Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hilarious! How did he know that back in the day? He couldn't be more spot-on.

Hope4Gaiarestored -4 points ago +1 / -5

That's not Melania. That's an actress. Melania is a hard person to impersonate - she is very unique.

That's the fake Trump as well.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great message! Yess! we are turning towards the light. God bless us all!

Hope4Gaiarestored 5 points ago +5 / -0

Robert Malone is not mad at Trump and has a supremely busy life. He would have to have a twin to take on any more work. I get his newsletter and he is a wonder, speaking all over the world and running a farm plus raising horses at the same time.

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

The corruption is so blatant!

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm getting overdone with Musk already. Basically he wants us all to get brain chips and then go to Mars. Those are not my ambitions!

Hope4Gaiarestored 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for all your work. It made it clear to me that the whole thing is a scam to make money for Indians - and perhaps others. And of course Vivek and Musk are all for it. Perhaps that's how they got in.

I'm really noticing how many Indians who are here are running for some form of office. I guess we Americans are too damn lazy to do all the minor, local gov things so they jump in.

I don't think that people who just got here should be involved in changing our way of life until they have lived it for a while.

Hope4Gaiarestored 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would like to see her in jail. She deserves it.

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to tell you how happy it makes me to see the WEF guy in that suit!

But it's way too clean! It will look better after he's been roughed up a bit on the daily exercise hour when everyone takes turns letting him know what they think.

The sheer audacity of that worm-blob telling us all that we will live the life he gives us and BE HAPPY! Bang, splat, bazoom, squish - enjoy those apples!

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

Long gone. You can't hang people twice.

Hope4Gaiarestored 1 point ago +1 / -0

Especially since their birthrate is so high - plus polygamy.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not enough information! If it was a communication cable it surely wouldn't be erupting like that.

Hope4Gaiarestored 4 points ago +4 / -0

Elon is a businessman to a T.

A country is not just a big business. It's a group of people who have a lot in common and want to get along with one another.

Capitalism - exploiting people and nature to get all the resources from the earth and make them into products to sell to other people.

When that is the main objective to life we all go into debt to buy stuff we don't need and end up poor again.

Trump and Elon are too money focused IMHO. What if the criteria of a successful government was happy, hard-working, creative people who help each other out. I'd vote for that.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understood years ago that the SES was actually paid for and chosen by England. Just like the post office! and that all our taxes go straight to England.

I forgot where I read that but it was several years ago that it came out.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is a cokehead looking to make all the money he can before this is over. Nothing else to understand. I heard he has applied for asylum at 8 different europe counties so far and been denied at all of them.

Hope4Gaiarestored -4 points ago +1 / -5

He sounds like the zionists - they have to take over other countries to protect their stolen country.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read somewhere yesterday that the Supreme Court had finally acknowledged that Trump has been CIC since the crooked 2020 election.

So everything Wicked Joe has done has been overturned.

Why are we worrying about what he is doing?? Someone is pulling our chain.

Hope4Gaiarestored 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many of us did. Trump didn't get the message.

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