That's why they push it so hard on those with mental issues, the organs are worth top-dollar.
It's called survivorship bias.
The backgrounds of the texts are white, blue, red, which is Russian flag. Although it could be coincidence, I'm inclined to think not.
The literal translation is "rain makes the ground harden," it's a proverb that means "hardships make you stronger."
The FBI agent did testify, but it was not broadcast. Once the subject of the questioning got to the tail number, a federal government rep objected, and after arguments over the objection, the FBI agent was dismissed and the jury was told to disregard all of his testimony.
Executive suggestion
He's coming. He's coming. He's coming.
Degrees are for people with more dollars than sense.
It's "haafu" (ハーフ), and we usually only use that term for half-japanese, not mixed people in general.
For that, we'd say "nijinshu" (二人種).