Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

If a transgender or a gay could just live their life normally like the rest of us, I wouldn't give a flying fuck. But noooooo. Trans and gays EVERY WAKING BREATH is all about their sex organs, and what other sex organs arouse them sexually.


They are like, "Hi. Oh Susan, your new puppy is so cute. Let me see it's sex organs! I need to see if it's sex organs arouse me sexually. Hang on. Let me show it my sex organs too! Bring me your kids! All the little kids need to know what's in my pantssssss! Everything is about my sex oganssssssss!"

by DrMcCoy
Gold-Eyed-Cat 7 points ago +7 / -0

I always laugh at the utter ridiculousness of a person claiming "God is dead". That deluded human will be buried. Worms will nibble his flesh. His bones will rot into dirt. He'll become moss and rain. Eventually no living person will care that he ever existed. And to God it will be just a blink of an eye.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's true. Tucker said he and Hunter have been "neighbors and friends" for a long time. Then he claimed someone stole his material and he changed his show last minute to NOT cover Hunter at all. It was pathetic.


Archived HuffPo link if you want to laugh at the Twitter replies:


Gold-Eyed-Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would have voted, but all 3 of my Twatter accounts are banned.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

This movie really sucks, but the director is a vegan trans three legged tortoise from Nicaragua.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 8 points ago +8 / -0

Gays sure love drama. Me me me meeeeeeeee! Look at me! I'm gay! Look! ME! I am sexually aroused by people the same sex as me. I need to tell you about it! YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT SEXUALLY AROUSES ME! ME me me!


(I have a gay cousin.)

Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok. But take a step back and look at this with some distance. You are asking a young married man to go to counseling with his mother. Don't try to make his life all about you. He is not responsible for your happiness. He has a wife. She won't respect him if he's some weak child who caters to his Mommy's demands. It's OK if he doesn't give a shit about Q. He can love you and have other interests.


Ignore me if you want. I'm nobody. But I know I can't let my Mom run over me. I'm hoping to be here, for her, for 20+ years! I adore her! But I have no problem telling her no. We have boundaries. We have to ALL be happy and live our lives the way we like. We all get one life.


I wish you and your son lots of joy and success!

Gold-Eyed-Cat 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's not all about you. He's a young man. He's probably worried about a woman, money, bills, his job, a house, vehicle, gas, his entire future. He may not care anything about Q. You have decades of experience he doesn't have. Support and comfort him. Stop being disappointed he's not supporting and comforting you. Stop letting Q shit keep him from being close to you.


(This is just my opinion. I'm a nobody. Feel free to ignore me. I don't have kids. We lost my Dad suddently. We moved back and purchased the house across the street from my Mom. My husband and I make dinner with my Mom nearly every night. She's awesome. But she often forgets we have our own shit we are dealing with. When she was our age she visited her parents once a year on summer vacation. She forgets this. She forgets what it was like at our age. She'd make everything about her if we let her.)

Gold-Eyed-Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Discovery is heavy handed woke clichés piled on top of GORGEOUS digitally enhanced cinematography. It really weighs the show down.


With your experience in sci-fi, you would have laughed your ass off at the episodes where Grey Tal gets to pick his new body. The kid is covered in severe acne. They have an inch of makeup on him to try and cover it. And he is given the chance to change anything he wants on his new body. And Mister Zitty-Face says something like, "Oh. Take that freckle off my left hand, please."




His character was interesting for about five minutes, but the writers did right by sending him off to a Trill symbiote cave to get rid of him. Maybe they couldn't get the acne under control.


Super fat women, comically bad teeth, scaring acne, baldness, and general unattractiveness is the norm in this show. There are a very few attractive female characters. Oddly enough, I can not think of a single young fit attractive male character at this time. I'm sure there is one... umm...

Gold-Eyed-Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe. Or maybe she'll get your dosage wrong because your hat is red.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 11 points ago +11 / -0

It was funny... before we lost all faith in doctors and nurses.


It's cute when people snuggle a baby and say, "You're so sweet. I could just gobble you up!" UNTIL you see that person actually chew up a baby.


We now know nurses and doctors are perfectly willing to murder people for money. They don't get to joke anymore without it sounding like a threat.

by IAmOne
Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Slightly dirty, but VERY funny song. NSFW. Horse Outside by The Rubberbandits (Grocery bags on their heads. Can't afford car/insurance.)



by IAmOne
Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never place the item on the counter. Just bag it.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

APMEX, Gainesville Coins, JMBullion, or your local coin store.


But keep in mind the price of silver has been manipulated since the 70s. Billionaires have been bankrupted trying to free silver from capture. Never underestimate how long they can keep the paper silver scam running.


Stack what you love. Not what you think will make you rich.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Congratulations! I heard you had a boy!


I did!


Is that him, there? He's beautiful!


OMG Thank you. I love him. So soft. And these are just the gloves. I had him made into sandals and a wallet too!


-Maryland "moms" 2022

Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh. Give it to God. Focus your energy only on what you can do. Like Jordan Peterson told a shrill Global Warming nut, "Did you even make your bed this morning?"


Just take care of your house. Your family. Your pets. Your neighbors. Your community. Don't spend your energy on things/people you can't change. It's a trap. It makes you hopeless and inactive. I think shits like Soros exploit this exact reaction to make people feel jaded and powerless.


Be good to yourself. Work on being the best/happiest/healthiest version of you!

Gold-Eyed-Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was tested. He failed. He was given poisoned apples and told to make his friends and neighbors eat them, and he did it. For money. He feels bad. He should feel bad. He should feel horrible the rest of his life. And when/if he is tested again maybe he'll find his balls, and not be such a sniveling weasel-faced whore.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sucks. Vidalia is a tiny little shoebox. Like 4k people total. It's kinda poor, but not ugly. Sad to read a 9 person pedo-ring could survive there for any length of time.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this the grandkid Hunter Biden is screwing?

Gold-Eyed-Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone tell Tim Scott murdering a person with a rope was already illegal. What a flaming bag of shit. I wish all these self-important NWO jackwagons would just spontaneously combust.

by Saline
Gold-Eyed-Cat 4 points ago +4 / -0

All Americans are represented under the American flag. But that is never good enough for these militant gays. They don't want to be equal, they want to be EXHALTED. This woman revels in pretending she's a victim, while she bullies everyone around her. And she won't be happy until she has the entire city focused around praising her. She is a one-dimensional person. She has her entire identity defined by her preference of sexual arousal. And she demands we worship at her alter.

Gold-Eyed-Cat 8 points ago +8 / -0

Heh! I looked up the painting. Their lord satan has no penis or body hair. Nice false eyelashes and feathered hair tho.

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