GlennRush 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are on the same side. Whose side do you think turtle face Graham is on? Why do you think they want the same 15 week abortion ban, Desantis and him? It’s all a trick. They are want to push Desantis over trump. That’s why Rogan and Alex Jones said they want Desantis over Trump. This is all a ploy. Clowns in America.

GlennRush 4 points ago +4 / -0

They will use either aliens or Jesus. This is why it is so important that nasa and the rest of the worlds space agencies keep up the charade. It’s why they created Star Wars. To keep “space” in the mind of the people at all times. Keep a looming threat just far away that everyone knows it’s there but they aren’t scared until they need to be.

GlennRush 0 points ago +1 / -1

How did democrat supporters “deal” with it? They like illegals. They are mad at republicans for toying with the illegals not moving them into their cities. The only thing this does besides spread illegally voting aliens around America is make happy the republicans who still have such a childlike mentality that simply making democrats mad is seen as brilliant.

GlennRush 3 points ago +4 / -1

Desantis is not based. He is “fighting” for a 15 week abortion ban. Just like Doug Ducey and Lindsay Graham. The vast majority of abortions happen before 15 weeks. This is a deep state ploy to appease the ignorant base without lessening your supply of adrenochrome. Desantis is an actor and there is a reason Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Alex Jones said they want him as president not Trump. He is a Clown.

GlennRush 0 points ago +1 / -1

How is that brilliant?! What does this solve?! Oh, democrats are mad! That solves everything! Abbott and Ron (Costello) Desantis are playing you for fools.

GlennRush 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard: 10000 dollars. 15 week abortion ban to keep your adrenochrome supply from running dry: Priceless

All it takes is “pissing off” democrats for you to stop looking into someone’s actions and the reason behind them. Desantis is RINO!

GlennRush 0 points ago +2 / -2

Now do you understand why Desantis, Ducey, and Graham, etc.. are pushing for a 15 week ban? Because it looks good to the know nothing normies while keeping that adrenochrome supply steady.

GlennRush 1 point ago +1 / -0

The democrat base want illegals. The republican base already knows democrats are corrupt. Who are they exposing it to? Do you see anyone upset that Lori lightfoot sent all those illegals to the Chicago suburbs? I haven’t seen any evidence that this has done anything other than spreading illegals to parts of the country that didn’t have them before.

GlennRush 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, but it is a ploy by rinos to curry favor with a base too stupid to understand that real principles and values mean having correlated actions. Spreading them around to suburbs around the country hurts the country, it doesn’t matter if it pisses off your political opponent. It’s exactly like the 15 weeks abortion ban. It does nothing but hurt but it’s spun in a way that those that don’t know better think it’s a good thing.

GlennRush 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the entire Q operation is very compartmentalized. People have their specific duties and are on a need to know basis. That being said I’m not saying he is necessarily part of Q but he has been in support of Q and has done an enormous amount of work bringing attention to the stolen election. Q ultimately leads to the outing of the world wide satanic pedophilic child traffic network and hopefully it’s eradication as well. Without the stolen election there is no trump returning to office and no eradication of the network. So perhaps it’s just an actor playing his role because you’re watching a movie. Remember, trump praises the shot, trump praised the queen and the king. It’s a massive chess game.

GlennRush 1 point ago +1 / -0

And building 7? Just a coincidence? You can see the bombs go off on all of the buildings, including building 7. I think catsfive might just be Lucky Larry.

GlennRush 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well over 90 percent of abortions happen before 15 weeks. Anyone saying they are against abortion yet fight for a 15 week ban is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Joe Rogan and Alex Jones both pushing desantis. Lol. Controlled opp loves controlled opp.

GlennRush 3 points ago +3 / -0

The god of the templars is Baphomet.

GlennRush 9 points ago +13 / -4

It’s going to take a while to tear down the Masonic Veil hanging over this world. The Earth is Flat. Outer space is not what you are seeing when you look up and it does not exist. Dinosaurs are a hoax, along with evolution, and gravity. Our timeline is a lie. Our past is a lie. Giants are real. Fallen angels are real. And it goes on and on and on. We live in the little season.

GlennRush 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow! Look at how long that ring finger is compared to her index finger. That’s a man, baby!

GlennRush -1 points ago +3 / -4

Why would she give a fuck about illegals? Chicago is a sanctuary city. They want illegals. Illegals are a large part of the democrat base. How are more illegals throughout our country a good thing? You think they are all going to stay in expensive ass Chicago? They are going to spread to all the rural areas. This is a trick. Abbott is Cabal. Desantis is Cabal. If they cared about the country the only option would be to deport them. If they understand there is an illegal alien problem in this country they wouldn’t help spread them around. As far as I’m concerned this is treason.

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