Damn must be over the target I'm getting down voted to hell
Right?! Are they in on the code or just trying to make .25 cents?
Who wants to play with a squishy hot dog or pizza slice as a kid? Why not literally ANY other food item?
That's how it was described to me by the people I was with at the time anyway.
Ve didn't know. Ve vere good jews.
"Not the gravy! No more gravy!"
Yep that's how bad it got in Zimbabwe.
Nobody worked because their dollar changed value 3x per day, usually inflating up such that if you agreed to a day's work at $5 and $5 bought a loaf of bread, by noon $5 was worth half a loaf and by quitting time maybe a couple slices.
I still say Jan 6th was 99% glowboi op even from the planning stages.
Imho if Americans were serious about fixing government we'd already be almost 2 years into the New American Union rn after a REAL Jan 6th event
Are we sure this isn't footage of Brazil winning World Cup or something?
Actually the original is from the show Arthur and I suspect the poster is really in his room. Digging way back in the memory banks though lol
Sitting on a park bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent
Snot's running down his nose
Greasy fingers, smearing shabby clothes
Hey, Aqualung
South Central PA went from 5.64 to 5.94 last day or two. Heating oil
"Some people...not me, of course - but some people feel you fail to appreciate what we've done for you." Angelo Bruno
They were giving local churches like $100 to hold a vax clinic and $10 for every vax given. Can't remember where I read it but it's burned into my mind. 30 pcs of silver anyone?
There was a schizo guy who used to write messages in chalk on the bricks of the mall where I worked in college. Never forgot one: "ve were good Germans. Ve did not know."
"I closed my eyes and using the power of my mind made it so." How Charlie sheen and I stopped drinking
Graduated Animal farm.
Needed a large /s on your post lol
"OH, just one more thing I wanted to ask you." :)
California, where ancient politicians go to die
Rectal prolapse is a very real danger when you're getting bowel plowed by a dude named THE HAMMER
Nations when not properly holy can be demon possessed according to Fr. Chad Rippergers latest book. God may even be allowing these things to bring ppl closer to him
Bahaha love it
It's gotten dumber on the regular web for many years too