GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Problem with this line of thinking is that almost every single person making a post like this is doing so through a globalist internet run internet/cell service. They also almost inevitably paid for that service as well as most things using Federal Reserve notes, participating in a globalist fraud. Why doesn't anyone get to call you out as some sell out going along with the flow? Well those things are different because it would be really hard to function without them right? Exactly. We can all do better, but let's also remember our glass houses.

GrizWallerOGV 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know that's my entire point. People are acting like the big problem with forcing people to take it is that it isn't FDA approved. This implies it wouldn't be so bad or would even be okay if it were approved.

GrizWallerOGV 22 points ago +22 / -0

"Stop with the small petty theft. We're working on large scale societal theft.".

GrizWallerOGV 4 points ago +4 / -0

The entire point of communism is that it is not sharing, but forced redistribution. Not complex logic here.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

This kind of thinking is driven by ego. It is a lot more satisfying to the ego to believe you're the only one smart enough to figure this out and everyone else is an idiot. Admitting we have the numbers needed and many if not most know what's up, doesn't feed that ego so much.

GrizWallerOGV 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never going to into Nashua for anything going forward.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stop letting them get into your head. They want them but know they can't make it happen on the ground. The only way they possibly could is if they got the bulk of us to accept that as inevitable and become apathetic.

GrizWallerOGV 18 points ago +18 / -0

There's too many ways in and out of the White House that wouldn't be visible to the public as is. I'm doubtful that's the reason.

GrizWallerOGV 2 points ago +2 / -0

If an enemy has superior enough weapons and firepower, let alone numbers... Surrounding them might be the dumbest possible move you can make. And they're making it with us.

GrizWallerOGV 14 points ago +14 / -0

I just calmly tell them I've listened to the doctors on both sides and gone with the ones making the most compelling and substantive argument. If they try to tell me to trust the science or the professionals I calmly explain that there are scientists and doctors on both sides and I am simply siding with the ones making more sense. When they push you on why you chose the side you, tell them first it's the argument they're making. But THEN, push their lefty buttons. Tell them when you've got every major billionaire run corporation, bank, politician, etc frantically pushing you to get one that's a big red flag. They know that fits perfectly into their "eat the rich" LARP and it drives them crazy knowing corrupt established money and power is on their side. You have to hold strong and let them get emotional.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

If all of simply made a commitment to shift more than half of our spending over to independent/local/ethical businesses it would break down this system overnight and force the giants to adapt.

by BQnita
GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you accept it as your future and go around telling people it will be theirs, you aren't warning them you're demoralizing them. If they can't convince us that they aren't trying to do these things, the next best thing they can get from us is to convince us they will succeed.

GrizWallerOGV 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is so much bigger than most realize. People who have sold out to the system often try really hard to convince themselves we're just playing follow the leader like they are. In their minds that puts us in even footing, and the only choice is which leader to follow. But when they see that we are truly acting as a movement regardless of leadership, that will mess a lot of them up psychologically.

GrizWallerOGV 6 points ago +7 / -1

We do this with everything. They say everyone is getting vaccinated we believe them. They tell us everyone loves socialism and we believe them. Sure the real numbers are probably very concerning but nowhere near as high as they're reporting.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +4 / -1

I have a job that pays well above my skill level and I'm ready to walk out the door if it comes to it.

GrizWallerOGV 0 points ago +2 / -2

It strikes me as a good tool for day to day use but not a good thing to count on for anything more than moderate amounts of wealth. I wouldn't bet your future on it, but I wouldn't miss out on some easy money when FIAT shits the bed.

GrizWallerOGV 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or are you being warned of where they will be headed if we don't change our course? Be careful where our heads are at. When the conclusion you get from a movie is "The cabal will succeed in implementing their plans.", you haven't been warned, you've been demoralized.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is why I didn't join when Trump won. Not gonna be a pin cushion.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

So then who controls what post office etc is meaningless then.

GrizWallerOGV 0 points ago +3 / -3

Quotes like this are why I'm not a fan of Ayn Rand. She had plenty of good ideas but does not seem to have had anything resembling a healthy moral compass. She seems to have promoted freedom, which is good, but for purely selfish reasons.

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