HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keep in mind that the history of residential schools is not what you would read in the media. It's been repurposed for political gain. Counter points to the promoted narrative have been supressed and blame has been shifted where they wanted it. Not saying what they did with the schools was good, but unless you dive deep into it and read some counter points, you won't have a complete idea of what actually happened. I only have a cursory one as well, but enough of one to know that most of what they push about these schools in the news is a carefully crafted political narrative and it's all for political gain. If you want more detail, you can scroll to the wall of text above (a response to a previous comment on this thread) as I go more into what they lie about with respect to the residential school narrative and what they omit and downplay.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was still happening under the current PM's adopted father (Pierre Elliott Trudeau). But also, what you would read in the media about residential schools has a lot of omissions in it and lies. And it's also crafted in a way to make who they want to look bad look bad and down play the role of who they don't want to look bad. If you want more detail, you can scroll to the wall of text above (a response to a previous comment on this thread) as I go more into what they lie about with respect to the residential school narrative and what they omit and downplay.

HatePickingUserNames 16 points ago +17 / -1

Except that isn't even the whole history of these residential schools. It was the government who took the children away. They gave the children to various denominations, not just Catholics, this included Anglicans and other Protestant groups. Not all the schools were bad. There are some prominent native authors who publicly indicated that they had very good experiences in the schools. There were non-native families trying to get their children into some of these schools because some of them had very good reputations. A lot of the children were put into these schools because they were being neglected by their native parents. The reasons for that was because the Canadian government worked very hard to destroy the native communities and the weapon that worked best was inevitably free money. And then they make up the story of un-marked graves, which has been de-bunked by credible academics many times and yet they keep pushing it as if it's truth. For context, the unmarked graves are not based on even 1 body being found. They are based on ground penetrating radar which can identify that there is something there but it can't distinguish a human body from a rock or a tree root. If there were bodies, they would have dug them up by now.

I'm not going to go into more detail than this for the sake of brevity, but residential schools are a political mythos. They have their narrative crafted and they supress any counterpoints. They also use it to attack who they want to attack (primarily the Catholic Church and other religious groups) and conveniently minimize blame from the primary player (the Canadian government). The current Prime Minister's adopted father (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) was the Prime Minister while this program was still going on. Black Face Hitler (current Prime Minister) has never mentioned that while spreading his lies on residential schools (like the mass graves lie which he really promotes). The residential schools were likely not a good thing, but as it stands now, it's difficult to get an accurate picture of what they were given the lies that are being promoted around them and the credible counterpoints that are being supressed.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone that knew anything about this virus knew it was lab created. The only question is, why are they finally admitting it now?

Just in case anyone missed it (probably not on this forum), here is what points to this virus being bio-engineered:

  1. This virus binds to human cells better than any other animal cells. This is contrary to what you would expect if it jumped species. It would bind better to the species where it came from.
  2. This virus has never been found in nature.
  3. This virus has a genetic insert (not a mutation) that no virus closely related to it has. The insert makes it more contagious, something you might want to put in if you were engineering a virus. In nature, virus mutations are common, inserts are rare.

Here is the "EVIDENCE" for the virus being natural:

  1. Some people who have close ties to the Wuhan lab (Peter Daszak, the Bat Lady) claimed that because they have fancy titles and the media's backing, that the virus has to be natural.
  2. The lamestream media claimed that if the virus was genetically modified, there would be evidence in its genetic code. That was a straight lie. Even with 10 year old technology, we already had the ability essentially print viruses from just their genetic code with the result being indistinguishable from the source article. The legacy media really just preys on people's ignorance and trust.
  3. There is no 3rd point. They don't refute any claims related to the virus being man-made. Just say trust us (1) and lie (2).

Weigh the above evidence for yourselves. There was never any doubt by the people in the know about how this virus was created. You could argue whether it was in the Wuhan lab (likely as that lab was doing research specifically on corona viruses, but it could have been any lab) or whether it was released by accident or on purpose, but it was NOT natural.

HatePickingUserNames 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just so it's clear, students staying in Canada on Student Visas do NOT have the right to vote in Canada. At least not yet, legally. And they do check ids in Canada when voting. So where they added to the voter registry illegally (easy enough to check) or did they fraudulently vote under alternate papers? Something here would have to leave a paper trail and should be possible to prove.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

In their headline, they intentionally make it sound like a random plane crash that had nothing to do with the disaster is being linked to it. They don't mention that these 5 scientists were headed to Palestine, Ohio to investigate the incident when this happened. Something like that sounds a lot less crazy. Most normies and people in general only read article headlines.

In addition, they say it is aimed at:

...covering up the train derailment and chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio.

That's not what the "conspiracy theorists" are claiming. The claim is that they are trying to cover up the cause and result (environmental damage) of that chemical spill. That the spill happened cannot be covered up anymore. It's public knowledge even if the lamestream media will not cover it.

It looks like whoever wrote this article doesn't actually know anything about this train disaster or reality. Is he trying to deny that this train disaster happened at all? That would be even a more fringe a view than most leftists have taken (that it it did happen but all is well). Then again, these same people say that boys can be girls and vice versa, which is just as crazy

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

They don't need an hour. Elections are a month long process now. They can take as much time as they need. Soon, election turnout will be 210% of the countries voting population. And they will consider it a success of their get out and vote initiatives. When the dead start rising up to vote, I'd say that's a success although a suspicious one.

HatePickingUserNames 4 points ago +4 / -0

Canada's CCP funded Castro fathered black face leader enters the chat:

However, there is still a part of the population (that) is fiercely against it. They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space. This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?

