“The irony of the federal government’s desire to obtain informants within the Aryan Nations is that different branches of federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering occupied five of the six key positions in the organization. This means that the Aryan Nations were effectively a government-run shop, with agents spying on each other to ensure the integrity of an investigation – into an organization almost entirely run by the federal government.”
Just wow.
I know trees have great significance, the tree was involved in the fall (Adam and Eve/ first sin), and in the salvation of man (Jesus and the cross).
I’m not a fan of Santa though. It’s anti Christmas in my opinion. Santa teaches that if you’re good you get gifts, Jesus says no one can earn salvation, the gift is free, you don’t deserve it. Santa teaches greed and materialism..and lying.
Keep hope. I found out that after I was saved (at age 33) a lot of people had been praying for me. I was an atheist and God made Himself known to me one day while I was driving alone.
I have a brother who is atheist and I pray for him now.