What an IDIOT!! Crimea can rest assured that it will NEVER be reabsorbed into the Ukraine shit storm.
Yikes. Well sounds to me like France made their bed. As the U S is with our border situation and entirely intentional to destroy!! This video is solid gold. If only people would heed it.
And mean-spirited he always was. Ego-tripping on what power he had.
He is a person who clears away the cobwebs. Psrceptive about reality and analyzes bogus narratives.
Please please PLEASE! Maybe we can still prevent what they have planned for us this year! Has no one else heard that the covid variant next to be released is sowcifically designed to be the one that terminates everyone who got 3 jabbs because they have no immunity to fight it with
Who gave him those orders!? Follow it on up!
I would never be able to believe Rudy had any part of any aspect of the evil that took place.
Too bad it's instagram but I don't know how else to find this
Pineal gland is removed plus adrenochrome is in the blood itself. Hence the blood consumption and the enhanced value of any source"meat" from the tortured and terrified. I was thinking of how the consensus is that all of this is part of a 6000 yr old death cult. And the US is the largest market on earth for the child trafficking. Why are we the only country allowing our policy makers to encourage health destroying additives in our food and drugs that contribute to our genocide. It is all the same thing: kill.
Gross but anyone who thinks especially male to female genital mutilation is fine should be aware of the incredible stench the new twat has and that the person has to sanitize and pluck internal hairs out of for the rest of their life. If they construct a V out of pubic skin and bowel tissue as is aften done, would you expect lily-freshness? People contemplating that surgery are not doing enough research. And trannies with a surgi-hole expect to convince straight males to poke that thing?
I only recognized 21 weaklings on this shitlist.
Putin loves animals. One more thing about him, to like
Prayers your courageous sister that she has the time of her life and returns home with a smile!
But... is he a gun grabber or not? Considering the murder of his father I can see why he'd be anti gun. But no matter how awesome he is (he's fantastic) if he's against us having guns I would never want him elected to a presidency.
Good point!
Yes doesn't it just figure that the scientists label as "junk DNA" the parts of being a human made in God's image that they just cannot fathom.
Alpha waves are the key to so much. Trying to get Jess Stearn's The Power of Alpha Thinking book, lost my old copy. It changed my life! What an eye opener!
I like David and no denying he is extremely insightful and gifted. I want to read his Archangel Michael books. There is something very significant that happens where AM is concerned. We need Warrior Angels. And we've got them, too. Hallelujah!
Go watch Gregg Braden's The God Code on utube. God put words in our dna!
I hear you, fren. Very familiar situation. Talk to Jesus. He is our partner in manifesting what we need.
Raping virgins is how they absorb the power of the pure child.
It's going to take a couple whistleblowers with videos of it. People who will be risking horrible deaths to get the info out. Brand new identities and wealth and safety and for their loved ones as well. It would be worth paying billions for