Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, so we are talking about some kind of extra dimensional travel. That is exactly what I was talking about.

Just because I believe there is a God does not mean I believe in religion. Religion is just a box that has been created to control the idea of God. If God is real as I believe and Jesus is the son of God I have no choice but to believe there is a way to instantly travel from one point to another.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is just false reasoning. More empty space does not equal more chances of there being other life forms. Plus at some point the vastness of space would mean it no longer matters if there is life out there. There would be no way to make contact. Unless there was some sort of extra dimensional travel. Then we are right back to Haven and Hell.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are not questioning if there is other life. We are only questioning where that life is coming from. I am not sure where you are getting the "mental gymnastics" from. Q has NEVER said there was life in "other space".

There is no way that "Consider the vastness of space" could logically lead to a greater likelyhood of finding life out there.

Q drop 4739 is not vague. https://qagg.news/?q=%23%234739&q2=

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/20/2020 13:29:37 ID: e4ee64 8kun/qresearch: 10722036 Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.

Greatheart 1 point ago +2 / -1

Q was saying we are not alone. If you believe in God you already know that.

Q also said consider the vastness of space. The vastness of space does not make it more likely that we would find other life forms. It would make it less likely.

It would be like trying to find an individual drop of water in a bucket. Add vastness to that and it would be like trying to find an individual drop of water in the oceans and all bodies of water. All the while not knowing if that drop of water even existed

On the other hand there could be interdimensional beings. Interdimensional could be right here but on a different "frequency".Which would agree with the bible. (Heaven and hell) Since Q has repeatedly refered to God and the bible I believe interdimensional is a valid assumption

Greatheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

It could be that the Georgia case has fallen apart so they need to redo the NY case to keep President Trump tied up.

Greatheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't know if they ever said it was Russian disinformation. They did say it was the same as Russian disinformation. They stated it differently but claimed it is like Russian disinformation. I of course could be wrong but that is what I remembered

Greatheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the only way for this to be real is for Saudi to have secured military protection from someplace else. Becase of the Petrodollar Saudi is protected by the US military. That is not something they can just throw away.

Greatheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is the definition of the end times. Not the end of the earth which God created and is good. But the end of the world (world system), the end of the age.

Greatheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is not about going to jail.

These people that are worried pushed vaccines, they lied, they cheated. People died. You don't get a pass by just going to jail for mass murder. Others commited treason. Still others started wars for their profit. They can run and hide anywhere they want in the world. It will not matter. By the time this is over NO country will protect them

Greatheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

Banks also would not accept checks from other banks even bank checks. The banks would take the check but you would have to wait until the checks cleared. They would take a week or two to clear. Maybe even longer. Banks would not trust other banks.

Greatheart 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you have a mortgage and a savings account the bank keeps your savings account and sells your mortgage to another bank. You still have to pay the mortgage even though they took your money. That's why I worked so hard to pay off my mortgage

Greatheart 7 points ago +7 / -0

It was impossible for David to lose. He saw the truth. The rest of the army bought into the lie that Goliath was all powerful. That army trusted in the lie and they lived in fear. Davis knew that Goliath was like andre the giant. He could easily be defeated by long range

Greatheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would not be suprised to find out that some of these companies are given no choice. Display the stuff or face crap from the Justice Dept. Or some other government enity. That crap they face would have "nothing" to do with pride month.

Greatheart 3 points ago +4 / -1

Food for thought. If God was in control his son would have not died on a cross... When we don't know the whole story we have no clue what can and cannot hapoen

Greatheart 13 points ago +13 / -0

Okay, Let me explain this first. Before he got the shot his wife was warned that because of his heart problems he was at very high risk of getting covid and dying. She was told he should get the shot as soon as it was available. After he died the pharmacist insisted that his wife should have made sure that the shot was appropriate for his condition. That pissed me off almost more than anything else that happened. They basically were saying it was my friends and his wife's fault for taking the shots. ... Of course it was their fault but not for the reason the pharmacist stated. Not only that but the pharmacist should have known before the shot was administered. At the time the pressure to get the shots was off the charts. People were afraid to be anywhere near my family and I when they found out we were not vaccinated. I still can't understand why people believe any vaccines work but when they are vaccinated they are afraid to be near anyone who it not vaccinated. Schools demand everyone be vaccinated to protect everyone else. Where is the logic there? If you are vaccinated you should be safe no matter what anyone else does. The propaganda is so strong that we refuse to even consider logic.

Greatheart 12 points ago +12 / -0

I talked about it here when it happened. I was with him on the Saturday before. I did not know he was getting the shot that Monday. He got the shot Monday afternoon and he died Tuesday around noon. I talked to his friends about it. A few said they were not going to get any more shots. A few others have avoided me since then but I would rather be the "bad guy" if that in any way caused them to consider not getting the shots.

Greatheart 18 points ago +18 / -0

My friend died within 24 hours of getting his second shot. Started having heart problems within 1/2 hour after the shot. So of course he was unjabbed.

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