I bought at 11.95. But GME at 250 and AMC at 40. So........
Buy silver. That’s a sure bet.
Sounds like he needs to get into trouble. People don’t stop doing stupid shit until they have experienced enough pain or until the Lord demands it.
Call the police and report it stolen with a drunk driver behind the wheel.
I’ve noticed 3 places I shop now have signs saying cash gets a 3 % discount. Imagine owning 3% of every transaction as precession get fee. It’s like another tax. Use cash when you can. Always.
And DWAC up today.
Big Mike looks big.
This seems right. To me it sounded like helicopters. Glad you made it out safely.
Rumble only works for me on occasion. It plays the pre video ad, then stops. Hope they fix that.
There was a great interview by John B Wells about this. A mother’s teenage son got into a car wreck and they used him for organ harvest. It was all really shady.
We have had chickens for years. Every few Year’s raccoons and foxes will get a few. They keep coming back for more chickens until you trap them. Snakes go for the eggs, don’t really mess with the chickens and once the snakes see you they stop coming in the coop. We had two huge ones a few months back. Scared them off.
They don’t require anything but water if you have property to let them roam for bugs and seeds. The eggs are better with natural grazing than chick feed. Well, yes, they do require a coop. They put themselves up at dusk. Then you close the door so raccoons don’t get them. They come mostly at night.
And a dewormer every few months or they get explosive diarrhea which is a real mess in and around the coop.
Had that happen to my neighbor as well. Once they were weaned we took them to the Walmart parking lot with a box labeled “free puppies” and they were gone in 30 minutes.
Twelve evil disciples? I can see that.
That was Posobeic.
Papadopilis is the dude they tried to nab coming back into the country with bribe money which he left behind because he smelled a rat.
He DOES however, reek of smarmy liar. He comes off as someone who got drunk and slept with a honey pot and took a bribe then changed his mind. In his interview with Dan Bongino he doesn’t seem like he’s telling the whole truth.
But he probably does know more shit that you or I. He was in the middle of it.
Yes. You are right. Price is sorta fixed. The premiums are the inflation.
Once demand hits a certain level players in the market WILL demand physical.
This is a good idea. Take all your money out and buy physical silver. Start trading for goods locally.
Fuck ‘em.
I bought GROY, too. Hedging my bets.
I would normally admonish you for using a cheap Chinese knock off but hell, they are all prolly made in China.
Give us the Good/Evil ratio if you know it.
Gold will destroy fed.
I can see using a crypto like bitcoin for secure transactions but backed by gold. You have the bitcoin tied to the price of gold that you can actually see or acquire.
None of this fractional bullshit.
That was really great! Thanks!
Which “Fake News” institution did you get this from?
Is Putin also gassing innocent Women and children? Is he taking babies from incubators? Is there a Sandy hook child getting saved over and over?
Unless we have a reputable journalist there we really don’t know what is actually happening.