I looked into flat earth. My take away is that it's used to discredit real conspiracy.
The earth isnt flat, but flat earthers bring up interesting talking points.
Like why is no one allowed in Antarctica?
I think flat earth is used to end the conversation there. But it's hiding the real answer. My guess is there and an elite civilization there, and they don't want people finding out.
Remember when fit bit data was hacked, and it shows a lot of activity in Antarctica.
Antarctica is perfect for hiding a civilization. It's isolated, and you can use the temperature difference that a contained city can produces vs the cold weather to produce energy (Nitinol turbines).
And at the same time, they can be like oh you believe in Q, I bet you also think the earth is flat.
I think flat earth is pushed here hard by bad actors, granted I'm sure a chunk actually believe it.
Can I get some hard facts here, preferably "official" sources.
I know this is dumb, but I need links from like the NIH or other official sources to show the normies.
It doesn't help when then things I show are from conservative articles. Need the raw data and studies.
This fits my theory.
I don't think any part of the plan is going to happen. No arrests. No justice by the military.
This is meant to piss you off, and get you off your feet.
This isn't fixed by trump or the military. It's fixed by us.
This has been designed to be an op to change the mind of the people and piss them off enough that change happens from us.
2020 will never be fixed. It was designed to change election law. This is the first step to getting the right people in.
I'm not trying to doom, I'm just being realistic.
I can't reply cause I use brave, I refuse to switch but I'll tell you my story.
Yes, I got myocarditis from the flu or COVID. This was pre-vaccine, and I don't take yearly flu vaccines either.
I usually never get sick and if I do, it's just mild symptoms, it's always been like this.
Then COVID happens, and I got sicker then I have even been in my life. My whole body was in pain. My heart felt like it was going to explode so I ended up going to the hospital.
I was diagnosed with myocarditis. But I tested negative for COVID twice during my stay.
Now my heart is weak, and now I'm afraid of working up my heart rate, I feel like it's a ticking time bomb.
Do people getting myocarditis happen not from the vaccine, yes. It's ignorant to say otherwise. But in my case, I think it was from COVID, even though I tested negative.
My theory is I got COVID, and my most fought it off, but if left me weak for a stronger virus to come through and really do some damage.
This left me with some doubt about it all, like people say the tests always test positive, well why didn't mine? And only vaccinated people get myocarditis, well then why did I?
I remember seeing a video of a virologist (who died mysteriously before COVID) who explained 1 virus by itself doesn't cause disease, it's when 2-3 or more attack at the same time that real damage is.
To me, COVID was design not to be deadly by itself, but design to spread very easily, and lower your immune system so something else fucks you up.
Now picture this, what if the white hats released COVID cause it had to happen, but stop the next release which would have kill 90% of the population of allowed out when COVID was rampant.
So let COVID out, let it spread, people become naturally immune, and then all of the sudden the next virus won't be as bad.
That's my conspiracy at least, but the first part is fact.
I would tell them to go find the information. It's out there, they just have to look.
It's the lack of understanding that got us here in the first place. I can't just tell you, I need you to figure it out on your own, or else nothing changes.
I'll tell you this much, retail investors are not making money of short squeezes, and the ones who do, most likely aren't donating.
Hedge funds are the one stealing all the money, and then donating to politicians that will turn a blind eye.
Just ignore her, she doesn't deserve attention