Howdyhowdyhowdy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I work in a food distribution warehouse. Out of about 150 employees, 45 called out yesterday

Howdyhowdyhowdy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right, these "professional intellectual" types have been some of the biggest contributors to our current situation. They always show up right when people have doubts about the system, manipulating people to stay within the status quo even when it's against their self interest.

These people usually are also not as smart as they think they are, they just understand rhetoric and use that against the commoner. Evil stuff

Howdyhowdyhowdy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lololol. I know how to solve this, let's all go buy diesel generators to fuel our electric cars!

Howdyhowdyhowdy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think he's complaining about MAGA here. It's a warning to all his liberal buddies

Howdyhowdyhowdy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nassim taleb is an author who covers the topic of becoming 'antifragile'. I think it's even the name of one of his books. It's an interesting concept you might want to check out.

Howdyhowdyhowdy 8 points ago +8 / -0

Good on them for being able to admit that out loud. Now if only more people could do the same!

Howdyhowdyhowdy 1 point ago +1 / -0

These people make me so confused. If you're THAT worried all the time, nearly 2 years into this, wouldn't you just want to get it and die? What's the point of living of you're going to be that paranoid every second of the day.

Howdyhowdyhowdy 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lol, do people actually do this? Setting PBs to x22?

Howdyhowdyhowdy 27 points ago +27 / -0

Reminder, globalist Jaques ellul said that the easiest people to manipulate are not the dummies/proles, it's the midwits. The people who are smart enough to read all the articles but not really smart enough to be able to see through the propaganda for themselves. Using kaczynski's term, these people are over socialized and are literally enslaved to the status quo's dogma. They cannot let themselves challenge the status quo out of fear of being labeled as low class/blue collar/ignorant/"uneducated"/a "low education voter", on and on...

I wish there was a way we could meme this opinion so midwits could be exposed to it.

Howdyhowdyhowdy 3 points ago +3 / -0

A related topic- was Nixon gotten rid of bc there were some things that he wouldn't do? I'm not saying he was good per se, but was he not playing ball with the cabal to some degree? Or was Watergate just a case of crooks messing with other crooks?

Looking back at Nixon, lots of the things he did seemed somewhat decent.

Howdyhowdyhowdy 10 points ago +10 / -0

This dragging out of events allows us to be

-getting out of debt -storing up cash to buy goods for pennies on the dollar during the crisis -stocking up on food -buying more metals -buying commodity stocks -buying guns, ammo

Assuming something eventually does go down, well prepared anons will make a killing where others are getting killed.

Howdyhowdyhowdy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed. We had these same conversations about guys like Milo when he came around. Look how that turned out. Wasn't Milo pretty much openly admitting that he was working w the feds at some point?

Even if brand had a genuine change of heart he could always turn back. We have so many good people on our side that we don't need to give some guy like this our attention simply because he used to be famous

Howdyhowdyhowdy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea, maybe subtlety is ok w some things online, but in person it may just be best to let it rip. No more walking on eggshells 24/7, just open up with lizard people/demon stuff and put people on the defensive.

"What do you think about political issue x, anon?

"I think humanity is fighting a spiritual war with the forces of evil, and if you can't see that by now then you're at best a complete zombie devoid of humanity and at worst you're actively supporting demons. I don't care about talking about small political topics if we aren't on the same page about the demon stuff"

Something like that I think is how I'm going to open for now on :)

Howdyhowdyhowdy 16 points ago +16 / -0

Thank God I work with a bunch of blue collar degenerates in a warehouse. The company already can't get enough people to show up as is, let alone show up sober, let alone show up sober and triple vaxxed.

I've gotten zero vaccine pressure from my job.

Howdyhowdyhowdy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jay dyer did a good book review of Salk's book, survival of the wisest. In the book salk mentions the idea of using vaccines to sterilize certain 'difficult' groups of people.

Salk was very much a globalist who talked about getting making to accept a new age of science

by Quelle
Howdyhowdyhowdy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen this reporter a couple of times. She seems like a real psycho. She's barely holding it together

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