God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Culture. Definitions matter. If we “hear” - we warn our enemies because we “love” our enemies. We know who wins, we know what happens to those who hurt Gods children. We are Gods children. Our children are also Gods children because of us.

We tell our enemies they are wrong. We rebuke them. We do not take the higher road. We stand up to them because their way is wrong. Evil is wrong. Why would evil tell evil to stop? Evil will only devour all it is allowed to.

They have been told Christians are weak. That too is a lie.

Luke 6:27-35

27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, 28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. 29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.

God_wins 7 points ago +7 / -0

They all need food and water in New York. Let them be there. Stop all the transportation of goods to their. Treat it like a war zone. The people will have to do this and not the government. Put up check points and allow the peaceful to flee.

This is what they want all over the country. Why not give it to them? When will the resolve become known in the USA? We have learned this past decade they are not going to stop. They have declared war on the USA and many still think it’s going to magically stop?

It stops when the USA people practice tough love. Those who love their children would rebuke their children for doing this nonesense.

Harsh? I don’t know any longer. It is 2024 and we have seen all the 3 letter agencies turn into the equal of what we would call the SS in Germany.

2030 is approaching fast. Will there be a USA or a bunch of people who said the normal things of regret? We coulda, shoulda, but we kept believing it was a fake.

Let them be violent. Defending our constitution is only violence to the enemy.

God_wins 4 points ago +4 / -0

For national security they take brides. For national security they traffic children. They have turned darkness into their light. Some with smug expressions on their faces believe they are the righteous and they are truly doing a service too.

Many will say in this world we need corruption. They are wrong. We will always have corruption in this world. We need courage to stomp it out.

When will true honor be restored in USA?

God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hold them ALL accountable. They still want forced vaccinations and masks. They have all shown their hand and shown they care not about anyone but themselves.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

All the trees look like a bar code. Anyone try scanning it?

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

When a man has two woman he will tell each they are his only. When they find out about each other each believes the man and fight for that man. Sure some woman won’t but that is the game they play. Until they are held accountable for their actions it won’t stop and for a very long time the same game is played. This is why they are called “players” the cabal lose only when they are not allowed to be players. They do not care about either woman.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the military do we expect a pilot to do what a 11B would do in the Army? Or a private to be a Staff Sergeant?

The devil gives gifts just as Jesus gives gifts. I believe there are levels to these gifts according to each individual.

Having a KJV Bible in a house does plants seeds of faith in the Spirit Realm just as those Parker Brothers boards do with the spiritual realm.

The Biblical principles apply to even those who dismiss God just as the mirror reflection apply to those who dismiss Satan.

Many are called, but few are chosen. What happens if the chosen are nowhere to be found? God will find those that the world hates. The ones that might be uneducated and have a stutter (a real stutter). How does the opposite happen?

So regardless if one believes or not the reality is good and evil exists and it is possible with your cousin. The way to go about it is the tough part. Your cousin has levels to go up in and each level is a decision of the future of them. Those who become likened to Paul (Saul) are also required to use their gifts and are held to a higher accountability. If you do it incorrectly with these who are engulfed in this witchcraft it only makes their mind to become more resolved.

Most people will say blackmail is real in politics, but will discredit the Spiritual realm. The greatest deceiver is also the greatest at blackmail. The more entrenched in evil the more is required to get out of it and the greater the person could become.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many will dismiss stuff like this. The man was a man that was gifted with the insight of gambling. Imagaine that in Nevada eh? Who would not want his gift? -other than me? This gift made him very wealthy.

I am not perfect but I remember the very second I rebuked that. It wasn’t a ruckus like we see in the movies. It was a very simple thing. I said to it I do not want it as a guardian angel. I prayed to Jesus.

I recovered from that illness but I have always had a deeper -maybe a version of ptsd? Who knows… I am still human.

Later in life I went to a casino and I found myself winning against the odds… what I did is stopped at that very second and left the table. In was in Detroit during a training for work. The coworker wanted to go the casino and I rode with him.

We wrestle with things unseen but they have power and I want to be weak to it. Yet I at times do not think many others have gone thru what I have in life. Being calm under pressure is required. Only God knows when it ends and I see an infinite number of space that He has created. The future is full of infinity. :)

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

This chick I was dating in Nevada in the 80’s. In high school. Her guardian was not her mother but this guardian was a witch (she said to me, not me calling her one) - I ignored them while they were doing the board thingy with the letters and such. —way before googling stuff—I was playing a game in their house and all of a sudden they asked he if I knew who a man was and they said his name—well this man passed away a little while earlier and was from a different city too.

