FreeDome 10 points ago +10 / -0

RINO's??? I see many Patriots!! Shutting the government down is probably in the best interest of the citizens, and Trump as well :-) Thank goodness that some Republicans showed some spine and have gone on record that they will not pass another appropriations bill that carries baggage not associated with fiscal matters.

Play chess instead of checkers and see the moves and counter moves unfold!

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky found them unconstitutional........ Used money for the border Wall that was not authorized by Congress....... Tried to force States to to assist the federal government to enforce immigration laws......... etc

And there you have it... the definitive I love Trump but.... So many reasons... Deflection from the issue of constitutionality of state succession into.... Soooo many reasons why....TDS but not really.... I'm a fan... but here is my off-the-shelf list of..... EXPOSED****

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very TRUE... But lets recognize that the Declaration of Independence was a Declaration of WAR. The Founding Fathers risked everything. Their Life, Property, Way of Life, Family, etc. etc. PLUS they had enraged citizens that they were the voice and guiding lights for. Succession is not a right, but an earned position. The right to earn it through revolt (WAR) is not debated, such as our struggle for Independence was.

My point is we have arguable have the best system in place that man has created to protect God given Rights. It does NOT support peaceful succession. Has it been used effectively??? NO!!

Not debating whether the Declaration of Independence and its implied Declaration of War was justified... for that is what it was; a justification for a War for Independence. Everybody, every nation, every monarchy, every living thing, has the ability to declare War. It has been with us continuously since the Garden of Eden. Why our WAR for Independence was justified was well stated by our Founding Fathers. Further cemented that our Rights come from God, not by the authority of the governance (or man) as some other constitutions are based upon.

Trump has gone thru' Hell and High water' to right this ship WITHOUT violating our Constitution! The Declaration of Independence is NOT the law of the land. Our Constitution is! Time for us as a nation to recognize what the Constitution says and what it means. Amend it, Fix it or Break it... like something better is going to come along LOL!

Hopefully we (as a Nation) will never, ever, have to invoke a Declaration of Independence again, and engage in War against OUR nation in the interest of its people.

Benjamin Franklin - "A Republic if you can keep it"

Don Henley - its time for 'The End of The Innocence'

Remember when the days were long And rolled beneath a deep blue sky Didn't have a care in the world With mommy and daddy standin' by But "happily ever after" fails And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales The lawyers dwell on small details Since daddy had to fly

O' beautiful, for spacious skies Now those skies are threatening They're beating plowshares into swords For this tired old man that we elected king Armchair warriors often fail And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales The lawyers clean up all details Since daddy had to lie

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

The British king didn't thing the colonists had a right to secede, either.

Declaration of Independence declares that ALL people have a right to alter or to abolish their government, whenever their government is abusing them.

If you disagree with that, then you side with the tyrants.>

Abolishing a government through a war (REVOLUTION) is NOT the same as quietly telling the government that you are part of that as a State you are exercising your Right to secede. Great Britain did not quietly allow its colonies to leave. A price was paid for the right to secede.

And a civil war was already fought once over this, so yes I do side with Lincoln for saving the Union, as a National Leader should. The south knew that war was inevitable through their declaration of secession, just as our Founding Fathers knew that war was inevitable when they signed the Declaration of Independence. If you believe that States need a Right to quietly walk away from the Nation, without war, then maybe its time to work on an Amendment that puts that into the Constitution. Use the system in place or expect another war. And in these times we live in, war is a Deep State objective.

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

My friend Dave used to rail all the time about Lincoln being a tyrant, and that slavery was a cover story... LOL... If this is Dave hello :-)

In today reference frame both the States and the Citizens are absentee landlords. And both the States and Citizens started losing their rights in 1798 when President John Adams pushed through the Alien and Sedition Acts as a means to suppress criticism. It was the 1st Federal overreach and it was generated by a Founding Father, while other Founding Fathers fought against it. A lot more there as you would say.

