE tomorrow to Monday. They usually do that when a president stays somewhere.
Very interesting. Not only is the dress bright yellow and eye catching, but from those links:
- The flag is "Q"
- The flag means "My vessel is 'healthy' and I request free pratique."
- "Pratique /ˈprætɪk/ is the license given to a ship to enter port on assurance from the captain to convince the authorities that she is free from contagious disease. "
I wonder if they're doing this purposefully to try to get the 'bad guys' to act.
Not release the files ahead of time
Prepare to go through them live
Act like they are, then have technical difficulties
Stall a while
I'm thinking it's possible that there's nothing in these files, and it's being used as a tool. However I hope there is something.
Unfortunately each "screen" of data is actually only a very small amount of data. It'd take way too much effort for someone to transcribe enough of it to do an analysis :( If they release some of the actual files, then we can load it up in Wireshark or similar tool and do some analysis.
Welcome. It must be exciting for you to come to a place to hate on things you believe are false. I hope you have a great day.
I've really liked that part too. Reading out what lies they're writing as we're able to see what is really happening live.
Yeah he keeps saying to share it,and I want to be able to.
Q mentioned Project Looking Glass before, such as in post # 3585:
Project Looking Glass? Going Forward in Order to Look Back.
The shaving redpill is that you don't even need all those fancy consumable razors. A decent shaving cream and a straight razor you can sharpen yourself is all you need.
I'm not disagreeing with you because I think you're right, but Disney actually fights with the city of Anaheim all the time. Anaheim uses politics to limit their expansion and updates
Whenever I've had the flu shot in the past, they always asked me if I had any family history of GBS and also it was on the disclosure paper I signed. So I don't think it's new info for the flu shot at least, unless it was a California specific thing here.
and you didn't use your real name everywhere, either.
That's interesting. When I suddenly woke up out of my mental programming it was when I was on a very low carb diet.
I'm waiting for the variant that is like bashing your toes into the feet of the bed
That's what I think too. I hope it's more, but doubt it based on his age.
I think Trump may have been chosen partially because of his attitude. His ability to let all the lies and attacks just roll off him like raindrops.
Thanks. No offense to OP but if someone were to post this somewhere with the wrong spelling, it'd be used as a way to attack the intelligence of the poster.
The cool thing also is that this is in California
Yeah, but I'm leaning towards the "this wasn't her choice" kind of thing. I know this is GA and not general conspiracies, but after spending a lot of time reading about her history, watching her really weird instagram posts, etc... I think there's something more. Look into Project Monarch if you haven't already, it might be interesting.
I think it also depends on the exact circumstances. There may not have been much she could do. She was in very controlling relationships, she's admitted she was forced to be medicated for years, and there were incidents of her "going crazy" that the media just made fun of. I don't think she'd be a good example of someone who perpetuates the cycle of abuse, it seems like she was trying to break out and the conservatorship was a way to keep her in line.
Just all speculation, but it reminds me of how Michael Jackson was so controlled and once he started speaking out he had his life ruined.
Without reading a ton of different posts, is there a good summary article or video on what's supposedly going on with GME? Like from a layman's perspective, not an investor.