HatePickingUserNames 11 points ago +11 / -0

How much pollution will need to be released to repair the damage they caused?

Nothing these activists do is ever about the environment. It's about drawing attention to themselves, something a misbehaving 4 year old would do but a normal young adult would not.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suspect that a lot of the people in the comments against the freedom truckers and the event are either bots, "journalists", Canadian Government employees or political operatives all paid for by the Liberal party of Canada. A lot of the Liberal voters in Canada are simply people who have no idea what is going on. Viva Frei ran for the PPC in a Montreal riding and when he was campaigning on the streets, there were a lot of Liberal voters who thought he might be a Liberal candidate because they didn't even seem to know the official colours of the Liberal party of Canada. There are also people who religiously follow and believe the media too so would hate the freedom truckers, however I don't see those people bothering to go on twitter to post comments.

Note that for the Oakville Canadian tire rally, there also seemed to be a flood of comments against that party especially from twitter links pointed to by mainstream media articles. However, it was telling that exactly 0 of the people commenting showed up to that event to counter-protest it. That is why I tend to think that a lot of these outraged responses are manufactured to gas-light us into thinking that there are a lot of Canadians that are strongly opposed to any anti-trudeau movement. The truth is, while a lot of Canadians do blindly follow and believe the media, most of them don't actually care about and are not offended by these anti-trudeau parties which is counter to what the people in charge of Canada want us to believe.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is another one being planned for Saturday, June 10th, 2023 in Cornwall Ontario. Here is a link to the details on a twitter account which seems to have some affiliation with this event:


I can't find a formal list of all future events. I had to browse twitter for a bit to find this one. It seems like the digital flyers for these events simply float around certain twitter threads. Not sure if it's on purpose to prevent the communists in power from being able easily find these events and try to shut them down or if it's because they are so new, there isn't any formal infrastructure for them online yet.

HatePickingUserNames 4 points ago +4 / -0

He must be politically connected to the ruling party. Setting up these fences and security guards had to have cost him some real money for something he could have otherwise ignored. I suspect the ruling party might be secretly covering the costs. Doing this just doesn't seem to be worth the effort unless someone in power somewhere is actually worried these Fuck Trudeau parties might start getting out of hand and is trying to put an end to them. And in the end, it still didn't work after all that money spent as the party just pivoted to the Home Depot parking lot.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

Except when it comes to the clot shot.

My body. Government's choice.

It's just a dumb slogan that actually makes no sense if you think about it, like a lot of leftist slogans. Intelligence and retrospective is not a strength of the brainwashed masses.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, if you look a the responses that are the most against the freedom trucker movement in this twitter thread, there seems to be something really artificial about a lot of them in my opinion. Like the weren't written by real people, but by a bot farm or political operative. It seems to me like they are working really hard to try to push this movement down. There were seemingly a lot of such responses to a previous event but in that case, not 1 of these activists showed up to that one to heckle or counter-protest that party and they weren't even able to get a response in that case (unlike this one where they were somehow able to get the parking lot closed).

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have to also consider the fact that a democrat who stops trusting the media will likely stop being a democrat and gets re-categorized as an independent or possibly republican. So this trend for democrats in the above graph may not be what it seems. It may be reflecting people leaving the democratic party and not so much regaining trust in the media.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

There were a few legacy media articles and twitter threads prior to this event complaining about it and claiming Canadian Tire didn't endorse it and implying that is might be canceled. See the following article and the twitter threads linked to it:


While some of the twitter threads linked to the above article seemed to have gotten a moderate amount of engagement, I suspect most of the accounts responding to the threads are bots or paid government intelligence operatives. They often use the same lines: "I shop at Canadian tire a lot and if they don't stop this event, I will not any longer." It's a common fill in the blanks type of line the left uses to pressure businesses they probably either never use or will never boycott if it's even a little inconvenient for them to do so.

