HereForMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've got a bit of everything: stocks, crypto, and metals. Anything but fiat which is worth less and less by the minute.

HereForMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are people worth being in Gitmo 100%. But sadly there are people there too that got the same treatment many of the people from Jan 6th got.. meaning they have no formal charges but the government disappeared them and theyve been in limbo for years.

I'm inclined to think we're making space for those that should actually be there and perhaps this was one of those cases. Check out the book Ghost Plane which goes deep in detail about the process of rendition and lack of legal process surrounding much of it.

HereForMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Huh. Maybe that's why I keep getting pestered to update.

HereForMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks more like he was trying to figure out which angle Lukashanko was going to come in for the embrace. That awkward situation where your doing something ceremonial with all these cameras and you this other person are playing that dancing game of figuring out where to stand for all these assholes.

HereForMemes 0 points ago +2 / -2

This isn't a primarily "Christian" movement. There are people of all kinds of faiths and walks of life that frequent GAW. The great awakening has very little to do with whom you pray to or how it's just that the Christian element here on this site is particularly incessant about bringing religion into everything. Not necessarily a bad thing.. also not necessarily always a great thing. Like when you post something highly technical and get back scripture. When a question is asked and all you get is "Well its fine cause ya know God". Not exactly helpful. But it's largely ignored because this is a movement of freedom and free thought. Even when that logic isn't applied to others from the uber Chrstian fundamentalist crowd you often see here being rather vocal.

Why are there a portion of users hyper focused on Jews? Because at the end of the day we're all still humans and humans are always going to have a desire to point to a particular element and proclaim it the problem. Just like unfortunately group think is also a human tendency and alive here on GAW. Why don't we hear about the people of other faiths that follow our movement? Because not everyone is a Christian fundamentalist that defaults to muh Jesus for every response or feels the need to talk about their faith all the time when absolutely no one asked. Some people are Christian and still choose not to behave that way.

There are people here convinced that the great awakening will mean an entirely Christian world and it points to the fact that several of them have never considered the world and various cultures that make it up outside of America They have an extremely western view of everything and assume surely the rest of the world does too. It's childish and simple thinking but again no one ever says anything because there is no point in arguing with these people when 99% of the responses are emotional or relate back to arguments from a place of authority i.e their God says insert argument here.

HereForMemes 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kek. I've got a sister in law too who works for a university that loves them some Chinese dollars. Her and my wife's useless moron of a brother are the most epic npc fools I've ever met and I grew up on the west coast. They literally strong armed my wife's parents into the vax by saying they would never see them again if they didn't get it.

I haven't spoke to them once since it all went down.

HereForMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chocolate cream flavored are the lowest form of snack cake.

If that cream ain't white it ain't alright. I do fuck with the banana flavoring though.

HereForMemes 22 points ago +22 / -0

It's not just twitter it's social media as a whole.

HereForMemes 4 points ago +4 / -0

14000+ dead and not a single one of these bleeding heart shit libs cared or could even point to the country on a map until thier masters told them to

HereForMemes 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is probably the most accurate description of these people I've ever read and I will absolutely be stealing your intellectual property. Thanks dude.

HereForMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Look at me, look at me I'm super duper moral and amazing I don't do it for the applause but ..insert applause here"

HereForMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly it's just people. People project their bullshit on to other people. I know plenty of bat shit crazy on both sides. Look at congress for further clarification.

The quicker we ditch left vs right the quicker we can evolve as a species. Until we do will just continue to "nuh uhh" at each other and other one another like they want us to. But I'm just some asshole on the internet. 🤷‍♂️

HereForMemes 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is kind of why I don't think this would be the route they take. I dont think they "need to take" Kiev I think they effectively already have and were just waiting for the intermission to be over and the official "we did it". Russia has gone through with much care to make sure those essentials (water, sewer, electricity) are up and running and emp would just be massive overkill and destroy all that effort and the precious time invested meaningless. They could have just steamrolled the entire country but instead have been slow and methodical. This would be the exact opposite of that.

No one in western media has the slightest clue what the actual ground situation looks like over there. There isn't a youtube video that has any actual accuracy in troop movements or anything like that. Lots of guess work very little confirmation. I think they already have it. We just won't know about it until they are ready to show us.

by BQnita
HereForMemes 11 points ago +17 / -6

No one's voting. This is the biggest misconception- that any of us have actually been choosing any of our leadership. We get the ritual but it has no effect. They trade power back and forth on their own whims. This is why everyone always wanders how Cali keeps voting for these people - their not, leadership is chosen by people more elite then you or I. 2020 was the most obvious but it definitely wasn't the first or only election decided by upper management.

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