Dutton does not appear to be the answer, he is as weak as piss.
Offing Ambassador Rudd after the shit he said about POTUS is a no brainer but they best he could say was ' I will review his position'.
POTUS knows what Rudd said it tells him all he needs to know about Albanese being a weak globalist POS. Dutton appears the same. Notice that no one in the POTUS inner circles has given a shit about the Chinese war ships cir-cum navigating our coast and conducting live firing exercises? They are sending a message to Albanese, you are on your own.
POTUS will not talk to Albanese.
They have made their own bed, let them lie in it. USA needs to get its troops out ASAP as they will try a false flag to bring you in.
I know wonder whether the stories re Churchill knowing the Japs were going to attack Pearl Harbor are true. Wouldn't put anything past Europe.
Was so obvious this was the ploy, force them to act. No one wants a major US presence in the Mid East. Not even Israel.
Probably funded by USAID, or should I say was.........................
I wonder how it is funded????
More here, well I just found out Australia is part of this; fuck me!
Ukraine is corrupt to the core, it might get a little better but they never will not be on the take in some form or the other.
Correction 'Buttman'.
Was that shit on again?
Ok, type fast, that is all.
The truly sad part is these were once Vikings, some of the toughest bastards to roam the earth and now this???
Yeah, the old American isolation policy must be looking very appealing to the USA.
Some articles said that senior republicans were viewing the files before they were released. Was just a line in a few articles.
Trump has backed the EU and Britain into a corner. He can now walk away and they are left holding the can.
Didn't some senior republicans get to see more of the Epstein files?
She is saying contents will make you sick.
Delay is re protecting the victims, not the perps.
If he gets sent to the big house he can just reprise his role from Philadelphia story.
Its a disease all over the Western world.
Dads home and he's pissed.
John O Brennan and Vindeman are prime targets methinks. I don't think Trump will let him target Biden as think they will just seek to confirm he was not competent and use that to unwind some of the shit he did.
WOW, the left will really be freaking out now!
President Trump is coming for them big time.
No mercy, crush them.
Not so fucking tough now is he?
Soros Snr does not care about much but that would cut him to the bone if his son was arrested.
Sometime you just got to get nasty and go for the jugular.
As my wife said, we have had to liberate France twice; fuck that!