I asked how he died and they told me what the board thingy said. It was correct. I refused to acknowledge that board and yet the witch woman said I now have a guardian angel. —I was like whatever.

Next day I got the most sick I was ever and it took months and I lost around half my body weight and could not eat for months. Drank water thru a straw and the official report from the doctor was Mono.

I had that feeling of something always around me and I rebuked it then too. I did not want that guardian angel disguised as this man that was a family friend.

Whatever that woman was and whatever happened to me was crazy. Everyday I was locked in the home in pain and 2 things happened to me after that though. 1 I had more faith in God and 2 I did not want to kiss girls ever again… I became a real germaphode for a time :)

There is power out there and this is why I pray to be weak and try and stay content. I am going thru a thing now I wish did not happen to me too but I have no choice but to accept reality and stay content and calm. lol

God_wins 7 points ago +7 / -0

Here is the thing to consider. In the USA we have this hiding under the surface for decades. The saying all roads lead to Rome is correct. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters and we should not put up idols…

This is how humans are.

Example. Those who chase Big Foot. Look at how they approach it. Look at the road that leads those people on. In the end it is the same. Sacrificing becomes inevitable when one is serving the master of this world.

Example. Look at those who chase aliens. The same approach. Both use mediums who claim they have some sort of abilities that are capable of sensing.

Where I grew up in Nevada thousands of cars would drive to a service that openly worshipped the deceiver and this was in the 80’s. I would be invited from the barber to attend. When kids went missing in the area it was a conspiracy theory to think those had anything to do with it.

Amazing stuff how many in the USA has been so blind for decades and now we are seeing the reaping of what our fathers have sown and we are shocked?

We need to pray to Jesus and ask for help. Pretty bad stuff going on.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

My grandpa was an LAPD officer during the 70-80’s. He stayed married to my grandmother for decades. However after they passed I get a call from a person wanting a dna test. Find out my grandpa has children no one knew about.

With cameras now and the double sided nature of police in our culture. It makes things interesting for sure. This specific cop was showing us that they do not bat an eye at their deception.

Local police is part of our culture and I believe we need police, but I also believe they are over paid and over rated. The propaganda that they did for decades is amazing stuff.

When the local Walmart employees are stealing 99 percent of the stuff and blaming 1 percent on customers in these red cities and in the blue cities they allow customers to openly steal while arresting white folks for defending themselves.

We really lead people to realize we have a constitution and allow Walmarts to shutdown and allow freedom to fix this mess. Including honorable police officers -if they exist. Maybe they are indeed non existent?

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where it says “Columnist” my brains registers it as “Communist”

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. Could there actually people in the real world that are driven? We are told people like Elon are so driven and become so wealthy and the world knows them. Is there real people in the real world that could possibly be driven to things that do not pertain to the world? The world will dispose of those as garbage. Yet that might be the point of these people who are driven.

God_wins 4 points ago +4 / -0

Indiana and Ohio I saw there was people on the roof for the college campus protests. Hey Johnie do you want your college paid? (Johnie received an email from the dean) Johnie says sure. Dean says here is a link… something that simple.

The dean is already entrenched in blackmail because a student enticed the weak dean. Some of these have been arrested I hear over the years but I only know of one for sure.

Now this bafoon is said to be buying up all the radio stations… I stopped listening to the radio years ago when they kept saying get the vaccine.

In the valley of despair we learn to give up or to cut off.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ultimate they will be before God and they will know everything they did…. I do wish it would turn around though. Maybe it will? My culture sign is how people drive in my area. Starting to become reckless again. One of my shift in culture signs was when Elon purchased Twitter. My ultimate sign would be Obama fleeing. We can still dream right?

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two things. The pledge of Allegiance and the Oath. The only two things that think are important. One of the lesser important things is in high school I had a teacher who said learning to type is one of the most important things to do.

So those are the 3 I remember learning in school. Using a comma might be 4 but I forget.

Now I wish I knew how to define what a domestic enemy is. What the media claims those who say the pledge of allegiance is considered the enemy.

How more in the open can it be? Amazing.

God_wins 13 points ago +13 / -0

Agree. Why do addicts have such a hard time quitting? This can go both ways. However if one is super spiritual but for good is it as bad as a super spiritual that is evil? In culture if a movie star wearing one red shoe and one black shoe in public will cause many to invest in that. Many will buy two pairs of shoes and wear a red and a black shoe. Are they aware they are addicted? I have always been able to see it and observe it. It is a Biblical principle. What the evil side has done is given that allusion and by doing so many have invested in it. These people have mocked their family, yelled, abused their family for not buying these shoes. Some to the point of death. Very interesting. For me I already forgave my brother but will he forgive himself? That is what will turn the tide. However I will not seek my brother it is his responsibility to seek me. The bridges they burned can make them harden their hearts. Very sad stuff.