Nowhere in the Constitution do I see a Right for a State to secede, which unfortunately was the price that was paid when the Articles of Confederation were exchanged for a Constitutional Republic. States are not independent nations, and the use of State as an independent nation is a misnomer.

I am a strong supporter of State Rights, but IMHO the question of nullification was answered way before the Civil War which itself answered the question of secession.

I would be thrilled if the sheeple awoke and turned into citizens, and the States reclaimed their rights and protected their citizens from blatant government overreach. It takes time and effort to use the system, more so when there is rampant corruption. In today's instant gratification, quick fix society are the citizens willing to be involved anymore??

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

During the Revolutionary War the Article of Confederation amongst the States defined the cooperative relationship amongst the States as independent nations. That State independence was based upon the premise of realizing a collective independence from Great Britain which claimed ownership of ‘it’s Colonies’. A lack of national unity existed as only a loose confederation of States was put in place to confront a common enemy. That's why General Washington needed to plead with the States for resources $$$ to fight ‘a National War’ of independence. Minimal support was provided; soldiers starved, were poorly equipped, and poorly paid.

After Independence was achieved the States needed to decide the path forward. Whether that be best implemented as a loose Confederation of independent National States, or a unified Nation. This was hotly debated and ‘The Federalist Papers’ provides insight into why a United States NATION was the best path forward. A deeper dive into the origins of the Constitution will surface the parts that Gouverneur Morris and John Jay played, without the notoriety that Hamilton and Madison have achieved in history. It’s well worth diving into ALL the Founding Fathers when we attempt to discern and understand why the Constitution is written as it was in order to reach a unified consensus. A nation, with a NATIONAL identity to the world, required the States to relinquish National Sovereignty. Yet amongst the States Independence was established, and within that context State Sovereignty also exists. Hence a careful balance. Unfortunately State Sovereignty has been largely abdicated in modern times. Likewise the will of the people to engage in the flow down to the state and local processes for governance has been abdicated! An absent landlord results in the corrosion of the structure!!!

In My Humble Opinion, we as citizens need to better understand how our Constitutional Republic was formed and what it provides as protection of citizens freedom and liberties of our God Given Rights. Both Federal and State Rights exist and an absent landlord allows the pyramid of power to become inverted. People-Local-State-Federal becomes Federal-State-People with local not even in the equation.

The States are NOT Nations! Yet Citizens are required to engage in more than just voting (sheeple) because local-state engagement is paramount. It’s ALL about community and when everything inevitable falls apart (read the Bible), it will be state, then local, then community that will provide whatever protections can put in place. And In My Humble Opinions the 17th Amendment did way more damage to our Constitution than the 14th ever did.

FreeDome 9 points ago +9 / -0

He's White Hat all the way. As mayor he fought the covid mandates!

FreeDome 7 points ago +7 / -0

Parts of VA is the suburb of DC. It's the classic money vs morality where the sheeple keep voting for corrupt politicians. Creating more government jobs grows the suburbs of VA $$$ and protects the jobs already in place. Without waking up, the sheeple across the nation for decades have chosen money as they put in corrupt politicians that 'Bring home Bacon' to their constituents. The polls indicate that the 'times are achanging' which shows that the false sense of empowered altruism that the liberal (big government) sheeple have swilled within for years is transitioning as the scales fall of their eyes :-)

FreeDome 2 points ago +2 / -0

IF Looking Glass is real... then all it can do is see what God already knows is going to happen. A point in time conclusion with options that converge regardless of the paths that man chooses. God lets it unfold, and Free Will allows us to change events (or timelines if you prefer), but nonetheless the final outcome is inevitable. God's whispers can either be heard or not heard... and if heard can be acted upon or not acted upon. There are some that believe that while Trump was lying on the ground, realizing his mortality, grounded him in a deeper relationship with the Lord. Some are pointing to Trumps need to get on his shoes as a means to ground him further as in Ephesians 6:15. In those moments of explosive adrenaline who is to say what is provided from within and what is inspired by Gods whispers.... Trump has rewritten his GOP convention speech.... Lets see where he takes it.

