GeorgeMcPottyMouth 4 points ago +4 / -0

In my dracula voice "VERY VERY INTERESTING".

i WISH THEY WOULD HURRY THE FUCK UP ,just throw us dogs a few bones please,as the LiL Whiney Brat in the back seat says ,Q=mommy are we there yet.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 12 points ago +12 / -0

two whores walk into a bar and one walks up to me and says,'I'll do anything you want for 2 hundred dollars,i say can you paint my house ,LMAO.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 1 point ago +1 / -0

A man is stern in his convictions his lover/mate and his beliefs ,your pussy footing around with your heart and she as well ,a house divided will not stand ,and what's the purpose,it's like the old saying ,"YOUR EITHER WITH ME OR YOU AINT ",and its really that simple ,and no you don't need marriage counseling ,build a man cave out back and let her watch hallmarks,life's to short for all this Drama.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

i think he was arkincided,cause loretta lynch was promised his position on the tarmac

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imo ,Trump should tell the POS judge the he's going to go to Barrons Graduation and i Double Dog Dare ya to arrest me.and also tell him to eat a bag of beat dicks.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

just let Bubba in jail know what thug did when he gets there ,if he gets there is the question,can you imagine this lady going back to class with this POS waiting on her.just think what they would do in a jap /chinese school .it wouldnt happen ,this is our problem and has been for decades. just for fun lets turn the races around a little bit,white kid black teacher ,later in the afternoon ,white kid found dead out back of school,authorities baffled.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 1 point ago +1 / -0

We like Butternut squash,it vines like crazy but produces a lot and keeps really well ,last year i planted it on the bean trellis and trained it up and down and sideways it did great,we still have four left from last year,one is big enough for two people,cut in half ,be careful very hard shell,take out seeds and mesh ,wrap in foil cook 350 for 90 mins,add butter salt and pepper sour cream if you like ,Absolutely delish. when the vine on the squash dies and the squash turns dark tanish its ready to cut ,wash off with warm water leave stem about 2 to 3 inches long and scrub squash with a green scrubber sink pad to get off all dirt and grim ,scrub the umbilical till it turns light green your getting off anything that can rot the squash over time let heal outside in a cool shaded place for a couple days ,keep in a cool airish place and check them throughout the winter,clean and wash the seeds and let them dry for a couple days then freeze for next year,ENJOY. p.s. THEY CALL ME THE MATERMAN, were matersamich freaks,DUKES ONLY.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

where do you think all the out of date meat goes ,straight to the sink in the deli for a bleach bath ,then off to the rotisseurs for that quick night supper on the way home from work,and then you pick up some chicken salad ,egg salad ,potato salad,tuna salad,everything that has been processed in the deli comes throughout the store that is out of date and slimy,remember years ago Food Lion got busted for doin this ,just sayin.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

add another zero ,Calling Sir ,Han,Sir ,Han,The Republican party is over,we've been outplayed game over. what are we all gonna do if this plan dont come to fruition ,just asking

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 5 points ago +5 / -0

come on outta the closet lindsey you weathervane POS ,you think for a minute Trump would ever trust your lying puckered asshole.GFY.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 6 points ago +6 / -0

Specific group of people =God fearing Patriotic Americans= Deplorable Domestic Terrorists according to our DOJ. The really sad part of this shit show is were not the ones that hate this country,we will fight to protect it.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

He should run for something,it would be a landslide.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 5 points ago +5 / -0

God spent a lot of time on this one,wish she could be Trumps VP, Za Great Reset is real. I live in the suburbs outside of a large Southern City,was shangri la,in the last three years it has become inundated with two story townhomes ,cookie cutter neighbourhoods with low income housing in which has over crowded our roads our schools our Grocery stores everything,all for two things ,TAX PARCEL NUMBERS#$$$$$$$ and Liberal votes and this is world wide,Trump warned everybody this was going to happen.

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