God_wins 4 points ago +4 / -0

The plexiglass was to protect from a virus that has a 99.9 survival rate. Was not designed for nut jobs. Remember in commie/fascist/marxist culture they are always demonstrating mostly peaceful acts. This was a mostly peaceful attacker. He deserves recognition for his heroism. All these buses have slaves that drive them. Buses are racist and he freed the slave of the bus.

God_wins 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine a city where bus drivers are strapped and the law abiding citizens are strapped and this idiot does that. These commies are driving us that direction. Can not wait for those days. Heck even if people would carry tasers that would worked here.

God_wins 6 points ago +6 / -0

Almost a few decades ago now I was working at a place and we hired a new guy. He invited me to go hang out with him and we became friends. One day at work I forgot something important on my desk so I used the garage door of the shop to retrieve it—while doing so I heard this guy telling the owner that I smoke dope on the job. I slowly walked up behind while he was seriously saying this about me. The owner acted like I was not there, because he knows I did not do what this guy was claiming.

After his bologna, I calmy said really or something to that effect behind him.

That was the last day of his employment and this was also after him taking a swing at me earlier in his employment. Apparently this stuff works for this guy. His sister worked at the same company my wife works at but I do not try and make things worse for him.

Yet milliseconds can make a difference. One thing I remember is.

Romans 8:28 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

How does the RS define source? Better yet close? If a person walked in Trump Tower and walked out, would RS consider that close to Trump?

Anyway you look at this it shows more arrogance from the commie stone.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

What happens when a person truly turns darkness into their light? “safe and effective” is correct. It was “safe and effective” everyone put on a mask for a few weeks to help get the body prepared for the mRNA and then took the mRNA and the bacteria was given steroids to grow.

No concentration camps like Germany had… the wonderment is how it got to that point and how it stopped. Can people wake up enough to see and comprehend?

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is not really proof of life there. Is there? It could be a random person creating a spam bot.

I am not a coder but I could have been. If one was to would they want to save time? So they would have essentially copy and paste propaganda more or less.

In your system could you flag such posts and have an auto generated reply? This place is more personal than like YouTube for sure. YouTube will block many words and algorithms on replies. Which that is BS.

The mirror of that would be what? It is that same game though. The ones who are the abusers will cause the victims to censors themselves and they win by doing that.

God_wins 4 points ago +4 / -0

Think of it. A lot of the people involved with this stuff work in electronics. Look up a R2R DAC and how it functions. The good ones use a O-ring transformer and master clock. Don’t want to get in all the weeds but r2r dacs or dacs in general but with r2r dacs they will sound the best when there is less noise. Satellites use a portion of the tech too.

When I see that Q Clock and look up o-ring transformers used in old Phillips r2r type dacs coupled with bits and such needing a master clock to keep everything in synce…

Obviously people like Elon and engineers would view things in such a way. What is it 11 anons and Q+ and the 11 are from various aspects of life including intelligence and such?

I only view me as a person who sees stuff in holes thru a fence and I can make out only what I can see when I jump up a see over the fence and I can not jump very high.

Logic is needed in all aspects of anything that requires people or data packets (bits and bytes) to work productively. This logic is how a DAC (digital to audio converter) works and also how a football team plays football. A coach is the master clock.

So who is the coach?

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it is something many would not consider. I know and have known many so called atheist people and people who claim Spiritual stuff is fake and yet they say and do things that do not align with their claim. This is why USA is so important and why separation of Church and State is very important.

To rebuke evil is that but when authority has the power to not only rebuke but to also claim they are the authority over the outcome—basically guilty because they say so—just like we are seeing on many fronts.

I believe the USA has fallen already and just like anything there is waves of aftermath.

Once the wave hits the people who claim they are taking the higher road to keep peace and they finally realize they are guilty because the culture says so and the penalty is death—because evil only truly wants to keep in power and it has to destroy any kind of enemy.

When evil reigns it will continue all the way to people who have toes that do not match are a threat. Yep. They will claim people with toes that have a longer big toes are racist. When we go to the airport we already take off our shoes. Next could be socks and if your big toe is longer-guess what? We can joke but if you look right now in other countries they do this stuff. Color of eyes too.

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