GGRockz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Flynn is not to be trusted. He one too many times said things that hinted red flags.

Read what I wrote. This site may have been happy but how many others would you lose.

GGRockz 8 points ago +8 / -0

As I stated before.

Let's think.

You can't have two alpha males running the show.

If you pick someone like Flynn (who I can't trust) you will alienate people on the fence who are not sure about Trump.

Though I am not excited about the VP pick he may sway some of the voters who where iffy about Trump.

Putting a hard liner in there would have lost those votes.

Let's be clear Trump didn't get this far listening to you.

Give Trump the credit he is due.

Then again after Saturday they may have told Trump do this or else.

GGRockz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let's think.

You can't have two alpha males running the show.

If you pick someone like Flynn (who I can't trust) you will alienate people on the fence who are not sure about Trump.

Though I am not excited about the VP pick he may sway some of the voters who where iffy about Trump.

Putting a hard liner in there would have lost those votes.

Let's be clear Trump didn't get this far listening to you.

Give Trump the credit he is due.

Then again after Saturday they may have told Trump do this or else.

GGRockz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who is that?

GGRockz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let's think.

You can't have two alpha males running the show.

If you pick someone like Flynn (who I can't trust) you will alienate people on the fence who are not sure about Trump.

Though I am not excited about the VP pick he may sway some of the voters who where iffy about Trump.

Putting a hard liner in there would have lost those votes.

Let's be clear Trump didn't get this far listening to you.

Give Trump the credit he is due.

Then again after Saturday they may have told Trump do this or else.

GGRockz 6 points ago +6 / -0

Let's think.

You can't have two alpha males running the show.

If you pick someone like Flynn (who I can't trust) you will alienate people on the fence who are not sure about Trump.

Though I am not excited about the VP pick he may sway some of the voters who where iffy about Trump.

Putting a hard liner in there would have lost those votes.

Let's be clear Trump didn't get this far listening to you.

Give Trump the credit he is due.

Then again after Saturday they may have told Trump do this or else.

GGRockz 13 points ago +13 / -0

PA is a closed primary.

That POS donated to Biden.

He switched in order to vote against Trump in the primary.

Tell your co workers to take their heads out of their assessment.

If they can't see what happened they're unintelligent.

GGRockz 32 points ago +32 / -0

He isn't a Republican.

He donated to Biden.

PA is a closed primary.

He switched to vote against Trump in the primary.

As Rush called it Operation Chaos.

GGRockz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am not a Green Beret but I know this.

GGRockz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok I can go with that too.

GGRockz 3 points ago +3 / -0

My neighbor just told me this.

Her friends were at the rally. Their nephew went to school with this POS. She said that he threatened to shoot the school once.

This is ridiculous .

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