US regime controls every country and person in NATO, don't you know that?
Thank you so much! I know about that law but don't read it nearly often enough.
I'll try to follow your other posts. It's far too easy to worry about the current thing and forget the horrific threats, negligence and outright murder during the Covid craze.
Vive la resistance!
Chin Monster on a rampage!
That term, "horse paste," is their sadistic mockery of desperate people who were prevented by tyranny from obtaining normal human prescriptions. Sickening.
I've always been the math guy, and when I've read about three different anti-IVM studies I had to laugh because they were so poorly designed.
There's also that little matter about policies not being laws. Government policies can be totally illegal, and in this case were furthering a series of crimes.
"He broke me."
I might also recommend studying engineering, biochemistry, and at least some higher mathematics so that if you ever encounter secret information, you can understand it. Then you're prepared to use it to defend your great country.
I fell for that a few days ago. But the cake was so sweet that I threw half of it away.
And I walked right past the cakes today!