Source (far from the only one, he said it in public): https://www.westernstandard.news/news/trudeau-calls-the-unvaccinated-racist-and-misogynistic-extremists/article_a3bacece-2e14-5b8c-bf37-eddd672205f3.html

Same country where:

Canada Puts Millions More Dollars into “Voluntary” Covid-19 Quarantine Camps

Source: https://expose-news.com/2021/12/08/canada-puts-millions-more-dollars-into-voluntary-covid-19-quarantine-camps/comment-page-1/

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

With the illegal contributions he made, the fraud part may have been legalised for him. We'll see if he ends up "killing himself" or not.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have been secretly laundering it to themselves as well. In some ways a lot of us don't even know about. Tons of money goes missing from the government's budget every year. This video goes into a bit of it:


HatePickingUserNames 7 points ago +8 / -1

Don't take away credit from the CCP. They helped.

HatePickingUserNames 9 points ago +9 / -0

Did she end up on Epstein's Island. With all the implausible things being confirmed these days, anything is possible. The more outrageous and crazy sounding something is, the more likely it is to occur these days, or at least it seems that was.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

Israel military are the only operators of those 2 technologies (Iron Dome and Iron Beam). If the US ever requested them, Israel might be willing to sell it to them (who knows for what price) but as of right now, they have not. The relationship is one way. I do agree that the US MIC benefits. US buys a lot of weapons from the US MIC and gives them to Israel.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dominion is not an organic Canadian Company. It's headquarters are located in the Soros building in Toronto. Soros is the guy who put in money to start it and pulls the strings. This guy being in charge only helps to confirm what Dominion actually is. He's not in charge of Dominion because he's competent. He's in charge because he's loyal to the communist cause (which is actually the WEF cause, whether this guy knows it or not).

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good point. Trains are definitely easier to derail than damaging a pipeline. And you can always blame it on the tracks. For a pipeline to fail catastrophically, you need to put in real effort. Most eco-terrorists are unable to do that. But they know how to derail trains.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Worth reading. It provides good insight into what they are doing today. Nothing they do is new, it's just recycled evil.

HatePickingUserNames 7 points ago +7 / -0

In Ukraine, I don't think it's just that. The US has a lot interests in Ukraine and the cabal has shown a willingness to burn Xiden. In fact, they're trying to replace him right now. The bio-labs are one interest they have. Entities outside of Ukraine have started buying up farmland there (likely WEF linked). Also, Ukraine appears to be a hot spot for human trafficking. And because of the poverty, the cabal has hired Ukrainians on the cheap in the past and sent them into Europe to protest on their behalf. We know about this because these activists have been intercepted at the border many times and sent back (prior to the Russo-Ukrainian war).

Also, Putin has lots of dirt on Xiden as well. I find it odd that he has not released it. Either he's saving it as a future contingency or doesn't think that getting Xiden removed from office would be useful to him. In that assessment, he is right. Xiden is weak. America's enemies are having a field day with him being apparently in charge. Although that is almost certainly by design.

HatePickingUserNames 8 points ago +8 / -0

This sounds suspiciously Soviet to me.

For those who don't know, falsifying the paperwork was a cornerstone of making communism appear to work in the Soviet Union. Also, if "The Party" declared something a certain way, it was a certain way. If you wanted to argue about it, you could do so with your fellow prisoners in the gulags as you starved to death. This is roughly how things would go:

  • So you say a toxic waste spilled killed your family and livestock? Wrong! The chemical that was spilled has now been declared non-toxic by the Soviet Commissar of Chemical Sciences. Your family and livestock died on their own. Now shut your mouth or you will get thrown into the gulags.

  • So you say the government mandated shot injured you? Wrong! The Soviet party has declared the shot 100% safe and effective. Your injury was caused by something else. Now shut your mouth or you will get thrown into the gulags.

HatePickingUserNames 18 points ago +18 / -0

Even if you go by the mainstream view, Isreal isn't a friend to the US. US throws tons of money at them for nothing in return. And then Isreal stabs the US in the back every chance it gets, by stealing US nuclear and military secrets.

If you go for the more in-depth (non MSM) view, it's even worse.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly this. They are where they are ordered and paid to be.

Also, bonus fact. A lot of the anti oil sands environmental groups in Canada (which oppose Canadian fossil fuels) were funded by Russia (not sure what happened after the Russia/Ukraine conflict but I would not be shocked if they are still allowed to fund them). The obvious motivation for Russia was that if Canada produced less fossil fuels, the gap in supply will allow Russia to make more money through higher crude prices and the ability to sell more oil. The benefit to the activists is that they make money. I'm not sure if they ever question why they are being funded by another major oil producer. It might be that they don't actually care about the environment they are supposedly so dedicated to protecting. Also, WEF/CCP run Canadian government was never bothered by this either. Did nothing about it and made sure the public was kept in the dark through their control of the legacy media. Technically, whenever one of these groups attacks a pipeline, it should be considered terrorism but it never has been. Just goes to show how corrupt the Canadian government is. It's only terrorism when they don't like the people doing it or they can use it to grab more power.

HatePickingUserNames 4 points ago +4 / -0

Political loyalty now takes precedence over competence just like it did in the Soviet Union. In fact, what other qualification do the cross dressers being put in these positions have other that they are willing to kill millions through their evil policies when told to without even blinking (The Pennsylvania's secretary of Health who is in the photo linked to this article did this and then failed upwards: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/pa-forced-nursing-homes-take-covid-patients-health-secretarys-mother). It's almost like they have no conscience.

HatePickingUserNames 46 points ago +46 / -0

I guess when they can't actually coerce a politician onto their pedo Islands, they need to create bogus charges to eliminate them. While you can never be sure, if a politician is being attacked by the lamestream media and the Isreali government, you can be somewhat sure they're probably on the right side.

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