Fatality 41 points ago +41 / -0


After just returning from Bukele's inaugural in El Salvador it's glaring just how truly dishonest the American coverage is. Here is the essential true story of what just happened in El Salvador. You will not find it in a single American corporate media outlet. It's a huge reason why they are failing. 1/7

The US helped screw up El Salvador and all of Central America by ousting dozens of governments when it suited our interests. As a result of these and other forces, El Salvador was left in ruins and wracked by a 12 year civil war between communists and the government followed by more than a decade of dominance by rival gangs originally from the US with roots in satanism. 2/7

These gangs terrorized the small nation for more than a decade. They use torture and dismemberment and even human sacrifice as a matter of course. They brought El Salvador the world's highest per capita murder rate. They took huge extortion payments from virtually every business crippling the economy. All this is our business because it resulted in a huge exodus of migrants to the US. 3/7

Under new President Nayib Bukele virtually every gang member has been put behind bars in a brand new prison he built in only 7 months. He has the highest adult prison rate per capita in the world now. The murder rate went from a peak of 103/100,000 population per year all the way down to 2.4/100,000 population per year. 4/7

This means El Salvador went from having the highest murder rate in the world to a lower murder rate than the US. Once the gangs were all locked up, the economy started coming back to life. The streets are now vibrant and safe. Most importantly for us, Illegal immigration to the US virtually stopped and in fact many law abiding Salvadorans who fled to America are returning home. 5/7

The MS13 Salvadoran gang members still in the US prefer to stay in the US and torture our citizens rather than return to face actual justice back home. Salvadorans rewarded Bukele for saving their country with polls showing him to be one of the world's most popular leaders with high 80s popularity. He won reelection with similar numbers and now has virtually all of the legislature as well. 6/7

His inaugural address celebrated the victory and committed to focus on rebuilding the economy now that the multi decade crime problem has been fixed. His is the only solution offered to date that could actually help fix the immigration system of the US. Other countries are flying in to learn what he did and try to replicate it. 7/7

Fatality 10 points ago +10 / -0

Technically she's right, decency (TRUMP) was on the ballot in 2020

Fatality 1 point ago +1 / -0

// Set the conscript's position

if (conscript) {
  if (conscript.IsLGBTQ() ||
      conscript.IsRelatedToDemocrat() ||
      conscript.IsVaccinataed() ||
      conscript.IsCorrupt() ||
      conscript.HatesDonaldJTrump() ||
      conscript.IsOtherThingsWeLike() ) {
  else if (conscript.IsChristian() ||
      conscript.IsNotRelatedToDemocrat() ||
      conscript.IsNotVaccinataed() ||
      conscript.IsPatriot() ||
      conscript.FoughtForGreatAwakening() ||
      conscript.IsOtherThingsWeDoNotLike() ){

Fatality 3 points ago +3 / -0



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Fatality 1 point ago +1 / -0

who was generation u, v and w?

Fatality 1 point ago +2 / -1

Did you ever hear of a generation W either? It's like it was started via a media push with 'gen x'

Fatality 6 points ago +7 / -1

while i agree, there is no justice, so you never know what will happen.

Fatality 4 points ago +5 / -1

Just the question of what comes after z, the end of the alphabet? telegraphing their moves?

Fatality 4 points ago +5 / -1

Have any of you wondered about "Generation X, Y, Z"? Generation X started in the 90s some time, and now things seem on the verge of war.. was this planned?

Fatality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Removal: Low energy post

Fatality 2 points ago +2 / -0

i noticed this and bailed at 1:46

Fatality 9 points ago +9 / -0

Here's my take: i don't fully understand the Q posts.. i have looked over them and consider them from time to time, and i think we'll only be able to say for certain in hindsight. But I've been more of a great awakening person, red-pilling for almost 40 years. around 2019/2020 it just so happened the Q and Great Awakening collided, and now we're together going forward because we both have same aims: The truth.

Fatality 1 point ago +1 / -0

REMOVAL: ThePeoplesVoice.tv you need a source other than that

Fatality 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will go to the supreme court for sure

Fatality 2 points ago +2 / -0

The 4-6%'s seeds of hatred grew into massive plants in their consciousness, interjecting into many of their awakened thoughts, and impacting their reasoning.

Right now they're in a slow motion wreck. They need these wins for that hit of hopium, because we have lots of good hopium that goes good, whereas theirs are mainly copium looking for hopium (and we all know that feeling don't we?).

It is very sad, and it can be stopped all just by cutting a cable wire to you house.

Fatality 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're stoopid. we all are aware what's happening, and we don't need violence.

Fatality 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am staying anonymous because i can get better attacks in, and God knows this. If you want to use your full name here i'd recommend against it, because there are a lot of bad people looking at this site who want to dox you and get you blacklisted.

I do my work behind the scenes though. I have one account elsewhere that can be traced to me, and i have been increasing the strength of that one so that anyone who tries to attack me there looks like an ass. I also make sure to keep my nose clean in real life.

One other thing about anonymous is getting others to do the work for you. For example i could use anonymous accounts and be like "Prove to me the earth isn't flat" and get people to do the work for me, then i can use their replies on another account or my main account to say why the earth isn't flat.

Fatality 2 points ago +2 / -0

A team of 3 could easily convert a rainbow on a public road red white and blue in minecraft, at night, while another watches for creepers.

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