I’m in indiana HMU. Lol. Really though it’s a wasteland out there. I was raised to believe that marriage was the purpose of relationships. I just turned 30 got out of my second very long term relationship and being single right now is not so great to say the least.
Damn. Nice find fren. ? ?
You are definitely on to something here.
But really start light. The century of self is a good entry level doc. It just gets you to realize the ways in which you are manipulated.
Reptilians and the absence of curious George’s tail
This pic gives me Twin Peaks vibes the show not the hooters competitor.
Oh great. I was hoping for below hand full so I can sleep at night.
This chick is SIMP BAIT andI’m not falling for it.????
My fellow Hoosier coming in hot!
Kek. ‘To attend indoctrination’ lol
Wear a ball gag.
This smells like Reddit bait.
Hard times create strong men, sad that my generation is made up of weak pussies but seeing this makes me hopeful for the next.
This is the watch the news moment. You already know we’re gonna see a few akrancides very soon. Can’t have all these useful idiots running around willing to flip to save their own asses.
Not a believer in the jfk jr stuff but the past 2 years have been so crazy that who fucking knows at this point.
Oooh ah ah ah ah! Oh Oh!
People keep throwing out their theories about the first arrest and none of them pale in comparison to this man. He’s the money behind globalism and the toppling of nations, he has to go. The day this man dies or goes to prison will be the day you see a massive change in the tone of this world. What will mouthpieces do when they no longer have their shekels to sell out.
Trying to have a maga bbq in his mouth!
Kek ow loud!
That’s my President and Vice President right there!
Prove it bro!
Who’s going clean your toilets Donald trump?! - Kelly Osbourne
One of the biggest problems too is good men worth marrying are not going around hitting on women constantly. It’s a double edged sword. If you see a quiet man who’s attractive, has his life together and is good to his family you need to approach him. Right now I want to meet a Christian woman but I can literally not see myself approaching a woman at church. I’m quiet and have morals and I bet a decent amount of women would be surprised that I’m single.