One of the most important teachings of Jesus. Thanks for reminding us.
We don't need any supernational institutions to maintain peace.
Are they trying to walk their way without going through the church? Because not only the church is no longer a guide to the way, it becomes an obstacle to the way. If the recent "revivals" do not deal with this issue, I doubt this would make any difference.
Alice Bailey exposed as a Jesuit agent, alongside her friends Leadbeater and Besant.
The above article, which was reproduced in ZeroHedge, was an article by Mark E. Jeftovic:
Someone in the comments provided insights of why people choose to believe in compelling lies:
Btw., the idea that God has to be light and darkness at the same time goes back to Zoroaster, and more recently, and more pertinently, it has been revived by Ignatius of Loyola in his work The Spiritual Exercises, although only between the lines, as an implicit axiom he uses to justify his opinions, and Pope Francis keeps on making weird remarks of this sort as well, for instance that if you only worship the dievil from time to time, you're still his servant, which makes me think "Like every sunday at 10 A.M.?" Hmm, well, if you think that protestants are devil worshippers, which Loyola might have believed, it makes sense to resort to this kind of Ahura Mazda / Ahriman – dualism and this may be the reason why some think that Leo Taxil's inventions "must be true".
These are the other two articles by Jeftovic:
Part 1 - The real Albert Pike
Leo Taxil’s Jesuit education is an indication that he knows more than the average person about what is truly going on behind the scenes in the world. This may have served as a model for the hoax he ultimately created. In this report we’re going to explore what he said in detail, and ultimately coax out the identity of the god of the elites, and why they all appear to be engaged in the same depraved rituals.
[...] The real Albert Pike, who Taxil portrayed as the ringleader of the bogus group of Masons, has published a great deal of literature under his own name, the most famous being the much-maligned Morals and Dogma. The subject of Lucifer is raised only FOUR times in this 860 page book. Quite amazing for a supposed Luciferian. Pike is hardly venerating the deity, either.
Part 2 - The origin of child sacrifice
The pope's accusation that lead Taxil to come up with his hoax:
It should be remembered that Pope Leo XIII’s only complaint about Freemasons was that they were successfully advancing the idea of separation between Church and State, something enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. This Pope was, in a very real way, anti-American. He narcissistically saw anything that could diminish his control of nations around the world as ‘Satanic’ and wanted to rouse a reactionary movement against the principles of the Enlightenment that were spreading rapidly through Western society.
Throughout his analysis, he pointed the origin of child sacrifice to the Canaanites, who travelled vast lands, spreading their ways with them:
This is not even the full extent of Canaanite influence over the ancient world, a whole book would be needed for that, but there is one last thing worth mentioning. DNA studies performed on the nearly 3,000 year-old Paracas skulls of Peru reveal they came from Syria – making these Canaanites the earliest transatlantic voyagers known, nearly two millennia before the Vikings. Should it be a surprise, then, that we also find human sacrifice, cannibalism, and ritual sex in Mesoamerica?
If the government of Israel were being run by Canaanites, their incessant conflicts with Lebanon and Syria now make perfect sense. They’re trying to re-establish Canaan, not the Hebrew Kingdoms described in the Bible. This was not even being done in secret not too long ago. In 1939 a movement was founded by Palestinian Jews with the express purpose of re-creating Canaan.
North Korea first - crossing the DMZ
Iran second - death of Soleimani
Israel last - ???
Forged material is forged no matter who quotes it.
The best was yet to come, however, when he [Léo Taxil] teamed up with Dr. Karl Hacks to write the two-volume Le Diable au XIXe Siècle, published in 1892 and 1894, telling the insider tale of one Diana Vaughan in the words of Doctor Bataille. The lurid details of her account boggle the mind. She was a member of the Palladium Rite, under the command of Albert Pike, where she was involved in ritual orgies and blood sacrifices. They would summon demons in physical form, and she was even betrothed to one of them.
On the evening of April 19, 1897, Taxil held a press conference at the Hall of the Geographic Society in Paris. Many reporters, Catholic priests, Freemasons, monks, and other illustrious figures from around the world were in attendance. After raffling off a typewriter used by Diana Vaughan (the winner being M. Ali Kental, Editor of Ikdam, at Constantinople), Léo Taxil finally addresses his audience.
He reveals there is no Dr. Karl Hacks, there is no Dr. Bataille, there is no Diana Vaughan, there is no Palladium Rite.
“There wasn’t the least masonic plot in this story,” he says, and denies that his conversion to Catholicism was in earnest – all part of the prank, to win the Church’s trust and approbation. Diana Vaughan was a real person, but she was only his typist and collaborator in this colossal fraud designed to deeply embarrass the Catholic Church and become the crown jewel of his anti-clerical work. [...]
The audience erupts calumniously, with Catholics hissing and screaming, a priest mounts a chair to try and maintain order, and it becomes obvious why Taxil had the attendees check their walking sticks at the door – some would certainly have beaten him to death on the spot. [...]
