The HOA won't let him :D
But, but, how am I to know if side effects include headache, nausea, diarrhea, joint pain, stiffness, paralyzation, stroke or death? Ask your doctor if *******zi is right for you!
or lessen the sentence if they go state's evidence against the big guy (RICO)
wAtChInG a ViDeO doesn't make it true. It makes no Sense. I'll comment when I want.
What would the JFK files have anything to do with Alex Jones? Why is Alex Jones on Bannon weekly? Is Bannon also an Israeli agent? Misinformation is necessary. AJ has been pushing against the globalists/Soros agenda since I found him in 2011, and probably before. Think. Stop reacting.
Had a guy at work trying to divided 22 machines by 3 people. I said "7, 7 & 8". He said "You're good at the maths!"
" A night that welcomes all women, regardless of gender identity. A night that provides a healing, comfortable space for those who need a female-only phallus-free environment."
You cannot have both by their definitions.
"It's Ma'am!"
Remind the Doomers that, Disinformation is necessary. That is all.
LOL, I remember this commercial.
This one makes sense as they're changing their natural hormone balance. HOWEVER. This is not a purpose of the federal government which is enumerated in the Constitution. If Berkeley wants to study this, have at it, not my business. NYU, not my business. No tax dollars for this.
The one thing I wanted was arrests during the speech. Oh well. Marines scooping up traitors like Schiff. Didn't happen. Other than that it was a nice rally, needed some Village People songs.
probably on his 12th booster
We probably lease the land from them, so let them occupy the buildings and they can pay the lease - they've fully depreciated by now anyway.
I don't get it, but whack that peepee!
How about arrests during the speech? Wouldn't that be cool?
"I've invited the Commandant of the Marine Corps and elements of the 1st Division - The beautiful 1st Division."
"Senator Schiff, you're under arrest!"
Beijing is Peking. I don't care about their renaming agenda.
I dont care about his correct spelling - I use -ski cuz I'm American. It's like the damn pronouns and other crap. Moslem is what I use. What is a Muslim; I don't know. Zelenski can use whatever he wants in his own country, but I wont. It's Ki-ev, not Kyiv. Fuck him.
true that. last call adds a +5 every time.
we need a beer scale. I'd say 8 beers. we'll call that an alabama 8.
Queue is the word for which you were looking.
that's a twist. yes, if that didn't happen, none of this would have, perhaps.