Furthermore, what is interesting is that none of these keyboard warriors showed up in person to this event to counter-protest it. This is mainly what leads me to suspect that most of the twitter thread engagement is artificial. Those twitter threads are just trying to gaslighting the public into thinking that a lot of people like Trudeau and care enough to be vocal when he's being insulted. Except they don't care enough to get off their fat rear-ends and counter-protest something they claim they are so passionate about. The only reason I can think of for this is because they're either bots or paid shills and don't actually care. In fact, as far as I am aware, no one at all hassled anyone from the event, not any property owner nor anyone from Canadian tire. There were police there but they either kept their distance, sometimes patrolled the perimeter, and didn't engage anyone in any way.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

Devil's advocate here but: In most places, dumping illegal aliens (the non outer space kind) into a community would result in a significant spike in crime. However, in most areas of Chicago (and judging from the photos, in this one as well), we might be hard pressed to notice the difference. It would be like throwing fire starter onto an already burning campfire. A favorite line from some of my acquaintances from Chicago while the war in Iraq was still happening was that more people were killed on a weekly basis in Chicago than American soldiers in the in Iraq war zone. And things have only gotten worse in Chicago since. Former major beetle juice was definitely a part of that continued descent into criminal degeneracy but she was as much the symptom of it as she was the cause.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then he goes into the men's room and picks up a turd and starts playing with it. Not everyone may understand this somewhat obscures reference but I'd be curious as to how many people will get it.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's how a lot of surveys are. Either they are worded to get the result they want or they aren't really surveys but interactive methods to introduce people to propaganda. This one might be a little bit of both.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem with the digital currency is once enough people are using it, they will eliminate cash making it a lot more difficult for the hold-outs to keep functioning. We will need to start planning for that possibility. After they force all the normies to use their digital currency, they will use it to completely track everyone's financial transactions. This currency is like a communist's fever dream.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fox apparently sent legal notice to media matters to stop posting the clips. Likely because it was making Tucker look too good. Is media matters somehow working for us now? They can't possibly be so dumb as to believe that these innocuous clips make Tucker look bad in any way.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

In this specific case, the truth actually is that communism has a really good track record of reducing how much people eat. There were no fat people in communist countries, except for the communist party members who were as fat as any walmartian you can find on the internet today.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

We just need common sense SUV control. No one needs an SUV with over 200 hp and over 10 inches of ground clearance. All that is needed is to bring the power rating down to 50 hp and put in a government control chip to disable the car if it starts threatening civilians or the driver posts the wrong viewpoint on the internet.

HatePickingUserNames 11 points ago +11 / -0

We just need common sense car control. No one needs a car with 4 tires or over 80 horsepower.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just look at the French revolution. A lot of people think that it was similar to the American revolution but nothing could be further from the truth. The American revolution was about freedom and even then, there was a level of civility between both fighting sides. The French revolution on the other hand was about a bunch of Satanic psychos getting a blood bath to suit their sensibilities. In the end, the people did get wise and ended up killing those psychos mainly because they knew they would be next to be murdered if they didn't, but not before a lot of innocent people were brutally murdered for no good reason. The French revolution, historically, was a dry run for the Bolshevik revolution later on, which also had very strong satanic overtones. The amount of evil for the sake of evil in resent times is simply not adequately explained by flaws in human nature alone.

If you want to know how weird and insane the French revolution is, just remember that the French proudly celebrate Bastille day. However, the storming of Bastille is historically a joke. It was a fortress guarded by sub-standard troops due to low importance and there were only 7 prisoners in that castle, who had relatively comfortable conditions. One of the prisoners was brought in by his family because he was crazy and they couldn't take care of him anymore. None of those prisoners were political. Here is the relevant link and quote:


The seven prisoners in in residence that day were: four forgers, the Comte de Solanges (inside for ‘a sexual misdemeanour’) and two lunatics (one of them was an English or Irish man named Major Whyte who sported a waist-length beard and thought he was Julius Caesar). Marquis de Sade was transferred from the prison only ten days earlier. Prisoners in the rue Saint-Antoine after release from the Bastille on the 14th July 1789. One hundred lives were lost in the attack, including that of the governor, whose head was carried through Paris on a pike. The prison guard were a contingent of invalides – soldiers invalided out of regular service – and conditions were fairly comfortable for most inmates, with relaxed visiting hours and furnished lodgings.

