I can totally relate to this! I was not a fan of the Bushs. I voted for W once and I did vote for Obama. Obamas actions and policies were an eye opener! Watching the media and all Donald Trump's political buddies turn on him when he announced his bid for presidency made me interested in looking into our government with more depth. I am a Trump fan but I would call myself an independent before anything. Imoved from Iowa to Washington state in 2017 and it really opened my eyes to how bad liberal states are. It's a beautiful place if you are not looking from ground level. The east side is rather clean but the Seattle corridor is a disgusting cess pool. I am awake now!
It would be great to see a big wakeup boom happen soon to help wake up the brain dead woke so we can stop being punished with their ignorance. I am continuing to watch for signs but I quit listening to alot of my favorite podcasts cause it's a big time killer with the same stories everyday.
From what I've read on a gitmo site called Humerous Mathematics, Hydroxychloroquine will kill people who are adrenochrome users. It would make sense that the elites would tell the media to make sure the word is out to protect themselves vs us civilians.
I know many people hate Tucker but I believe his behavior is part of the plan. He discredits information to slow things down for the sheep. The sheep dont listen to us but they listen to the MSM. He would be shutdown immediately if he exposed even a tiny portion of everything going on. Drip, drip!
Barrack was a great bullshit salesman. The media didn't report the bad stuff he did. His 2nd term awakened me! Romney and McCain were deep state garbage too! Had Hilary got in before Barack? We would have had bigger problems!
After the election, I was watching Newsmax and figured out quickly that they do the same . Constantly interrupting and cutting off their guests. After a good friend redpilled me what is really going on, I quit watching the news all together. I can listen to Candace Owens or Charlie Kirk anytime.
Did anyone else notice CGI being used in the Halftime show? I wonder what the fans saw that were at the superbowl?