I think they are the parasitic fibers from "Kill La Kill" called "life fibers".
Maybe her defense could be claiming different cultural norms. The elites have a very different lifestyle than the peasants below them.
It's ok because Democrats have different cultural norms!
Maybe liberals can call what Bill Clinton did authorized rape of the noble class.
It sounds like when I paid the lawn guy to plant a hedge of bushes for me only for him to weed wacker it down the next week!
It sounds like vaccines are being implemented correctly as stated by Bill Gates. Taking this vaccine is just opting into being pare of population control. Everyone has had their fair warning.
It seems like terrorists have taken over and are producing propaganda against many of the citizens of the USA
I think I heard something about a very low calorie diet and intermittent fasting but I can't quite remember.
The left thinks whites are better with technology and standardized texting because of racism and they think men are more beautiful than women because of the patriarchy.
I don't understand why anyone would believe Durham is doing anything without any evidence of such.
It's funny that liberals are constantly reminding themselves that the earth is round. Lol
I thought this was common sense. Just watch, listen, maybe get the word out a little and enjoy the show!
They can be freedom tattoos. I wonder if Israel will convince their citizens to board freedom train cars.
I don't eat GMO if I can help it and I wouldn't even want to have a child with someone who has taken the vaccine.
Maybe coca-cola wants their white employees to show up in black face. Hmmm
I was thinking this is me but with a frame of Kermit with Icicles hanging off his nose and eyebrows.
It wouldn't be like voting matters anyway since they are using dominion voting machines. But hopefully forced injection isn't part of the plan.
I never answer the door unless I'm expecting someone and I look outside first. Opening a door is like an invitation to enter the house for police.
When the police are told to round up people for the train ride to the camp they can just tell people they are following orders.
I live a few miles from a coal plant and everything is shutdown. This is a deliberate attack against the citizens of Texas orchestrated by the Government they are shutting down much more than 20 percent of households we don't live anywhere near windmills. This is just a test to see how people react and what they can get away with.
This is a green energy change emergency. We changed to a inferior energy source and are paying the price.
I wonder if nazi's were wearing red armbands telling everyone else they were doing this for them and they should be respected for it.
Don't dump Twitter. Get your account deleted by saying the truth.
Some people think altering their DNA could be a decent idea. They will let a corporation decide what protein their cells will make.
Even if every Christian in the US are tortured becomes a martyr God will still win and the enemy will be the one to ultimately pay the price in the end.