FuckBrandon 1 point ago +3 / -2

I’ve reconsidered several several stances and issues or groups I support since 2016 based on new information so, I feel a need to very politely say “no thanks” to anyone who tells me where my compass should point or challenges me to unconditionally support anything. I will continue to sit at my table alone and I do not need my ass kissed by the latest literally who on twitter.

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

no problem, I haven’t read it in a year and this was not something on my mind when I had two hospitals down the street from me in the US. I took it for granted that they’d always be open or staffed or that I’d have “insurance.”

Where I am now, there’s no 911 or paramedics or whatever to speak of so, yeah , couple suture kits and intramuscular antibiotics … I wish I had some goodies in case I mess around and piss off some Africanized bees or get bit by a snake or something. I encountered a massive nest of those in central Texas a few years ago which has me a little more nervous about wandering around in the forests or abandoned buildings 3 hours from anything. It’s not paranoia, it’s reality here that you’re on your own in most cases.

But the more I’ve watched things unfolding at home , I think I would reconsider that and maintain the same supplies even if I was in the US. again.

Editing to add: the most useful one , I don’t know if it’s on that list; but it has ended up being silver paste. I fought a fire in my kitchen successfully (old house in the states , long since sold) but got pretty nasty burns. Everything was out and I was slathering up with the silver by the time the paramedics stomped up the stairs. Hopefully you’ll never need that but if you ever need something in your prep kit, you need that.

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a theory about the board(s) and the kind of personal persecution that might motivate someone to run it (or maybe I’m just projecting but that’s not important here) and yet not necessarily participate in it— but no proof. If you think the medias heads explode over Q, lol…….

FuckBrandon 10 points ago +10 / -0

Medieval torture devices.

You’ll be the most popular pig at the monkeypox party when you wheel one of these in and yell “who’s into some breath control play?!?!!”

FuckBrandon 4 points ago +4 / -0

+1 for the ddimer.

I hate to be a soijack consoomer here and I know that cardio monitors on smart watches are not infallible but my watch did tip me off about being in afib which ended up being clots (and who knows what else I have a note to schedule a follow up echo cardiogram). Caught it and treated it early enough to have the ddimer in a normal range within the space of a week.

try to feel around your rib and chest muscles and see if you can locate the pain outside of your rib cage — when I can push on the spot and feel that in abdominal or chest muscles , that’s not my heart.

cardio monitoring at rest and activity can tip you off about declining health, if you’re getting up to 160 just checking the mailbox on your porch for example, you might feel perfectly fine and have no idea if you weren’t logging heart rate and blood pressure. I do have some issues , but the fact I have two years of data helps me frame it that “while that’s not great, it’s also not abnormal for me.”

Sedentary lifestyle, working from home , isolating, society being shut down, that will catch up with you. It’s been hot as hell where I’d been staying , so much that I couldn’t tolerate any outdoor exercise whatsoever, I just moved to a place about 20-25 degrees cooler because I have to move around and get some exercise , frankly I should be in a damn cardio rehab program but no interest in returning to the US whatsoever

FuckBrandon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it’s a great idea to have some of WHO’s “30 essential meds” on deck. Wouldn’t it be a b**** to survive the happening and then die of gangrene or sepsis from a cut on your leg, lol

If the drug in question doesn’t have absolutely 100% clear pediatric dosing guidelines online or on the packaging itself and you yourself aren’t sure— stop whatever you’re doing until you have that information

FuckBrandon 4 points ago +4 / -0

I liked the Reddit /r/conspiracies but after the crap they did to t_d users sitewide , i will never create another account or participate on any Reddit board again including many non political/non tinfoil boards I used to enjoy. Trash fire company and I hope it burns.

Overall .win is not the friendliest place and i don’t wander into it’s other boards. The main reason I follow GA is that you guys will discuss things no one else allows.

FuckBrandon 6 points ago +7 / -1

grin based on anecdotes from their employees, you might prefer the gulag

FuckBrandon 5 points ago +5 / -0

“the” traitor

correct , it wouldn’t be the nightmare conspiracy that it is if they weren’t dreaming big.

FuckBrandon 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can’t answer your question.

What I can tell you, confidently , without over reaching or making specific accusations — or saying they’re the good guys or the bad guys;

is that Gates and Musk serve one joint objective and that Bezos serves another objective.

What do I make of that?

Bezos hosts all the CIA crap on AWS and owns WaPo which is a totally dishonest propaganda shit rag (to say nothing of how insanely he’s profited from the plannedemic) my vote is on “everyone sucks here” .

FuckBrandon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q is Q , the “great awakening” is the “great awakening.”

