Now I know what a rancid cunt sounds like when it speaks
Also see Dan Crenshaw and that faggot rino Adam something from the j6 committee faggots
I know someone much smarter than I has had to have written this but what if this is q meant by follow the pen
Finally some fucking balls in Congress
Something something fraud vitiates everything
If it took you this long to finally see the truth you are a fucking retard, but I guess will let you sit at the little kids table
No one is condemning the entire country. You’re the only one with privileged knowledge that knows there’s a deep state in Israel? Their entrenched bureaucracy just so happens to use the most filthiest forms of blackmail and coercion that have ever existed.
I love pissed off vengeance minded FLOTUS
About time. Dude is a force of nature
They were. They’re not at present. The effetè EU has cucked every last country on that continent
if the punishment is hidden and to “keep things moving along” how will that dissuade future generations of parasites from taking their place? When someone was tarted feathered in the past it wasn’t in private. It was in public so that the public would see the wretched filth and scorn them. Additionally, these parasites families all must be shamed as well. They’ve all profited from the most heinous of crimes.
He’s always thinking about that little boy at the standard hotel
I physically cringe when I see those placards.
Fuck them and your soft take. They gladly stood by and watched us get fired, disconnected from family or worse. The problem with soft ass conservatives is you come to a gunfight with a nail filer.
Alina you are a fine woman but we already know water is wet. We want the names now
He looks like he smells like what I assume a lecherous pedophile would smell like.
I broke the like button for this
Legit lol. Brilliant
This I can at least conceptualize.
Well stated and thought provoking but who really wants anything to do with diluting our sovereignty. I’m ride or die with GEOTUS. His patience is both to be admired and the one thing that frustrates me the most lol
Apt but they didn’t just stall delay and obstruct. They stole they intentionally misinformed they suppressed they killed they imprisoned the tried to break our minds souls and spirits. NO FUCKING QUARTER
Yep something about a death threat to cankles…. In Minecraft of course