GlobalOrcs 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fauci: "We had a collaboration with some Chinese commu.. uh.. Chinese scientists."

GlobalOrcs 10 points ago +10 / -0

Said boosters for 12-15 year olds are OK. By many accounts third shots become more lethal. Also means schools will push for boosters.

GlobalOrcs 12 points ago +12 / -0

From the comments:

It is astounding that so few people are outraged by the whole scam. They have been telling us in black and white it’s a scam from the beginning. I think one of the main issues is pride – people refuse to admit they were duped. They are too prideful to admit they pranced around in masks for NOTHING, they poisoned themselves for NOTHING, they left their elderly parents in nursing homes to die from abject neglect and despair for NOTHING, they closed their business for NOTHING. All events were canceled for NOTHING. I have family and coworkers who are TRIPLE jabbed and became very ill after and they REFUSE to admit it was the toxic injections that made them ill. They can’t connect the dots and accept the illogical notion that an imaginary “virus” made them deathly ill AFTER they got the supposed “cure”. They all gleefully say they “had COVID”. It is too much for them psychologically to admit they poisoned THEMSELVES. I think the most important lesson in all of this nonsense is personal RESPONSIBILITY. This will only end when people finally have the guts to admit they were fooled

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check the tech responses for this post.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for this tech information. I didn't know how to interpret the message which I saw for the first time this morning, so I was just hoping for someone who knows about these kind of things to post something plausible. Sounds like the 5G story was a chicken little message.

I have only an old style cell phone in a very rural area which says it is 3G, and my carrier has been pestering me to get a new phone by Jan 5 because of the 5G start up, but the latest message from them gave me a new deadline of Feb. 22. What is LTE?

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

a doctor so stupid he is willing to maim/kill both his young sons?

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you meant to type ER, but "error" actually seems appropriate for what is happening now at hospitals. I pray the injured will make some recovery. Please, Lord, your people suffer greatly. "Master care you not that we are perishing?" You who can still the storm by your command, please rescue us from this storm.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the back of my mind, I seem to remember during 2020 seeing some video that this Stones' song was played at Trump rallies and that it was JFK Jr's favorite song. They tell us he and Trump were good friends.

Also, fireworks are associated especially in the US with New Year's and July 4. In 2020, Trump had two Independence Day celebrations, one at the White House and also at Mt. Rushmore. Mt. Rushmore as you may recall, was on Jr.'s cover:

George Magazine February 1997, 2020: A Survival Guide to the Future, JFK JR. On sale at Ebay for $3,499.99. Some people have posted evaluations of this issue's contents, one item of which was an interview with Gates talking about a new deadly virus in the future that would attack people's lungs.

The Trump calendar for 2021 (haven't been able to find a copy since I first saw it) showed President Trump and First Lady Melania watching fireworks @ the White House (probably from July 4) as the photo for December 2021, not a Christmas tree, as one might expect.

These items, along with other recent comms, Trump's Jan 6 press conference, plus the Covid narrative crumbling, form a substantial hopium picture.

Now for some sorta personal "comms" that I think might be worth sharing: Dec 25, 2021 was my 17th wedding anniversary. Hard to believe it's been that long. I watched several movies over the holiday weekend. One was called "King of California" with Michael Douglas. He plays a bipolar man who goes on a quest for lost gold doubloons from Spanish conquistadors. I remember thinking, "Who is the actual King of California? Why Jesus, of course." Toward the end of the film, a poster is prominently displayed which is a picture of a lion and a lamb with the word "TRUST" lettered below. I looked up the Bible verse and discovered that "the lion shall lay down with the lamb" is a commonly mis-remembered verse from Isaiah 11:6. I also remembered the Israelite slaves leaving Egypt, Exodus 3:22, with silver and gold. Easter 2020, a pastor read a passage containing this event and prayed, specifically mentioning silver and gold, in the oval office with the President. The treasure from the Egyptians was compensation for the time they had been enslaved. Afterward, they were chased by Pharaoh, but the people of God had safe passage through the water, whilst Pharaoh [Satan] and his warriors were trapped and destroyed.

Maybe this year is gonna be a good year.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

For all of 2021, kept telling my spouse, "We're not gonna get the vax, OK?" Then he hit a mandate that forced him to make a hard choice, and he chose the vax. After getting vaxxed, he starts telling me I should get jabbed, too, because I am supposedly "weak" against the "virus." Some people regret getting jabbed, but most seem to be like the meme above. The jab seems to do some weird mind control thing on a lotta people. I don't think they have yet perfected the technique/technology, but you know how the WEF ads say "you will own nothing and you will be happy"? We are also told that in the future we will love our slavery. Doesn't it look like between the constant propaganda and the massive jab program that they are actually working out those stated goals at the present time? They are planning to be constantly upgrading the outer and internal programming such that the slaves will become grateful concerning every miserable aspect of their existence. They won't be humans. Just humanoids. Well, I don't think this experiment is going to succeed. Partially at most. Then it will be destroyed. My double jabbed MIL says to me on the phone, "You're wearing masks, right?" Me: "No, no, no, no, no mask." She rushes off the phone, acting freaked out of her mind. That's what many are now--freaked out of their minds.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

