Do we have 790,000,000 people awake?
That number is 10% of 7.9 billion (pop 10/04/21)
I’d say we are darn close.
South America
North America
Once we were less than 100,000 on all the boards.
What’s your guess now Pedes?
Doh, I totally missed that!
Not usually sensitive to this stuff, but I was recently shilled by a pretty smooth Schiller.
That shill had the audacity to say he followed Q from the very start..and he knows as much as we do about Q, ….that he wished Q was real but has concluded after years of invested research…that Q is just a larp.
I can take shills who say Q may be deep state or a psyop…but saying Q a larp is just insulting…we know how complex Q is and how much insider info he gave before anything hit the mainstream boards. Never mind “future proves past” happening over and over again.
I can get defensive of Q…kinda like a parent with a genius child who’s misunderstood by stupid teachers.
Stay frosty my Fren!
We win!
A larp?
Dark project..possibly
But by its fruit you shall know the tree
The Q tree has produced
Thousands of pedophile arrests ww
Resignations of thousands more
Revealed the deep state families, connections
Hollywood and sports events slowly going down hill
People awakened world wide
Protests world wide
Jab resistance unlike anything [they] anticipated
Crowds jeering …Biden, Macron, Trudeau,
If Q was a larp…then that 300 lb. computer nerd sitting in his Mom’s basement really deserves a Nobel prize.
People are afraid to talk..the MSM has made us think we are the minority.
It’s also why they want us stuck inside, and 6ft apart and masked. Cause when we get together..we talk.
Yes..three random women in Walmart..we were all strangers to each other.. starting talking about the COVID Bullshyte…
And we talked loud so the store clerks could here us.
People need to know we are the majority. That’s part of the awakening.
My doctor makes me cry…wears a mask, a face shield holds her breath when she close to me….I am NOT kidding.
However..I have seen her 3 times over 2 months..never asks if I’m vaxxed.
Which I find odd.
Does she just assume?
Some people on the many boards hate the Catholics more than the deepstate.
That’s a fact.