Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

problem is, her voters are retarded and will say she's always been for this or that or it was Trump who stole her ideas. believe me, i live it they are that retarded.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

have you seen the mothers of Elon's kids? he has like 10 kids with 3-4 different women. the mothers are nut jobs.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +2 / -1

i seen that video as well. plus AH's mother was telling Whitney's (AH's sister) friend that Elon and Amber had frozen embryo's and were going to have a baby together. that is why a lot of people think Amber Turds daughter is Elons.

Godknowstheheart 8 points ago +8 / -0

if i could have my way, all those laid off federal workers would be cooking and cleaning for the coal miners.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +2 / -1

yes, stay on topic as well. i love DJT but it's really hard to follow him because he goes off topic too much when a question is asked.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

Priceless! make Americans remember when Killary cheated on the debate by Donna Brazile giving her the debate questions ahead of time. he is savage!

Godknowstheheart 9 points ago +9 / -0

"We can hear you breathing."

one of my favorite lines ever! i believe Q team was talking to Lynn Forester de Rothschild at that time, telling her to get off the board and never come back.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

the "Honorable" that's a bad start. should have started with the Fraudulent.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

some how, some way it will be Trumps fault. /s

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

they also need to look into how he treats his son. i seen that 'tug' he gave him when on stage and it looked like, tampon tim was pissed and the kid's reaction was one of, that kind of thing happens often. something is wrong with his son, he's nonverbal something or other.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

that's exactly what i read is that Alexa listens and records everything you say, whether you say Alexa or not. when you do say Alexa that is when, and only when, it's suppose to answer you back. i hate going into anyone's house that has one of these damn things.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

i was thinking 10 days of darkness is going to be for the whole world. after all WWG1WGA.

Godknowstheheart 6 points ago +6 / -0

i know, i think about it every time my dr orders a blood test, if they aren't taking my DNA from that. it's a BS world we live in. how do you protect your DNA from that?

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

look what the fake news has to say about Aurora -- >* Today, living in Aurora, CO, offers residents both suburban and urban amenities, making it an ideal place for families, young professionals, and retirees alike. As such, Aurora is a good place to live.Jul 15, 2024*

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

no wonder the cabal is trying to force Americans give up their AK's and AR's.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

hopefully a shock collar. if i had control of THAT, i'd be having all kinds of fun! Kek!

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