FreeDome 2 points ago +2 / -0

Buying twitter was icing on the cake with respect to his relationship with the current regime. Elon was already dialed out by then.

When Xiden was in his early residence he thanked the US auto manufacturers for their electric car initiatives.... All but Tesla,

Totally ignoring him was a huge slap in the face! The die was cast, he heard their message. Then his child disavowed him based upon the socialist indoctrination that the school system implanted within.

Now they are haggling over his proposal to SAVE the Hubble telescope with a reboost into orbit... $$$ he is willing to put on his plate.

Buying twitter, thereby breaking the DS propaganda monopoly, was him vesting into saving America and the world. Now thru social media, we can see alternate perspectives that are unfiltered from DS propaganda control :-)

They drove him to wake up :-)
He uses all things for His good!

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dan Smoot and he has other good info including how to spot propaganda


Howard Smoot, known as Dan Smoot (October 5, 1913 –July 24, 2003), was a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a conservative political activist. From 1957 to 1971, he published The Dan Smoot Report, which chronicled alleged communist infiltration in various sectors of American government and society.

This was back in the days when the government protected America from Communist infiltration

FreeDome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let me suggest option 4a Instead of ‘revelation is taking place in a way we just can't understand yet and most theological ideas are not correct’ becomes ‘we are in the birthing pains prelude to the tribulation, parts of end times is sealed (Daniel 12:4, Revelation 10:4) and will be revealed as the faithful walk through it with the Spirit, and some theological ideas are incorrect (because man tries to interpret what is written in the Bible with a Western mentality and a belief that it is ALL contained within)’

We are ALL called to know the season. Yet the fallen will not understand as they lack a love of the Truth. While those that are His will understand as the times are revealed by the Spirit (possibly including His arrival).

Personally I believe that the tribulation is imminent (whatever that means). Witness the technologies that are on the horizon that our adversary will require… AI and transhumanism. Then there is genetic manipulation! Do you think God is going to sit on the sidelines while His creation (humanity) is mutated (example the Nephilim and the Days of Noah)? Do you think God is going to explicitly reveal the final moves in this cosmic war between good and evil to our adversary and the fallen? Hence sealed and revealed.

Anybody who thinks they have it all figured out is lost. We are called to be ready to meet our Maker daily. But now knowing the season we are additionally called to prepare Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically and with Resources (as each is individually led) in preparation for tribulations from our adversary that will befall on those that are His. The only certainty is that Jesus will return, there will be Tribulation, and that in the end God wins!!

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion while it may or may not contain some of the information above, it definitely does NOT contain the pamphlet highlighted above as coming from the UN, etc.

Also can add that per AMAZON, Bill Coopers revised edition of Behold a Pale Horse ''excludes the hateful forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Had Mr. Cooper known it was a forgery, he would never have included it in his book.''

Have no desire to walk down the Elders of Zion rabbit trail, and this does not address where is the documentation that the pamphlet came from the UN and was not manufactured and then attributed to them.

FreeDome 1 point ago +3 / -2

Would LOVE to use this to red pill with, but after a quick internet search advise that this is not wise. This was on the internet about a week ago without attributing it to Dr Fleming. Now that it has been 'updated' it is easy to do an internet search and find this ruling against Dr Fleming from 2009 https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/omaha/press-releases/2009/om082009.htm

Yes I believe what he says is true. Also can believe that he was possibly 'set-up' as others in the non Big Pharma medical community have in the past.

Nonetheless it is readily easy to find this the sentence against him; which those who have swallowed the blue pill will use to discredit him and likewise anybody who tries to use this as red pill information :-(

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

TinEye Image search could not find it anywhere else across the internet. That makes it suspect as manufactured, while claimed to have UN roots. If so then it's a sinkhole to discredit anyone who reuses.

