A family member just had her fiancé commit suicide recently, he shot himself in the head and stayed alive (barely). The hospital had to keep him alive for about two days so they could harvest his organs for donation. Very traumatic.
Yeah, my 15 year old daughter wears one at school for the same reason. But she’s legit beautiful, olive skin, long brown wavy hair, hazel eyes, thin build, nice teeth, low self esteem :(
I’m hoping she gets past this soon
Here’s a great one, by Peter Stoner
I had an abortion as a teenager, I never would’ve done it if it weren’t legal. (This was 24 years ago)
When something is legal, it makes it feel like it’s ok.
For the record, I’ve since been saved and educated in what exactly happens when a woman has an abortion and am pro life 100%
I’m thankful that He chose me, I was an atheist and the worst kind of sinner. Now my life is completely different in all the best ways because I know Christ.