Thus far the commission has really sucked for Trudeau. It has already been stated multiple times -- under oath -- that no credible intelligence of violence was ever identified by the police. Additionally, the lack of crime associated with the truckers was also stated to be noteworthy.
To date the best that anyone has been able to testify is that the declaration of the Emergencies Act was helpful but not essential for clearing out the protesters when the criteria for declaring the Act is an immediate threat to the nation for which no other law can be used to counter.
I have not yet seen any sign of partiality from the judge, but if CSIS claims to have some secret information that is completely different from the rest of the mind-numbingly pedestrian testimony of the law enforcement officers who have already testified over endless hours and then the judge goes with the secret information, we will know what happened.
Human rights courts are Marxist. All of them are. They are not there to support human rights. They exist only to push forward an agenda.
This may be a good movie, but I don't waste my time trying to figure out what part of Stew Peters is true and what is BS.
Stew Peters is the new Alex Jones.
Yes! I'm patiently waiting for the day when this list is finally revealed.
Well the city councillors were disgraceful as was Bell, who was the acting chief of the Ottawa police when the crackdown occurred.
Just have to wonder how anyone thought these people should be in charge of anything.
I've been playing the hearing in the background for the past few days. The thing that has stood out to me is that anyone from Ottawa has seemed like a total slimeball.
The Ontario Provincial Police have seemed credible, however.
Actually, I am thinking that Musk makes immediate moves upon acquisition allowing for the anticipated message on Twitter and nowhere else.
Ten days after the acquisition the election results destroy the narrative of a divided country which then ushers in utter darkness -- for them!
10 days (before election)
The Green Party also says that we need communism.
Who is more likely to be a nefarious actor: Gregg Phillips or Silo101?
He didn't demand. He advised. Big difference.
Trust OP, who is anonymous, or trust Gregg Phillips.
Who should I trust?
Yes. I won't be at all surprised if this is actually true, but without evidence, it is just an anecdotal record that gets emotions running.
I did as well, but given Trudeau's recent comments, I no longer expected the case to be heard.
By now it is clear to anyone who has been watching that the C19 measures have been a complete bluff from the beginning. They will do whatever it takes to avoid laying their cards on the table.
In January 2022, Brian Peckford, the last living signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, challenged the Trudeau requirement for proof of vaccination in order to travel inside or outside of Canada.
In June 2022 the Trudeau government suspended the requirement to prove vaccination status for domestic travel. This change happened at the same time that the discovery process was exposing Trudeau's experts as being stark naked.
In the end of September an announcement was made that the vaccination requirement would also be suspended for international travel. This announcement was made at the same time a court hearing was happening at which arguments were being presented to a judge about whether the case should proceed or should be declared moot.
Today the judge decided that the case was actually moot because the vaxx measures had been suspended.
Should the Trudeau government now decide to stop the suspension of the travel restrictions, the months-long process will need to start over from the beginning.
Trudeau has already stated that if booster uptake doesn't increase substantially, the government will have to intervene.
Enjoy the next few months Canadians!
If the mandates came back, a large (maybe not as large as last time) percentage of the population would comply.
The thing stopping the mandates right now is Brian Peckford's Charter Challenge, for which we are awaiting a judge's decision on whether the case is still moot now that the travel restrictions have been suspended.
If the case can go through, it will be heard beginning of the 31st. If we lose that challenge, the PM will come down on us with all the force he can legally muster + whatever other force he thinks he can get away with.
Obligatory reminder: Stew Peters is the new Alex Jones.
Sources familiar with the matter?
Give me strength, please!
That's a pretty pathetic black pill.
And if that happens, we will be able to see if PP can undo some of the damage or if he is just a barker.
It seems as though the correct response, the MAGA response, would simply have been to edit your top comment in order to acknowledge the source.
Am I wrong about this?
"I stole it from someone else who stole it" isn't exactly a great response.
He is not the problem. He is only the current face of the problem.
See my comment above. This change has NOTHING to do with benevolence and EVERYTHING to do with maintaining the tyranny that has been in place for the past 2.5+ years.
Believe me. Those who design the education system understand this all too well.
That's why they so persistently work to create broken men (and women).