HotSnakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone who is offended by Ye or wants him to shut up is a total 100% cocksmoking FAGGOT!

HotSnakes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, what do you mean by LIFT? Help me understand why this isn’t something to worry about.

HotSnakes 1 point ago +3 / -2

This guy wore a Halloween costume which has Baphomet on it with an inverted cross on its forehead. By the way, IT’S STILL HIS TWITTER PROFILE PICTURE! This man is a grifter and a liar. You think he launched a Tesla into space? Give your head a shake. They have to show us who they are. Revelation of the Method. Elon is telling you quite obviously he is The Devil’s Champion…still.

HotSnakes 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ya. I’m afraid you may be right. We might have a short lived zombie apocalypse though. Or we will be forced by order of law to donate blood. Hypotheticals of course.

HotSnakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok. Please help. Every time I bring this “conspiracy” up I get shot down with “oh stop it, Michelle Obama is a woman.” So I guess I’m looking for more proof. Is there more than listed (complete with frequent counter points)? If so please inform me. Thank you.

  • Joan (which was delivered in a jokey way)
  • Dancing on Ellen (might have been clothing seam)
  • the kids aren’t theirs (that’s obvious)
  • the size of body (how tall? Weight?)
  • mannish face (shaved Adam’s apple?)
  • pic of Michael, Obama, and Gates (is this photoshopped?)
  • who discovered Michael Robinson story?
  • they worship a tranny God

What else am I missing?

HotSnakes 0 points ago +2 / -2

What about the first man who entered the stratosphere?

Auguste Picard Reports Earth View as Disk from 9.9 miles up (51,775 ft)!

"Through portholes the observers saw the earth through copper colored then bluish, haze. It seemed a flat disk with upturned edge." (“Ten Miles High in an Air-Tight Ball.” Popular Science Magazine, pg 23 Aug. 1931).

HotSnakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is NOT the real Trump. This guy speaks Spanish.

HotSnakes 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not in the least. I just know the mods like to keep it focused. Too many theories about the past or deep globalist secrets (ie Flat Earth, lizard people etc) gets people banned.

HotSnakes 16 points ago +17 / -1

From experience, try not to call people retarded and a faggot. They still have hate speech rules.

HotSnakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent analysis fren.

by 369Q
HotSnakes 2 points ago +4 / -2

Does ocean water bend around a toroid like it apparently can around a globe?

HotSnakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

IN SUMMARY: •18 Scientists worldwide tested ingredients of 2305 vials of covid-19 injections

•ZERO biological material founds such as mRNA, spike protein subunits, pseudovirus, etc

•4 main ingredients found in all the 2305 vials from across the world

•Polymers and hydrogels are used as nanoantennas as they have magnetic properties and can self-crystallize into nanostructures. The hydrogel was also found on the PCR swabs in copious quantities under close examination through a microscope.

•Reduced graphene oxide is a stable compound that is highly magnetic, thermodynamic, and has a positive piezoelectric charge to it. It is stable and does not disintegrate into smaller particles in the body. Can't be easily flushed out of the body. Because of its positive magnetic and electric charge, it literally short-circuits the insides of the human body causing massive inflammation and degeneration of tissues.

Graphene is known to get attracted to the negatively charged organs, blood vessels, and nervous system and completely damage the electrical activity of the body. Hence, we're seeing a whopping increase in myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, clots, heart attacks, and seizures. Everyone mistook this for spike proteins that don’t exist.

•Synthetic lipid nanoparticles such as PEG (Polyethylene Glycol) and SM 102 are highly inflammatory substances for the body, sometimes causing the body to go into anaphylactic shock. They are highly carcinogenic and cancer-causing substances.

•Heavy metal particulates such as tungsten, chromium, iron, sodium, strontium, magnesium, gold, silver, lead, antimony, aluminum, tin, and many others. They get deposited in fat tissues and cause repeated irritation and inflammation to the body leading to disease and degeneration of the body.

•The same deadly ingredients were found in the flu injections

•The injections have 35 different variations in toxicity levels. This is why some people die within weeks to months of being injected, while others look fine temporarily without any OVERT symptoms of toxicity.

•No saline solutions were found in the samples tested.

HotSnakes 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was on the fence about getting the vaccine but seeing Stephen Colbert sing and dance with cartoon needles made me want to be apart of the “vax-scene”. I’m cool and smart. You need to smarten up, anti-vaxxers.

-Retarded Know-it-All Lib

HotSnakes 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. Focus. Eyes on the prize people.

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