GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a November Red Wave, no exceptions... To be successful, everyone must play their part.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The blood moon will eclipse at 4:16 AM CST, the morning of the election. It should be low in the Western sky, and just like a movie, the moon will set just as the eclipse is over.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry you are tired of crumbs and desire the movie to end. Perhaps a rest will do. But the movie plays on without you. Understand that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming... Nothing.

GreenRoar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Great... You will break even in only 195 years. Sorry, my math is wrong. You will have to purchase another $25K battery every ten years plus the actual cost of electricity to charge it. Never mind, you will never break even.

GreenRoar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump, through Q, told us that there is a plan, also that the end would not please everyone. We were admonished to guard our home turf and be peaceable, let the plan work. Patriots hope that the plan works, hence Hopium. We hope because the alternative is a very bloody civil war with mass casualties on both sides. So, swallow your doubts for a time and try peace first...

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

A story not being told "anywhere?" Up to us to spread the word. If this was true, anons would be all over it citing source documents.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Post 4881 There is 'Q'. 1 There are 'Anons'. 2 There is no 'Qanon'. 3 Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Elon Musk may be a white hat or black, a very good guy or bad. But, his efforts to rid Twitter of its bots and censorship help the cause of Patriots. So, right now that is sufficient.

GreenRoar 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've spent many days expecting 45 to sweep in to save the day and make everything right. It has taken time for me to see that was never the plan. The plan is a slow-motion exposure and destruction of the deep state players. So, stay tuned. The movie is not yet done...

GreenRoar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Operation started the 19th and ends today...

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Break me? I think not. The only bit of demoralization that I have encountered lately are "anons" saying nothing is happening.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not all are knowingly injecting poison. They either believe the CDC guidelines or, like my doctor, following the guidelines are a condition for continued employment at their hospital or clinic. My doctor tells me that certain injections are available and I refuse them. As long as he does not try to force me to comply, we can work together. People have to get used to the fact that decisions about their health is in their hands, not the doctor. In the final analysis, it is the CDC & NIH people who pushed these guidelines and need to be held accountable.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK pedes... While these videos seem to look authentic, I have doubts. In the first video, IzzyThayer, it seems to be from a security camera, the angle is very high up. However at the 15 second mark, what is the finger on the right side of the camera? Security cameras are not held in a person's hand. A hand-held phone camera is...

by Saltsky
GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This year's Florida gubernatorial candidates are already set. My rule of thumb is never vote for a Democrat politician, NO MATTER WHAT. Because of so much disinformation going around, I take articles like this with a grain of salt and wait for further conformation. But, if DeSantis show himself untrustworthy over time, vote him out during the next gubernatorial Primary. That's when Republican candidates are chosen.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Evidently, artificial moons to help light up the night skies is a thing...


GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Civilians may be tried in military courts if under martial law. " Can military law apply to civilians? The short answer is yes, but only under special circumstances. These special circumstances include the declaration of martial law, coverage of civilians employed by the armed forces, and specific provisions of the law of war, otherwise known as the International Humanitarian Law (IHL)."

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Non-compliance is the way forward... then sue the pants off of schools that attempt to enforce it.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +2 / -1

As full disclosure... I have never been/will never be on Telegram. But evidently, Gregg's team has been targeted through Telegram and he thinks that others could be targeted for physical violence. In the end, it up to each individual to ascertain if this information is credible.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

The woman pictured is of Hillary Clinton about the time she went to Yale. If the inclusion was intentional, perhaps she should have been pictured first...

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you spend your money to buy a company, feel free to change it any way that you wish.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reparations??? You will have to stand in line behind Native Americans and former slaves... My opinion, we as a people allowed the Cabal to take over while the masses were more worried about football scores than world events. So forget about getting money back. Go forward and build a country that we can ALL be proud of.

GreenRoar 7 points ago +7 / -0

According to the Dem talking points, Ukrainian forces are taking back all of the ground that Russia has taken ( or was given.) In reality the Ukrainian forces have lost massive numbers of soldiers and equipment fighting in the east, while Putin is sending thousands of troops to Belarus presumably staging for a full scale push into Kiev while, at the same time, giving notices to Russian friendly counties to get their personnel out of the Ukraine. Yes, the situation there is very serious.

GreenRoar 14 points ago +14 / -0

Both references, Starfish Prime and Salvatore Pais, are referrences to an Electro-magnetic Pulse (EMP). Prime was the first high level nuclear explosion which created an EMP. Such a device exploded over say, the United States would knock out electronic devices line-of-sight effectively send is back to the 50's overnight. Salvatore Pais has a patent, US10135366B2. It is a power source with an interesting side effect, EMP. Would it be possible to create a portable EMP device? Point and shoot....

GreenRoar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very smart explanation... The large number of different variances in the plan are too numerous for a human to effectively analyze. When attempting such a feat, my head hurts and I feel exhausted. But, isn't that what "Project Looking Glass, Looking Forward in Order to Look Back" was all about. It analyzed the plan and found that all variances lead to the same outcome. WE WIN. Believe it or not, it won't matter at the end.

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