Hunter_Slaptop 10 points ago +10 / -0

Nick Pickles is one hell of a name. Sounds like he should be a NASCAR driver.

Hunter_Slaptop 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's not just video games and anime, but any media that has relevancy in the public zeitgeist. Activists working in the space see any medium with popularity as a vehicle to further their own ideology first and foremost, while innovation, novelty and creativity all take a back seat. The MESSAGE is the priority.

The tide is definitely turning though. Woke movies, shows and games are all finally getting the treatment they deserve. Most recently with the Concord video game failure, but there are plenty of recent examples across all media.

Video games and anime are most certainly another front to the ongoing culture war and they should be treated as such. Why certain users (boomers) on this board feel like it's necessary to shit all over games is beyond me, but with every thread on the topic there is a least one person virtue-signaling about their distaste of games, claiming more productive uses of time (while doom-scrolling and watching food network for 6hrs a day no doubt). For whatever reason, they seem proud of their ignorance in these areas, and are compelled to weigh-in on topics they know nothing about.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's literally his job. Like it or not he's a multi-millionaire because of it.

I still have to go to work despite the alarming events happening all over the world, can you understand that?

Hunter_Slaptop 7 points ago +7 / -0

We're facebook now evidently.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

So in your view, the prisoners who have been released in Venezuela to be sent here to America should be welcomed with open arms as travelers?

"Both the founding fathers and Jesus attacked the leaders, not the people."

Uh there's 40,000 or so dead soldiers who would probably argue otherwise.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah all that made sense, but it isn't what you wrote.

Do you know what "literally" means? Do you know what a quote is?

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Referring to the illegal migrants as "travellers" reveals your "hidden agenda" and is right out of the MSM playbook. The cracks in your gaslighting are starting to show, you need to work on that.

The founding fathers of this country were criminals too according to their governments, and violence against that very government was the only solution.

Also, citing Jesus is another weak method to manipulate by appealing to an opponents morals. Not falling for that trap, try harder.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Again, editing Q posts to suit your argument is disingenuous.


Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who stabbed the three dead school children? Who is committing the violence?

They do not seek assimilation, they seek domination.

Violent crime skyrockets in regions where this mass-migration has been occurring, are you suggesting they be absolved of these crimes because they are merely a symptom of the elites nefarious goals?

Hunter_Slaptop 3 points ago +4 / -1

Removing the context of the post in a feeble attempt to support your cuckoldry is weak and disingenuous.

The British culture, like ours here in the USA, faces annihilation if the flood of third-world migrants is not stopped.

Search "immigration" in the Q posts a read-up on how and why elites are purposely incentivizing illegal immigration.


Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was not "literally the word of Trump". It wasn't even coherent.

If it was a quote, cite the source.

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