Bastille day has communist vibes in my opinion because it's celebrating an embarrassing moment in history for the French revolution. It's something any normal organization would try to hide but something communists might celebrate just so they can show they have the power and propaganda to get people celebrating something really stupid and pretend it's something profound. Something no one in their right mind would ever celebrate on their own which shows it is them making people do it and not a spontaneous occurrence. They are celebrating the storming of an effectively un-guarded insane asylum with no political prisoners, only 7 prisoners total, and of no strategic value. The value is purely symbolic, which is something that communist also like.

HatePickingUserNames 4 points ago +4 / -0

Canada, after passing an insane Internet censorship bill is considering banning Fox news. How dumb these Marxist regulator are. They don't realise that Fox News is just controlled opposition and banning it will have no effect on the right wing movement. It shows you how these communists think though. They assume everyone is brainwashed by some propaganda machine and can't understand that someone who can think critically is not dependent on any individual source of information for their world view, especially not Fox news .

Here is an article referencing this: https://tnc.news/2023/05/04/crtc-fox-news/

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are they finally openly saying that drag queens and satanic rituals are essentially the same thing and interchangeable? Most of use know this to be the case already.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

The 1940s song is a back and forth between 2 people. It's ironic that the so-called feminist girl boss types who think the song is problematic don't realize that the women is an active player in the situation described in the song as much as the man. However, they are not much for subtlety and logic. They are actually making that woman into some damsel in distress even as they claim they don't like that kind of stuff. If the woman in the song actually wanted to go home, she would say "Bye, see you next time. Off I go" and would have left, unless they don't think women can make decisions for themselves and act on them.

What is actually happening in the song is the woman is giving responses that make it seem like she is considering leaving without actually committing to leaving or leaving. She clearly does this because she likes the attention from the guy and wants to keep it coming. What the leftists actually don't like about the song is 2 fold:

  1. It describes a woman attracked to a man. They can't have that. All women need to be lesbians and hate men.

  2. It's not degenerate. If she had just slept with the dude and left, and maybe had an abortion afterwards, they would call it empowering. Because none of that happened, they are pissed.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

Worked out spectacularly well for Bud Light so why not try it for army recruitment. Both demographics are somewhat similar.

HatePickingUserNames 6 points ago +6 / -0

What I can confirm is that until May 11th of this year, legal visitors into the US are still required to be vaccinated. Permanent US residents and citizens are exempt as are illegal immigrants.

The enforcement of this is mixed. I know for a fact that at some land border crossings between the Canada and the US, they do ask about it and if you tell the that you are not vaccinated, they will send you back still. From what I heard, if you tell them you are vaccinated, they have no choice but to take your word for it as there are no more vaccine passports and no one carries proof for this stupidity anymore. I know that by air from Canada to the US, there is an electronic pre-check-in that asks the question (Are you COVID19 vaccinated?) for which if you answer yes, no follow-up proof is requested.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I wanted to write a book that screams I'm a narcissist without outright saying it, I might title it: Becoming <Insert Name>, This would be especially true if may only claim to fame was that I was the significant other to someone who has a claim to fame. Notice how it doesn't use its maiden name in the book title or at least omit its partner's last name, because no one would know who it is without the "Obama" there. Also, telling that the book is 20% off.

HatePickingUserNames 6 points ago +6 / -0

They have an exemption for citizens and legal non-citizen permanent residents likely because this insanity would never hold up if challenged in court. I was just writing in short form so didn't cover every category. You are correct, entering the US illegally results in exemptions form all the rules. This vaccine rule only applies for non-citizens visitors to the US trying to get in legally.

This might not be a small thing for some people outside the US. For example, if they have family in the US or if they met their significant other in the US, they would be barred from visiting them. Their US relative or significant other would have to visit them. That doesn't work great if the relative is elderly or dying. Also, if some people might need to travel for work and this requirement would negatively affect them. The deep state finds ways to attack sane people in any way they can.

HatePickingUserNames 13 points ago +13 / -0

I can't find confirmation of this. The CDC website does say that COVID vaccines are required to enter the US if you're not a citizen or immigrant, however, that is not new. The vaccine rules are expected to expire on May 11th. I have yet to see information on that getting extended. This may be CDC trying to gaslight the public. It's almost certain they do not have the power to do this.

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