Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is that one of those 'liberal woke terms"?

Is this an attempt at the reverse psychology tactic?

That trick doesn't work on everyone.

Conservatives have continued to be law abiding citizens and continue to be denied justice by these Constitution stomping liberal judges.

This fake administration is breaking the laws of this nation and they are robbing us of our freedom.

From your reply, it seems to me that you believe yourself to be immuned to the repercussions of these actions.

I hope for your sake, you are correct!

Good luck to you!

by Quelle
Escape2C 1 point ago +2 / -1

How many will be jobless and homeless without putting up a fight?

Who are the homeless people already living on the streets in this country?

The ready!

Is it time ?

by Quelle
Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

Unions back in the day (before they became corrupt) knew what to do..

Shut them down!

Yes, the 'they's' have planned for this with the recent entrants to our country by the hundreds of thousands. Don't allow anyone to take your job!

Are you willing to stand for your Constitutional Rights?

Will you be jobless and homeless without putting up a fight?

Escape2C 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not dooming but just being a realist!

The 'they's' have had access for quite some time... they are just telling everyone now ....

Those conspiracy theories don't seem so unbelievable now do they?

Every electronic apparatus you have in your home has had the capability to spy on you for years...

Another conspiracy theory as popular, if not more amazing is the new jab containing that computer chip being carried into the human DNA combined with the 5G that is capable of programming zombies as effective as those they were taunting everyone with in the movies.

They have been practicing... wrong way drivers, mass shootings without viable explanations, mass murders of loved ones with no history of domestic, dead birds falling out of the sky... I am sure you can all give examples of the unexplained incidents.

I would say that since the 'they's' know pretty much everything they want to know,, and they now have the ability to control the masses, everyone should use their time wisely.

Escape2C 13 points ago +13 / -0

Refuse to mandate... You have Constitutional Rights...

Hire all Conservatives that don't want to be jabbed... they are all looking for work!

Conservative owned companies should be posting job openings on the Conservative job boards. That will ensure your company remains profitable and in business!

If a Conservative owned company is employing 'they groupies', those groupies are contagious to the unvaxed. They are not only spewing waste in the form of lies from their covered mouths, they are spreading disease. You know what to do!

The companies that are mandating will be shutting down!

People are discussing shutting them down... Unions back in the day (before they became corrupt) knew what to do...

If you own a company that is planning to force the jab, be prepared to shut down... and yes, the workers of America know that 'the they plan' is to hire the new illegals...

Unions back in the day knew what to do about that too!


Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

All we have to do is wait them out... those who are vaccinated will not be around much longer!

And for those 'they's' who are faking their jabs...

Just make sure that the 'they's' who have perpetrated this farce and denied us our Constitutional Rights can't spend those riches...


Unions back in the day knew what to do!


Get your bug out bags and tents ready.... it will only be temporary.

Once they are gone, we will have prime pickens!

Jobs galore, plenty of places to live, lots of food and water...

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh, the 'they's' who are denying us our Constitutional Rights must be mistaken about our resolve... We will be making sure we know where you are too!

Contract Trace that Bitch! LOL

Escape2C 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unions back in the day knew what to do! SHUT IT ALL DOWN!

Get your bug out bags and tents ready!

Just make sure that the 'they's' who are denying us our Constitutional Rights can't spend those riches!

No Food For Me... No Food For Thee!

Escape2C 9 points ago +9 / -0

Get your bug out bags and your tents ready... SHUT IT ALL DOWN!


Unions back in the day knew what was necessary!

Just make sure that the 'they's' who are denying us our Constitutional Rights can't spend that money!

No food for thee!

by Quelle
Escape2C 1 point ago +2 / -1

So is Trump going to step up and put a stop to this Executive Order that is against our Constitutional rights before each and every one of us is jobless and homeless?

How many will be jobless and homeless and 'holding the line'?

Escape2C 1 point ago +2 / -1

Anybody know of Conservative owned companies of 100 or more employees who are standing against this tyranny?

There must be plenty of Conservative owned companies, aren't there? At least, that is what I have been led to believe...

Where is the money?

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

I actually find it extremely strange that there hasn't been any reports of suicide deaths of the 'they's' who are perpetrating this criminal farce pandemic.

Wondering how long before we begin to see them dropping like flies ....

Escape2C 5 points ago +5 / -0

Unions back in the day had it figured out... Shut it down, ALL OF IT!

What difference does it make now? Our Constitution guarantees our rights...

If the 'they's' who are behind this tyranny want a fight, give it to them!

Just make sure 'they' are jobless and homeless too!

And yes, I know that the 'they's' have money, but that money isn't much good if you have no way of spending it!

Can you think of ways to keep them from spending it?

by gamepwn
Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1


We shall see who drops first! Hate to say 'I told you so'....

Just like that!

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are Conservatives and then there are Crony Conservatives...

Know the difference. Your livelihoods depend on it...

Where will those Crony Conservatives be when you are jobless, living on the street?

Time to take a step back and view the big picture!

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

Many are losing patience with the waiting game.... where you at Trump?

Hopefully, you are planning some jobs and living arrangements for the multitudes that are about to become jobless and homeless...

Any plans to relay to the masses Trump?

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

Looky Looky, There are a few of those 'they's"..

Amazing how the few feel comfortable wandering about with a smile on their faces, living such awesome lives....

I guess they know they won't be forced out of their homes, out of their jobs...

Not a care in the world!

Escape2C 10 points ago +11 / -1

Or else what?

When will we determine that THE LINE has been crossed to the point of no return?

How many people will lose their jobs, their homes, be living on the street before it is decided that enough is enough?

When will the 'they's' who have perpetrated this tyranny on the world be tried, convicted and punished to the full extent by WE THE PEOPLE?

The Constitution of the United States was written to ensure our rights!!!

Holding the line for what?

Escape2C 1 point ago +2 / -1

I believe that the Public Health Chief is one of those 'they's' everybody keeps blaming for the tyranny that is taking place in this country.

Will the 'they's' be allowed to eat steak while the rest of the justified are starving?

Just wondering...

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wondering who or what created the "minions" that feel justified in using another person's name as a label for anyone who is full of hate or who is behaving badly?

For those who are partaking in this nonsense... There are many kind and empathetic Karen's (among other names) who have felt forced to change their names due to the treatment they receive when identifying themselves as a "Karen".

In addition to hurting a non-deserving person who is uninvolved, not accurately identifying the deserving person that perpetrated the act only aids them in hiding their identity.

Patriots are not "Soros Minions".... Act like it!

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am amazed at the people who justify mistreating others on the basis that "they are not woke"..

They are as bad if not worse than those who are Woke!

Sadly, they will never see themselves as being in the wrong...

Anti-Wokeness has been programmed into their minds...

I am sorry that your acquaintance felt compelled to change her name. It is an unfortunate effect of the brainwashed society we live in these days... Many people who call themselves patriots included!

Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

I try to look at things from the perspective of... where did he learn to be 'oppressed'... who is really to blame?


Do you know a "They"?

It has been a long time coming... and it may be too late to reverse course!


Escape2C 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your lack of empathy does show who you really are and what you are capable of...

I am sorry you have lived a life that has made you incapable of being a nice person...

Maybe you will find it in your heart to not jump in and grab a stone when you see that person on the street being stoned to death.... in the name of anti-woke-ism!

Great excuse by the way!

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