I don’t have a religious fervor about it contrary to apparent opinions on the matter, nor do I care if Q is a larp or a psyop— if it was , it backfired horribly, and I couldn’t be more delighted

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

The notable thing about NAC is it chelates certain metals and toxins “things you wouldn’t think of when your minds on germs and muh virus, virus, virus.” It’s not something I would have taken on purpose if it hadn’t been prescribed to me but there’s that.

hat tip same to you, be well

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the detailed reply. I’m taking significantly less than that for NAC, maybe I’ll bump it up a bit. It helps a lot with the wheezing. I have K2, i don’t take it regularly — I’m on brilinta, they don’t conflict I can eat all the leafy stuff I want and k2 is fine,

Weirdly enough I was in phenomenal health when I was still stateside half the year and driving commercially, stopping at every grubby pilot and flying J on the way. Puerto Vallarta and the Phoenix metro area were the two areas where I had the most significant “reactions” (the sweats, the throat tickles etc) just being around strangers. Meanwhile I haven’t had that problem at all in Mexico City knock on wood.

That’s what has me penciled in for “we’re not imagining what we’re seeing, I’m just not sure if it’s caused by what we think it is.”

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

considered it, and am aware of that’s I’m in a very friendly place where they’ll give you fistfuls of adderall, benzodiazepines, painkillers etc “prescription schmiption.”

but I’m just shy of a year sober and I’m going to need to be a little sicker than this to drag myself back to hell with any of that

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brand new symptom. It has not come back and my pulse is stable all on its own now.

For a minute there I couldn’t even walk downstairs or to and from my car without being out of breath. I’m remarkably better and that’s coincided with the pulse/HR stabilizing even more.

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why would “overseas and stationed military” be dropping their ballot off in a box next to the courthouse at home in Wisconsin?

(Wisconsin already has mail in voting for military, expatriates with no intention of returning to Wisconsin but whose last state of domicile was Wisconsin etc) that’s already been in place for years and that’s not affected at ALL by this.

FuckBrandon 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is kind of an uncertainty factor in, “will 100 million people show up with guns and hand it all right back to the perpetrator(s)?”

Shall not be infringed means shall not be infringed but that is probably equal parts nightmare scenario for enemies and for people who would like to “do something about it.”

I say “good,” keep them on their toes and guessing. Unilateral military action and or a disarmed populace, lol, as if that would have been in our favor if that was on the table

(Me, I can barely carry groceries inside, so no, I’m not pretending that I’m about to play tough guy or hero. I’m sure this is not an accident or a coincidence.)

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve had the same thought several times, but in this case the serpent has been hissing and saying “if you do NOT ‘eat’ this you will surely die.”

I don’t want to die but I don’t really want to be one of the last surviving lucky contestant on Idiocracy Island with the Women’s March people either

FuckBrandon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly missing people or family wanting to know when a service will be…? at a ratio of 23:1 ….

FuckBrandon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Succession of the previous administration is “another way” but there would have to be something else we don’t know about.

Trump has made weird comments to the effect that he’s been told to shut up so he doesn’t get dragged into “it” too. Or was it worded as “become a target” or “become part of the focus.” Sorry no source or approximate time. Definitely a “what the hell does he mean” moment. I promise you that he said it. I’m sorry i do NOT know what he meant by it.

If memory serves me correctly this was a long time before patelpatriot and others were on about what they’re calling “devolution “,” so no I didn’t get that idea from any of them or any of that. I just had a weird reaction to a direct statement from DJT himself

FuckBrandon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks catsfive. I’ve always been a fighter and im still here waiting for a miracle with ya.

(I’m headed back INNAWOODS innawoods where there are no cruise ships or American tourists , because I don’t know what’s going on and I was never Ill in my old town. Nearly no one from America drives there for tourism purposes so they’re 100% 💉)

FuckBrandon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah or “it’s something else” and this is all just crap to distract us and keep us arguing about it instead of rioting and panicking until whoever is going to die, dies. “Things it’s not” :

❌ “5g” , I can’t even get 3g here ❌ sexual activity, I might have if I had the opportunity at the time but I don’t want to anymore ❌ the vaccine ❌ never officially had COVID per laboratory testing

I’m in an extremely small town with no tourism , but I mentioned feeling weird around people when I go into town to shop. I just packed up my car and moved it along today so I don’t have a safety concern with saying the nearest town was Puerto Vallarta, lots of cruise ships , therefore lots of vaxxies and gay vaxxies (I’m gay myself it is what is, I’m not bashing them I’m just saying they’re grade a compliers)

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