FreeDome 3 points ago +3 / -0

There should have been 8 on each side for 17. They didn't have enough officers for that picture, so there are 3 missing on the right

FreeDome 2 points ago +2 / -0

The KC-46 is the latest aerial refueling tanker for the US (179) and a small number was sold to India (6), Indonesia (in discussions) and Japan (4 to 6). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_KC-46_Pegasus On 24 February 2011, the USAF announced the selection of Boeing's KC-767 tanker bid. The aircraft (A/C) was designated KC-46A. Boeing was also awarded a development contract for the tanker. The contract calls for Boeing to complete and deliver 18 initial operational KC-46 tankers by 2017. The Air Force is seeking to receive a total of 179 new tankers. In March 2015, the program cost for development and procurement of 179 tankers was projected to total US$43.16 billion. The cost per copy for the A/C sold to Japan was $173M each.

The link https://www.defense-aerospace.com/articles-view/release/3/144693/usaf-orders-%2478m-trainer-for-kc_46.html was a 78M contract for the development of a ground based aircrew training system for the KC-46. Those are one off systems hosted at facilities that the A/C are based at. The actual cost per copy after development is much less and probably a reasonably estimate is that 5 copies at 10-20M each are here in the states and one copy delivered as part of the FMS KC-46 sale to India, Indonesia, and Japan

Bottom line, Afghan was never allowed to buy KC-46 through FMS (Foreign Military Sales) and most assuredly none were left behind (as was other deliberate leave behinds). The 16k were probably radios like SINCGARS or EPLRS, which https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SINCGARS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_Position_Location_Reporting_System with most (if not all) being SINCGARS variants (hopefully not with the US crypto installed). If so 10k per copy is a generous allocation for each unit so that line item comes down from 1.2T to 160M Hope that help!

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not trying to be a butt head, but this still doesn't ring true and unfortunately some here are going to run with this and potentially embarrass themselves and this board. Willing to do some digging, if you can identify which of the many sources was used to generate the quantity (16k) and cost (78M) for the one line item that is almost 95% of the total cost rollup. Note that if that line item is taken out, then the total $$ falls in line with the 88B reported in other sources. Please help identify the source for this line item, for without that information this is unusable outside of this forum. P.S. Have worked on the development of many MIL systems and this does not add up!

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry to nit pick, and totally agree that this was a planned disaster to arm the Taliban at the expense of lives (American and Christian). But the books seem cooked. Specifically the MIL intelligence equipment is valued as $78M each and 16k were left behind?? That's 1.2T just by itself. The list I originally came across talked about a significant amount of secure radios. If these are manpack class 10k, not 78M would be a better figure for there value.That would bring the total value for that line item down to 160M not 1.2T. Can someone supply the make model and cost of the MIL Intel Hardware to justify the 1.2T that this adds to the bottom line. Also if these were direction finding (as an example) then almost every 500k Humvee was configured with a 78M DF system?? Things are just not adding up correctly, and to me this reeks of misinformation. It's so juicy everybody will want to run with it, discrediting many in the process. THANKS

FreeDome 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems to me that not answering the door doesn't work, as people knock for various things. Is it appropriate after they introduce themselves to politely say, I have something on the stove I need to address. Then close the door, ignore them and let them wait for as long as they feel inclined to. Thoughts??

FreeDome 2 points ago +2 / -0

Be careful in re posting links. Jovan to the best of my knowledge, and through internet searching, is not a Nobel Laureate winner; which is the banner on The Pete Stantilli link. Dotting the i's and crossing the t's is going to become increasingly important, as DS planted misinformation as controlled misinformation blending truth with lies, in an attempt to discredit the results. A blue pill will read the Nobel Laureate misinformation and then can immediately use it to discredit Jovan across the internet.

FreeDome 1 point ago +1 / -0

What Chapter and section of the Procedure Manual contains the subsections B. Election Program Contingency Plan C. Review of Election Program by a Special Master


by BQnita
FreeDome 1 point ago +2 / -1

I Identify as vaccinated

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