HRC still wants to be Madame President in the worst way. It has already slid past her twice. Harris is the reason they are still winding up Xiden. They have both become liabilities to the Dems. Harris will be bribed out or blackmailed out with some convenient public excuse. HRC's tearful acceptance speech--phew! They wouldn't try to sneak Hillary in the back door unless they had enough ducks in a row. Her New Year greeting is a political resurrection image. If they successfully install her as VP, Xiden can be canned easily. Big Mike, while popular, has zero political experience except as politician's husband in a dress. Maybe he would be nominated as Hillary's VP? Nancy likes her political power as Queen of the House, plus status of being "second in line to the throne." However, for Nancy to become President, both the Prez and VP have to vacate at the same time. No prognostication, just opinion. I think this would need to happen before the mid-term elections. But I'm hoping for a rescue before the above could be played out.

GlobalOrcs 7 points ago +7 / -0

By chance last night a 1994 movie called Silent Fall started rolling on TV. It starts with a small town double murder. So I'm thinking it is a murder mystery and get ready to turn it off. However, in the opening credits there are several big stars, so I decided to leave it on for a bit. SPOILER ALERT: Not until the end is it revealed to be a case of incestuous pedophilia on the part of the father. The mother ends up punished for having turned a blind eye to the abuse of her children. This is pretty common. A quote from the psychiatrist character, Dr. Rainer: "Abuse victims are always the best actors. They have to be, to live their whole lives with the pain and shame pretending there is nothing wrong. It's the greatest performance of all." Many times, those who were abused in childhood grow up to become abusers themselves. And some of those grow up to become professional actors. Collectively speaking, many of us have been guilty of trying to paper over unspeakable horrors that we have either experienced or witnessed or heard about and then spending the rest of our lives as actors, "pretending there is nothing wrong."

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

i heart pepe. 2022 is going to be golden.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, coincidentally, I found myself looking up Kwanzaa recipes today. If we skip Sandra Lee's infamous Kwanzaa cake decorated with corn nuts, the Kwanzaa recipes look a lot like southern cooking with a few African dishes such as peanut soup for added spice, and is intended to be a sort of harvest/first fruits festival.

There are seven principles to ponder to go with the 7 days Dec. 26-Jan.1, and 7 candles:

The following from Wiki:

Umoja (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

Kujichagulia (Self-determination): To define and name ourselves, as well as to create and speak for ourselves.

Ujima (Collective work and responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems and to solve them together.

Ujamaa (Cooperative economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

Imani (Faith): To believe with all our hearts in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga said it was meant to be an alternative to Christmas. He believed Jesus was psychotic and Christianity was a "White" religion that Black people should shun.

To popularize his self-made festival, he later softened his stance so that Christians could celebrate it.

I have a feeling Mr. Karenga was a Communist.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK. I don't do Netflix, so I'll suggest it to my fam, see if they get it.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK I took the "look up" part too literally. Literally it means something closer to "don't look around you" or don't use your common sense to see what is actually going on. I didn't see the movie itself. But I have known many people who literally cannot see the chemtrails. I first noticed them around 2000. I looked up and saw a grid for the first time. People told me that was just normal air traffic jet trails. I guess they never saw a normal sky. So chemtrails are for them a conspiracy theory, because they can't see them. Scripture describes pretty exactly how Christ will appear in the sky and everyone is supposed to be able to see this event. I suppose it is possible that even then there will be some who will not believe what their eyes tell them just as now there are those who do not believe what their senses tell them concerning the danger of the vaccines.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many leaders promoting the jab by quoting the words or will of Jesus. They haven't a single clue what the scriptures really mean. Well, they show who their boss is when they say these kinds of things.

GlobalOrcs 0 points ago +1 / -1

I thought "don't look up" meant "don't see the chemtrails" or "don't see the arrival of Christ."

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's my party, and I'll vax if I want to

Vax if I want to, vax if I want to

Suicide for you, if you wanna play, too

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I have a question here. We have been told the vax gives little or no protection against the "virus." We have also been told Omicron is extremely contagious, yet very mild. Now we are hearing a lot of stories of "family sick." Presumably non-vaxxed would get immunity from a short, mild illness. How would Omicron help the vaxxed, if the vaxxed already have damaged immune systems from the jabs?

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, we're not all about to die soon. Before such an event could ever happen, Christ will come and the resurrection of all the saints, past then present, will take place. THEN the end of this present evil world will come when Christ will destroy all his enemies. Deep States' timing and method is way, way off base.

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