With World War I kicking off in 1914, followed by the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, people were scrambling for a coherent explanation of why so much chaos was being sown around the world. In 1920 a book called The Cause of World Unrest emerged attempting to explain it all. It was an anonymous compilation of essays originally published in the London Morning Post in July of the same year.
In one of the essays we find Taxil’s magisterial hoax cited as truth, describing the chapter already mentioned above from Le Diable au XIXe Siècle about the written plan drawn up on August 15, 1871 by the fictitious Palladian Rite for global destruction.
Today is the last day of DST.
Both America and Russia tried permanent DST in the past, and failed.
Do you support abolishing DST altogether?
I think Bablyon is a metaphor for tyranny. See Isaiah 14.
We know the world has been printing money. The dollar, the euro, the yen and the Renminbi. And they will all collapse some day.
What can we do with the overprinted money?
The German Monetary Reform in 1948
It is foolish to think that we have been lied and deceived about everything except the Church.
This This This!
Those who understand the objectives of GA know that Q would never advance a lie, let alone a 1700 year old one.
The wolves cannot masquerade into sheeps any longer.
An organization named after a person who was assassinated, is now calling for assassination.
Which echoes Jesus's "narrow path" teaching.
The way, the truth and the life is not for everyone.
Why were some Christians so manipulated to support an earthly Israel... when Jesus clearly told his disciples the future Israel would be a spiritual one?
The first followers of Jesus were the Essenes and the Ebonite Nazarenes. They were mystics and were the ones who walked and talked with Jesus, and today they and their beliefs are condemned.
where you must “join us or ..
"The day was to come when the Nicene party won out completely and then the emperors... decreed that one who denied the Trinity should be put to death" –Roland Bainton, The Church of our Fathers - 1950, pg. 46
"Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinancy..." – Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
There were retired priests admitting on tape that the Church invented hell. This word in Greek manuscripts is Gehenna - the historical fire pit called the Valley of Hinnom, which was used to burn dead bodies of criminals. This fire pit is pretty what the Bible describes. This word was used by Jesus as a metaphor for annihilation. The Church conflates it with another concept - the Sheol, or Hades in Greek, which means the realm of the dead. Nowhere in the Bible describes Sheol/Hades the same way as hell. One verse in the book of Revelations: "Hell will be thrown into the lake of fire", is the conclusive proof.
has been modified dozens of times
A few takeaways:
- The corruptions of the scripture was noted by Celsus and confirmed by Origen. The manuscripts were modified to conform the Gentiles's beliefs.
- Emperor Constantine inserted pagan doctrines into the church, and killed whoever not abiding to those doctrines.
"The soul has neither beginning nor end... Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life. Its place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or demerits." – Origen
And some three centuries later, Emperor Justinian banned reincarnation.
These are all historical facts. No theologies involved.
You fell for propaganda and it’s the single most important topic
America's founding fathers realized that, and ensured in their constitution that the way to Jesus can be found again without obstruction from the clergy. If anything, it is the propaganda coming from the pagan clergy that Q would dispel. Mainstream Christians will eventually learn that not only their ways would not spread to the world as they wished, but on the contrary, they will realize they are the ones in the wrong.
We ought to follow Jesus because he is the fulfillment of the law.
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
— John 14:5-9
But the reality is, Christians don't actually follow Jesus. They follow the pagan clergy.
The Christian virtues inculcated by Jesus in the sermon on the mount are nowhere exemplified in the Christian world. The Buddhist ascetics and Indian fakirs seem almost the only ones that inculcate and practice them. Meanwhile the vices which coarse-mouthed slanderers have attributed to Paganism, are current[ly] everywhere among Christian Fathers and Christian Churches.
— Blavatsky (1877), Isis Unveiled, Volume 2, Page 526
Transactions with the Octopus card complete on average in 0.3 seconds. Do know that this card was designed to be used on fare gates, so it has to do the work fast. Imagine everyone picking up their phones, launch the app, and tap the button to show the QR code, then place the code towards the scanner. It would take forever. Plus, purchasing a card only cost $6.4, which is refundable when you return your card. That is why I am against tying the system to smartphones, even if it is decentralized.
There was a comprehensive guide to using the Octopus card - in a 30-second commercial. You would understand how it works even if you don't understand Cantonese:
In addition, because of its anonymous nature, each person can hold more than one card. It was estimated in 2017 that every Hongkonger in average holds 5 of these cards.
Let's talk about electronic money.
In Hong Kong, there is an offline, anonymous electronic payment system called the Octopus card, introduced in 1997, based on Sony's FeliCa protocol. It was meant to replace store value tickets used in public transport, but it quickly expanded to retail payments.
Unlike credit and debit cards, Octopus cards do not need to connect to the network for authentication, and do not store the users identity. Each card only has a serial number, and only stores its past 9 transaction records besides its remaining value. To this day it is still a more private, but equally convenient way to use electronic money. It was so popular that since its introduction, no coins were minted for the next 14 years.
“The ten commandments and the sermon on the mount contain my religion” -- John Adams
(German version, composed by Franz Schubert, performed by National Taiwan University Chorus)
23 [Woe to those] who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent.
I walked 12 km today.
2 weeks ago I walked 11.