Hunter_Slaptop 7 points ago +8 / -1

Chicks without dicks!

Hunter_Slaptop 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's possible, but highly unusual for a president to pardon someone before conviction. It would result in an optics catastrophe for the entire democrat party. Pardoning Hunter for treason would be tough without self-incrimination for old Joe as well.

If a quick pardon for all perceived crimes were that easy. They would have done it already.

As far as old fuckface Joe goes, pardoning himself is another matter altogether. Technically possible but it's never been tried and would certainly result in a SCOTUS ruling, probably an unfavorable one.

Hunter_Slaptop 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hunter has to be handled very delicately. He knows enough to bury A LOT of people and not just his family members. He can currently exist with legal protection from the DOJ and eventually, a pardon from his dad when more convictions inevitably come down the line. However, all of that is predicated on Joe staying in office another term.

If those protections and guarantees are removed. What kind of damage would Hunter be willing to do to save himself? His potential testimony is a major factor that most people don't seem to consider.

If I were Hunter I would be terrified, and I would use my knowledge to leverage myself into every meeting that I could. If only to save my own ass.

Hunter is a bomb vest strapped to the Biden administration. He has to be handled with care.

Hunter_Slaptop 6 points ago +6 / -0

Star Wars is a massively overrated fantasy drama.

Hunter_Slaptop 4 points ago +4 / -0

The need to replace Biden is obvious from the demonrats perspective, but I don't understand WHY they've waited so long to make the switch. What is the advantage to waiting until the last minute?

My understanding is that the money raised for Biden's run would not be available to the replacement. So what's the strategy here?

Unless of course, this is just a show and JB can't quit.

Hunter_Slaptop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not vaccinated, but your melted brain can't help but conflate that into everything for some reason. Pray on it for guidance.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe you should practice what you preach and "read your fucking bible".

Brush up on reading comprehension while you're at it.

Hunter_Slaptop 3 points ago +3 / -0

So you'll participate in BS wars overseas and kill at the behest of a corrupt government? Then you are damned.

But when the real enemy is revealed, you're satisfied with sermonizing strangers on the internet? Then you are a coward.

I'm a vet too (assuming that you're not full of shit, 50/50 on that one), and I've done far more than I care to discuss with holier-than-thou losers online.

The only thing laughable here is you.

Cower indeed.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +3 / -1

There are no shortage of dead believers. Pray that there are those willing to fight while you cower.

Hunter_Slaptop 5 points ago +5 / -0

Avoid reddit and your brain will thank you.

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