HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Garden of Heroes can have a wonderful tribute to Trump. I hope the Garden will be built someplace besides the East coast. Build it in a red state that needs and deserves the tourist dollars

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

2 years of uninterrupted labor with modern equipment ought to do it. On top of the time the engineers work on the planning. They should start now to iron out the logistics. But you know Trump will want to hire people! The only reason Mt. Rushmore took so long was because it was multiple subjects and the sculptor kept hitting financing snags, if I remember correctly. I'm from South Dakota and my house was 10 minites from Keystone where Rushmore is! That is so cool. I never thought that much of Rushmore before DJT and 2016!

HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amen, brother! Good man. Now if only he would wake up about Earth's normal cycles of temps and how essential carbon dioxide is for life in Earth!

HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

It seems a fairly small percentage of freemasons doing upper-tier evils. But Baal-worshippers have infiltrated absolutely everything. Demons are real. In spite of my sweet granddaddy being a mason and not one evil intention having been in him, his brother was his opposite and full of darkness. I'm wary. I trust 2 people in this world. Used to be three. Things change.

by Ehjax78
HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Becomes confirmed, I hope.

HighCountryAZ 10 points ago +10 / -0

Definitely. Very many suicidal transitioners who cannot "unmultilate" themselves. The issue of self-loathing needs addressing. Don't let kids grow up Godless and lost with no self-esteem.

HighCountryAZ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Being a masculine girl is ok! Her ways of thinking may be %-wise more like a guy than a girl. (Me too) but that fact does not mean you have to do anything to alter yourself to physically be more "male". I am so, so hetero. I may think like a guy and think girlie stuff is boring but I sure am not attracted to females. Tom Boy? So what? Never has negatively affected my life.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

But on another note, have you already heard at least this much re google and AI: The display of businesses, websites, other info links on google, will soon all be subordinate to the first item listed on each page, which will be, google's own internal AI-provided information about the general subject search term a viewer has entered. Is that clear as I have written it? Even if your website or press release used to be the first item on a results page in the past, that will never happen again; google AI info about your subject matter will show in number 1 position. Also, google's standards about the use of AI for the text parts of your websites: it is allowed but only if it was for your first draft compilations of info. They want the material to be re-written to become your own and have a "personal touch". The Google overlords have spoken. Remains to be seen just how biased their internal AI will be or how clever their manipulations of narratives.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +3 / -1

I always have gotten a kick out of Jessica Simpson ever since "Employee of the Month" which is just hysterical. But now she is skeletal and haunted looking like death warmed over and it really bothers me to have read yesterday that this Harley fuck is her "trainer". Trainer my ass! She is not long for this world at this rate, Intervention needed. That guy is a destroyer. She cannot even see herself clearly and what is happening. Her husband is useless!

HighCountryAZ 5 points ago +5 / -0

People debate, does art imitate life or is it the other way around? They use entertainment to "warn us" and if we don't make their plans impossible, even though we were duly warned, then they are absolved of karma FOR DOING THINGS TO DESTROY HUMANITY. Kinda like democrats. Life imitating art. Reality posing as fiction!I sound like I'm making fun of the theory but I am not. If you study what illuminati/Satanists believe, it is what we witness in films, books, msm, music. Images and words. Desensitization. When we get warnings and don't even notice......because we are numbed. This is how they get to our kids.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well actually Elon has Asberger's Syndrome which is on the spectrum. Said so himself. I'm a Conservative and I have my own spectrum suspicions. Oh wait... artistic... I'm artistic, not autistic.

HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hallelujah. Somebody spelled it out and did not get banned and their post deleted. I celebrate this day on GAW. I am astound relieved and happy this has been posted. Thank you AlbionFirst.

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