Good stuff
Is NYT legit?
Shouldnt it be studied for at least 5 years?
Did Cuomo not resign?
Is this his big announcement?
Is abc reliable?
So I think it lasts 30 minutes. Id give it until 3!
So anyone get anything? I did not
This is HUGE coming from Don JR!
I am not seeing shelves? Where r u at
Maybe those videos are fake?
I don't think this will happen! Thank you for your service!
So you are saying that a healthy 30 year year will probably die within 2 years of taking pfizer or moderna?
Lets see if this changes by fall!
Eh looks fake!!
I know MANY people that took the vaccine and ALL are fine.. some even took it months ago
I did not and will not but I dont know of it is necessarily deadly
Idk. I know actually quite a bit of people that got it and all are fine.
Idk this may just cause unnecessary panic. Sure it is good to have some stuff stocked up but this just causes panic, which will then cause unnecessary food shortage!
Dont sent kids to public school!